A Spiritual Revolution

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How to Make New Year’s Resolutions STICK

Ubud in Bali

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS... will they work, or will they fail???

A new year is coming up, plans for changes, new year's resolutions, aims to better ourselves, aims to make our life more enjoyable, healthier, more productive...

And from past experience, most of us know that changes we make for January 1st, with much hope, are nearly always finished by February 1st, and the old ways are returned to.


Because we forgot to change our mindset.

In snowbound countries when the snow comes down they put chains on the wheels to handle the different driving conditions, and the cars easily handle the more difficult terrain.

Not saying we should put chains around our mind!

But... unless we first change our outlook, our mindset, the 'filter' through we perceive the world out there, we are almost doomed to failure in sustaining our changes.

I don't mean we suddenly need to 'be positive', and 'be kind', because we all know that anyway, yet we also know we can't JUST DO IT.

I mean, perhaps, to decide for yourself an objective in your life for TODAY. And, interestingly, when you wake up the next morning you've found yourself in yet another TODAY. And it's the same discovery every time you wake up.

So it turns out that life is actually a WHOLE BUNCH OF SUCCESSIVE TODAYS.

Our mindsets, especially western mindsets, are usually fixed on the future and the past, hardly ever on today. Yet, today is the only place you can ever find life as it is happening now.

So, it makes sense to have an objective for TODAY, which in fact means it's your objective FOREVER. Mine is to be as healthy and happy as possible, and to then make decisions in life that support, or don't hinder, this objective. In this way our mindset helps us make difficult decisions.

With that new mindset consciously chosen by you, and put into your mind and heart, NOW you have a great chance of making changes, new habits, new approaches actually work forever, because TODAY is FOREVER...

To sum up:

New mindset based on what you want for TODAY >>
make the changes you want to make >>
get rewards very quickly >>
motivation sustained >>
changes go past February 1st >>
and soon these changes are now your new habits.

Job done, a better you, a NEW YOU even, and guess what? Suddenly the world looks a whole lot better too...

Meaning the world out there is not fixed, it's as you see it through your own mind's filters of perception...

Putting that another way, the world is not a beautiful or fearful place, the world is simply the world. Whether it is beautiful or to be feared is UP TO YOUR OWN MIND AND OUTLOOK.

In other words, the world reflects your perception of it. And we human beings have been endowed with the incredible ability to change our perception, should we so choose to do so.

This means WE CAN change the world, just change our mindset! And then, of course, when it looks better, we become more creative and more productive, we feel greater energy, more vitality, greater clarity, and life looks and feels much more harmonious.

Go for it, good friend, let's make 2023 OUR year, and put all those psychos, ideologues, miserable control freaks and dacoits out to pasture. If we view them as irrelevant they ARE irrelevant.

Not before time.

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