Do You Consume Wisely?
Have you stopped to consciously think what and how you feed your body and mind? Have you considered the link between what you consume from the world and what you produce back into the world? How well do you take care of your body and mind?
I think such questions are essential to each human being who wishes to live with energy, vitality and clarity of mind. Let’s look into it.
If you put it in your mouth you're consuming it.
If you put it on your skin you're consuming it.
If you inhale it you're consuming it.
If you read or listen to it you're consuming it.
If you are observing it you are consuming it.
If you inject it into your body you're consuming it.
And if you are remembering it you are reconsuming it.
And everything you consume you have to process: you digest, absorb, store, and create energy from it, and excrete the waste. Your body consumes, your mind consumes.
Food, water, air, medicines, oils, creams, soaps, shampoos, and information from other people. The environment. This is your intimate connection with the world beyond your skin, and your skin is the interface between 'out there' and 'in here'.
It's worth repeating: you are a skin-covered organism which is intricately interconnected with everything outside of you. You take from the world out there, and you put back into the world out there. This is your life.
If it's toxic you increase the workload for your organs (including your brain/mind) whose job it is to keep you alive and functioning. Your organs represent your ‘engine’.
If it's nutritious and easily digestible and creates vitality and clarity, you are taking optimal care of your organs which can then take optimal care of your skin-covered entity.
Your organs represent your ‘engine’, and what you consume is used as fuel for your engine.
Practically speaking, what goes into you from the outside, and how you digest it, determines the relative wellness or sickness you experience, and underscores your journey of life and your destiny.
As a human being, you were endowed by the creator and by the universe to choose, to make decisions, based on using the intelligence the creator gave you.
Most people mostly consume a toxic diet of food, medicine and information.
Corporate-made food: toxic and injurious to your cellular health
Corporate-made drinks: toxic and injurious to your cellular health
Corporate-made medicines: toxic and injurious to your cellular health
Corporate messaging via tv, news, media: injurious to your cellular health
The corporation that exists purely to make profit, with no social responsibility to the sanctity of life, is literally an abomination of our humanness and humanity.
When your cells are attacked by toxic choices of consumption, overburdening your organs, your mind and body perform poorly, and your energetics are negative. Life is perverted, and you seek pleasure to make up for the lack of joy, happiness, peace, clarity, vitality and exuberance of energy. And where pleasure is sought, addictions thrive, and pain and emotional suffering comes too.
And with pain comes an impulse to cause pain back out there.
And a depletion of energy.
The ‘situation’ of 2020 is not the cause of any problems for us all, it is the symptom of humanity's relationship with the corporation and corporate mindset. It is telling us to stop perverting our intelligence and inner beauty. We have reaped what we sowed previously, probably over decades, centuries even. It is telling us to think carefully about our habits of consumption.
Human life, human essence, human love, human freedom is all shot to pieces by this corporate mindset and all their 'foods', 'medicines', 'creams' and ‘news’. Consuming their stuff makes us a fraction of who we could be, and we struggle with our health and find happiness and freedom to be elusive.
To transform oneself out of this slow suicide pact, it is simply necessary ONLY TO BE AWARE OF THE ABOVE.
Because, out of AWARENESS you have choice. If we are not aware, we don’t know our choices. And why would you choose to deliberately poison your body and mind?
Out of awareness you have consciousness, and you see and understand how you are intimately connected to everything out there beyond your skin, whether it’s in your home space, in your home town, in your nation, in your continent, in the world, in the solar system, in our galaxy, and in the whole universe.
What you put into you and onto you determines your experience of life and the energetics you carry. Awareness of this chases our conditioned ignorance right out of town.
It's an epigenetic, interconnected world, and you are human so you have a choice. Once you are aware of this choice, you will know what to do, and won't need anybody to 'inform' you. Awareness, and self-awareness, is YOUR solution to YOUR life.
However, as we are interconnected we can learn from each other and grow together, if we have an open mind and heart, that is. So, from my own awareness and experience in transforming my own intake:
to the extent and degree that you consume the muck listed above, stop consuming it, and keep a 'food and feelings' diary each day, and within two weeks you will almost certainly notice big differences to your mood and your body's flexibility. You will have written down and logged all your input and your inner feelings from the input, so the evidence will be unarguable!
Make it your mission in 2023 to stop allowing the corporate world, the corporate mindset (ravenous locusts), and the corporate 'products' to enter your skin-covered entity. It is the ruination of our sacrosanct life.
Your health will dramatically improve. And the healing of humankind will continue.
And we will together make irrelevant the psychopaths, their political puppets, the ideological control freaks and bringers of misery, and the dacoits who feed upon us all. Don't be their food! Get your food from higher energy sources and get that higher energy inside you, and reject the toxic energy from the locust corporate entity.
You are what you consume. Choose wisely!