The ‘Learning is Liberating’ Blog

insightful independent inspiring

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Who are you? How does your mind work? How does life work? How can we be healthy and happy?

In my blog I explore life through the spiritual lens to offer unique perspectives on spirituality, geopolitics, education and holistic health.

In the pursuit of understanding we liberate ourselves from emotional pain, mental stress, and spiritual emptiness.

Philip Keay Philip Keay

Become Empowered, Enabled & Encouraged

I have noticed in recent times the metaphor ‘elephant in the room’ gaining increasing usage. It means the problem we will not face up to, the problem we flee from, the problem we pretend does not exist.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Understanding your Emotional Suffering

Understanding something is our liberation from any negative effects it may previously have had on us. Fear, hatred, intolerance, resentment, guilt and shame are born from ignorance: an ignorance of who we are, how our mind and body work, how life works, and how it all comes together.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

How to do A Spiritual Revolution #1

Steps 1-5: Situation Analysis >> Needs Analysis >> Build your Foundation >> Acquire Essential Toolkit of Skills, Knowledge, and Self-Belief >> Reflect and Repeat forevermore!

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

A Spiritual Revolution is Our Solution

The System devours us all, including those who protect and promote it. The System perfectly symbolises a swarm of locusts: its greed and feeding frenzy kills all its members. Complete stupidity is its downfall.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Health and Wellness: Phil’s Detox Diet Diary #1

Tune into and keep track of my 5-week ‘detox’ journey! What am I eating? What else am I doing as part of my protocol? How am I feeling? What foundations have I already put in place? How can YOU put much more health and wellness into YOUR OWN life? Why should you listen to me?

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

We Must Learn to Think for Ourselves!

It takes intention, courage and determination to break free of our programming, but this is the prerequisite for enjoying our life with meaning, health and happiness, and for not damaging our planet or other people by our programmed actions and words which we barely can see or hear.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

From Alienation to Love

I look at this symbol of pure wisdom and marvel at how the whole world and the way it works is encapsulated in this single, iconic symbol. It's truly amazing! It teaches us how to understand life…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Communism or Love? Take Your Pick

At the end of the day, we choose communism or we choose love. Ideology takes you to the first, nature to the second. So, choose to live in a tiny ideological box moulded by the education and media controllers, or choose to live in the WHOLE UNIVERSE, as was intended for us human beings…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

My Introduction to Natural Healing: Wow!

On the 31st of October, at 5pm, I turned up at the Ayurveda Centre for my appointment. Revelations galore were about to unleash themselves upon me. First thing I noticed was a lovely tropical garden, and upon entering the reception area I sensed a serene vibration to the place.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Transforming the Education System is Humankind’s #1 Urgent Task

Only by overhauling our whole approach to education will we stand a chance of escaping from the darkness, division and disconnect which has descended over our human family in these troubling times of transition, trials and tribulations. Education has devastated us, and only a new kind can help us.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Are Religion, God and Spirituality Good? Yes!

For me spirituality is like a one-man, one-woman religion, where living spiritually means living holistically and with the daily objective of living in harmony: in harmony within myself, with you, and with the whole web of life.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

A Geopolitical, Cultural and Human Analysis of Our Times

In mythology, the monster reigned supreme with its cruelty, wanton violence, and all its destructive acts against the people, always killing many. It was relentless and it was despotic. It was too big for the people to pull down. But…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Self-Inquiry is THE Solution to all our Troubles

'They' tell us we are only one person, too small to make any difference to the world. I say, "This is absurd, of course one person can make a difference, how on earth can HALF a person change the world?".

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Health and Wellness? Who Wants That!

The inner voice within us hates the whole idea of wellness, and tells us to stay well clear of such fun-destroying nonsense. I know, it was in me once, and I've seen it in so many other people. Let me tell you my tale...

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

I am Human, I Can…

I can... see with my eyes, hear with my ears, smell with my nose, feel with my hands, taste with my tongue, dance with my feet, sing with my voice, create with my hands… but…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

The Precise Reason Why Human Beings are in Conflict

The conflict going on in our world today - between each other, between communities and nations - is happening because of the conflict going on within each of us. This understanding leads to the solution for you, and for humankind.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

How to Improve Your Life RIGHT NOW

Here is my 3-step path of action to dramatically improve your world, because... really, there's no doubt about it whatsoever, humanity is in dire need of a bit of love for itself; we are suffering, badly. Enough! No more!

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