A Spiritual Revolution: The Solution to Humanity’s Calamity

Today’s society is yesterday’s classroom, today’s classroom is tomorrow’s society.

When you discover the joy of learning you discover the joy of living.

My Vision is that all children get a life-affirmative education, meaning it is emotionally supportive and cognitively challenging. It is engaging and interactive, it encourages, enables and empowers them to be the best person they can be, and it becomes a lifelong activity.

My Mission is to educate the educators! I am bringing my unique brand of Task-Based Learning to the adult world. Until the adults have mastered the skills of learning, listening and communicating themselves, how can they possibly motivate and inspire children to enjoy learning?

spectacled langurs thailand

Family of Spectacled Langurs, Thailand

My Vision

Humanity is unwell, unhappy, and has fallen out of love with life. We are lost and disconnected. We need a new, proper education.

My vision is for the healing of humankind. We humans will take charge of our own health, our own life, and our own destiny.

We will do so by learning and mastering key life skills, cultivating self-knowledge, and acquiring self-confidence. This is our toolkit for self-healing and self-growth.

A life-enhancing and motivating skills-based education, founded upon developing students’ independent learning skills, is the only solution for each and every one of us.

Sadly, nothing of the sort is to be found in the school system. It’s why we need a new kind of education, and why we need healing.

To be healthy and happy - it’s what we all want - is to be living in harmony within our self, with others, and with the whole web of life. To be living in harmony requires us to become an informed, integrated, interconnected, intelligent individual.

There are no short-cuts, no magic pills, no gurus, no quick fixes, no saviours, no spiritual woo-woo that will deliver you a healthy and happy life. These are just attractive illusions.

The stark message is that you have to do the hard yards yourself. The good news, however, is that there is help at hand! I am on a mission >>

On the highway of life, FNQ, Australia

My Mission

The school systems deliver a crushing blow to our spirit, disconnecting us from our human essence, and from each other.

My mission is to radically alter the adults’ whole relationship with, understanding of, and ability in, the activity of LEARNING.

Discover the joy of learning and you discover the joy of living; master the skill of learning and you master the skill of living. Your human essence bounces back!

But 99% of people have no idea what this joy feels like because the version of ‘learning’ we endured for 12 years at school is not learning. It is memorising, and complying with external authority. It’s an abomination against the sanctity of humanity.

It’s why our human world today is in chaos, with devastating consequences affecting us all.

Real learning is easily recognised when one is experiencing it, for it brings you FREEDOM: it is Fun, Rewarding, Engaging, Empowering, Dynamic, Organic, and Moral.

This is the learning experience all my students get. In the About page, you can read what they say about learning with me in their own words.

I’m now bringing my Empowering, Pioneering, Inspirational and Communicative (EPIC) Infinity Education out of the university classroom and into the world classroom. You are at the HQ of this Learning Empire right now!

Pai, Northern Thailand

My Message

No more to this demotivating, demoralising, disempowering imposter version of learning in the schools. It’s time for a proper education.

My message is that all the stress, struggles and strife we experience in life have their root causes in this anti-human schooling.

It’s a terrible double whammy: it fails to teach us crucial human skills and vital knowledge of self, and therefore it means we become stuck, unable to solve our numerous problems.

The solution, the only possible way out of this human disaster, is a proper education. It can only be an education which cultivates in the students the joy and mastery of learning, communicating and self-inquiry.

BUT… the adults, the parents, the educators, cannot provide this to the children until they themselves have learned how to learn and communicate. My Infinity Education is the perfect solution for all adults.

Humanity needs a direct intervention in one decisive generation, to break free of this intergenerational vicious cycle of anti-human anti-education that entraps and enslaves us all.

Our current hysterical times provide the crisis, from which, historically speaking, unique opportunities arise. ‘Out of the ashes the Phoenix will arise’.

Dear Reader, I invite you to join me in an epic adventure of learning and liberation!! Be the pioneering Phoenix, be free as a bird!

buddhist wisdom

Infinity Education: Lifelong Learning and Conscious Living

Infinity Education is all about learning. The only ‘teaching’ that Infinity Educators engage in, is making learning happen. Learning only happens when it’s MOTIVATING: if you are doing, reading or listening to something that is boring or irrelevant to you, you will give up. Don’t expect others to not do the same, especially children!! Real learning is enjoyable, useful, rewarding.

When the focus is on learning, rather than on teaching, it’s a total game changer in the classroom and for society. Now, the whole purpose of education has shifted, and is to provide a motivational learning experience for the learners, be they children or adults.

Infinity Education uses the student-centred Task Based Learning approach. The learning experience is driven and guided by tasks and activities. Multiple successes are achieved, and many skills practised, leading to high levels of self-esteem and self-worth.

Instead of demanding compliance with external authority that claims to know best, the educator (parent, teacher, coach, leader) creates a learning environment which allows students to develop their skills, gain self-knowledge, and become filled with self-confidence and self-belief, thereby allowing their inner authority to develop and flourish. We go from being repressed to irrepressible!

At this point, Dear Reader, reread my first quote at the top of this page, and take a few minutes to reflect on things, as they are, and as you would like them to be.


A Spiritual Revolution: Becoming YOU and Becoming Balanced

A Spiritual Revolution is the result of engaging in Infinity Education. ASR is learning about, activating and cultivating one’s INNER AUTHORITY. In practical terms, this means learning how to take charge of your own life, health and destiny. You empower yourself and transform your life experience. Instead of dying with your potential untapped, you manifest it and live an optimal life. Nice eh?!

It is our very human essence, and our birthright, to evolve into integrated, interconnected, intelligent individuals, which will bring our body mind and soul entity into its optimised state of health, harmony and happiness. We learn that we are all our own individual self, with our own unique talents, needs and life experiences, but that at the same time we are, psychologically and spiritually, interconnected and at one with each other. The lesson is profound: if I hurt you, I hurt myself; if I help you, I help myself.

That A Spiritual Revolution is needed is because our school systems suppress our inner authority. Instead, they focus on creating a homogenous, one-size-fits-all mould for all children to fit into, and then as adults to defer and conform to the central external authority for what to do, what to think, and how to be. This is anti-human, anti-life, anti-freedom. It steals our childhood and stuffs up our adulthood. Nobody wins. The system devours us all. ASR is our route out of this nonsense, and into liberating ourselves.

Don’t miss out on anything!

I am fully dedicated to my mission towards the healing of humankind - by promoting the joy and rewards of real learning, and by empowering adults with independent learning skills - until at least 2025. I would like to see tens of thousands of adults and youth become Lifelong Learners, Spiritual Revolutionaries and Infinity Educators.

Why not climb aboard and ride the wave with me?! Become an early pioneer! Can you say ‘no’ to regular doses of entertaining, educational and empowering content?! Just fill in your name and best email address in the box to the right.

My free content will be this website, my blogs, my upcoming weekly newsletter, my photography and my videography. Get my blogs and videos sent straight to your inbox.

My content to help me earn a crust, and to continue with my mission to bring proper education to all humans, will be my ebooks, books, and online learning courses and materials. You can read about my first book here, or buy it here.

If you like my writing be sure to never miss my sunshine!

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