“Philip is a phenomenal teacher of human language, behavior and psychology.” ~ Michael Guenza, USA

Published 2022

Philip Keay Transformational Educator & Leader

Conscious Learning Heart-Centred Living Holistic Health

“Philip far exceeded any expectation I had of what a good teacher should be. He asked deep questions which planted the seeds of continued self-development in his students.”
~ Oliver Dilly, England

“Philip is undoubtedly one of the best teachers I have ever had. He has his unique ways to involve his students and get authentic opinions out of them, promoting a peer learning experience.”
~ Bonny Toufic, USA

“His wisdom, professionalism, calming spirit, gentle sense of humor, wealth of experience, and respect for human dignity have shaped me as a learner and as a university faculty member.”
~ Dr Oliver S. Crocco, Louisiana State University, USA


Philip’s first book, published in 2021. The full guide to mastering holistic health and self-growth through guided self-inquiry. Full of practical tasks to guide you in your journey.

A mini-ebook on a hard-hitting expose of our school systems, and the pathway for human beings to heal themselves, and humankind.

Educational Ethos

Self-empowerment for adults through self-education.

“When you discover the joy of learning you discover the joy of living; when you master the skill of learning you master the skill of living.”

“Today’s society is yesterday’s classroom, todays classroom is tomorrow’s society.”


Podcasts and Videos

It means learning how to learn by unlearning and then relearning. It means you healing you. It means you learning to take charge of your own life, health and destiny.

Philip facilitates the process as a learner-centred educator who trains and inspires adults in the skills, knowledge and mindset needed to evolve and flourish in our life, a foundation that our schooling suppressed from us.

(Which is the reason for so much self-doubt, and even self-sabotage, in nearly all of us!)

I’m guesting on the Pirate Living Podcast show here, talking about education, learning, schooling, and how they impact on humans and our societies, damaging all of us.

I was invited by two amazing ladies who run this Audaciousness Podcast show to talk about my audacious life. Learn how control ruins freedom!

How to Develop Your Inner Authority with Practical Meditation. Includes awareness-raising tasks for you to do.

From a library of over 100 videos on my YouTube Channel

They say “you can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink.” It’s not true.

You can lead a horse to water, and you can make it thirsty along the way.
You can get the horse to happily drink the water.
You can teach the horse to continue drinking the water without any more need of you.

Yes, you can change others for the better. The message that you can't is a false and deeply disempowering message. But… there is a caveat: you will need to do it all yourself first.

Join the Learning Revolution now!

'Unleash Your Spirit' 

Transform your 2024 with Philip's Weekly Letter of Interactive Learning 
Published every Monday

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52 weekly Letters sent automatically to your inbox, challenging you during 2024 to empower yourself and transform your life step by step, week by week.

For the back catalogue click on the Letters tab at the top of this page.

Self Growth is lifelong education for adults

Philip: Student-Centred Educator of Adults, Teacher Trainer, Spiritual Mentor, Author

“Philip was a great teacher, and one of my main teachers for my MA TESOL. Not only was he thorough and paid the utmost attention to detail, but I remember him especially as being a superb role model for us to follow.”
~ Samantha Burman, Thailand

For 12 years at Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Philip achieved exceptional outcomes in training 400+ post-graduate teachers and trainee teachers to master the skills of:

  • motivational learning and teaching

  • compassionate and courageous leadership

  • spoken and written communication

  • and how to document, research, and evolve in their own teaching practice.

The key to his success in the classroom lies in creating a learning and social environment which cultivates group harmony and intrinsically motivated individuals, who feel inspired to produce their best - both for themselves and their classmates.

Philip operates from the principle that education should be student-centred, life-enhancing, self-empowering and fun. The learning experience in Philip’s classrooms is emotionally supportive, yet cognitively challenging.

His students feel imbued with high levels of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-belief from seeing how much they are learning by their own endeavours and talents.

For the previous 12 years he developed the English communication skills of over 3000 English language students at Mahanakorn University of Technology, Australian Institute of Languages, Stamford College, and ECC in Bangkok; including two years at Goldsmiths College at University of London, International House, and London School of English.

Students love learning in Philip’s classes, where they make great progress in their English communication skills, become autonomous learners, and gain self- esteem and self-confidence.

Now he is on a mission to educate a broader range of educators, leaders and influential persons in the heart-centred learning and holistic living skills. Learning and mastering the art and know-how of self-growth and personal development is the essential foundation for the wellbeing of all individual human beings, and therefore of humankind.

Philip’s vision is for the healing of humankind through self-empowering self-education.

‘Educator’ in our times means everybody, but especially parents, home educators, teachers, coaches, society and business leaders, entrepreneurs and world-helpers.

‘Educate’ means to make learning happen by making it intrinsically motivating, engaging and rewarding. This applies equally to educating oneself, as well as others.

If learning is not motivating it’s barely scratching the surface of human potential.

“Ajarn Philip is an exceptional teacher I had the fortune to have taken classes with. He has a special gift in drawing students out of their shells to participate in class, even with a shy and normally reserved person like me. Classes with him challenged students to express, reason and make the process of learning enjoyable.”
~ Grace Dee, Myanmar

The Educator

“I most benefitted from Philip because of his style of teaching. He uses his heart and warm empathic humanistic qualities to show a great way to relate to people as people and to teach everyone with love and respect.”
~ Trainee Teacher on Certificate in TESOL Program (course feedback)

“When it comes to Mr Philip, he is a humorous and vivid teacher and he himself gives us a lively example of being an active teacher first. His teaching methods and skills are so interesting that it has made the course a most enjoyable experience to the students. He is always so patient with the students.”
~ Teacher on Advanced Certificate TESOL Program (course feedback)

Philip’s core subject areas on the Master’s Program were Teaching Language Skills, Classroom Inquiry, and Curriculum Development. In addition he was invited to teach several undergraduate courses.

He developed and wrote the curriculums and course materials for all courses he taught.

Philip practises his unique brand of experiential reflective learning which engages, inspires and empowers students through a series of collaborative, task-based, goal-driven learning activities, tasks and challenges.

He sets up, and continuously cultivates, a learning environment in which students feel emotionally supported while enjoying a transformational group dynamic, leading to a synergetic learning experience.

Philip facilitates all his students in developing the communication skills, self-knowledge and self-confidence crucial for human beings to thrive and flourish in The Information Age.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • reflective thinking and writing skills

  • attentive listening skills

  • critical reading and action research skills

  • expressing one’s views and articulating one’s understandings

  • observation, self-awareness and compassion

  • professional development, self-knowledge and self-growth

  • the mindset of can-do, courage, confidence and curiosity

  • lifelong learning and conscious living skills

The Author

“Fabulous book, I really enjoyed doing all the tasks. Reading this book has really enhanced my spiritual journey and I would thoroughly recommend it.” ~ Mrs B, on Amazon

Philip has since written and published his first book, Menu For A Spiritual Revolution: Health Harmony & Happiness (2021),

In 2022 he wrote a second, unpublished, mini-ebook, An Education Charter and Framework for the Healing of Humankind.

The Researcher and Lifelong Learner

Who am I? How does life work? What is my purpose? How do we live a meaningful, rewarding life? How can I be the best version of myself?

Since the early 1990s Philip has conducted, at a conservative estimate, a minimum of 20,000 hours of research into, and reflection upon, the human condition and human behaviour, psychology and spirituality, the art of motivational education, and more latterly, diet & nutrition, and holistic health & wellness.

His #1 objective is always to train others in mastering the learning skill so that they overcome emotional and mental suffering, self-doubt and lack of self-worth by being inspired to unblock their mind, unlock their heart and unleash their spirit.

The power of right education will bring about the healing of humankind.

The Spiritual Pioneer

Philip takes spiritual living to be living in alignment with our true nature: our own individual nature, human nature, and the laws of nature.

“He presented new information in a clear and understandable manner while capturing and maintaining my attention. He did his research and was deeply knowledgeable on whatever subject he introduced. Philip’s classes often challenged me to think for myself and question my own ideas and strongly held beliefs. He demonstrated a keen desire to teach and educate not only others, but himself as well. I credit Philip with being one of the few teachers in my life that really inspired me to look at learning as a life long pursuit.”
~ Chris, USA

By synthesising this holistic body of understanding—summarised in his first book—with his innate teaching skills and 25-year experience in facilitating students to become skilful learners, communicators and mentors, Philip is now embarking upon his hardest mission and endeavour yet.

The objective is to train others in delivering an education that is

  • heart-centred

  • skills-based

  • experiential and reflective

  • engaging and dynamic

  • relevant to our times

which empowers all students to take charge of their own life, health and destiny, and to value and pursue the healing of all human beings everywhere.

To that end Philip has built The Infinity Learning Academy, to revolutionise training programs and workshops for all educators, leaders, entrepreneurs, world-helpers, parents and all who have responsibility for the wellbeing and development of other human beings, be they children or fellow adults.


Since early 2021, Philip has played a central role with the Education Pillar of the World Freedom Alliance, whose values and objectives closely match his own.

He wrote the first draft of the WFA’s Education Charter, which promotes a new way in education based on values and principles that support the evolution, growth and wellbeing of humankind. With some revisions from group members, the Charter was enshrined by the WFA.

All educators and educational establishments are invited to adopt the Charter. You can view the charter and learn more here, or click on the logo.

Philip’s MA teacher students on their learning experience

"Ajarn Philip is an exceptional teacher I had the fortune to have taken classes with."

Grace Dee, Myanmar

"I have come across many outstanding teachers, but Philip is an extraordinary teacher who is able to connect with his students of all ages."

Nang Ji, Myanmar

“He taught with passion… His classes were a source of joy to us, and we were always looking forward to each one of them.”

Bonny Toufic, USA

“I have grown as the professional I am today because of great teachers like Philip, who allowed me to be myself and encouraged me to follow my dreams.”

Tatiana Aline Mohler, Brazil

“Philip far exceeded any expectation I had of what a good teacher should be.” 

Oliver Dilly, England

‘In Philip’s classroom, we didn’t just learn principles and ideas, we experienced them through his presence and actions.”

Dr Oliver S. Crocco, USA

“He knows how to teach. He showed me, not taught me, how I should behave in a second language classroom.”

Liz NIng, China

“I always looked forward to his classes as they were so interactive and infused with a strong sense of learner autonomy. For me he was always a mentor. My heartfelt gratitude to him for where I am today.”

Sudharani Subramanian, India

In the turbulent, rapidly-changing and soul-challenging times of the early 3rd millennium, as the Industrial Age gives way to the Information Age, the #1 most important skill an individual needs to learn and master is the learning skill.

Neither schools or universities teach this skill.

Their focus is only on the object of learning, what is to be learned, not on how the learning takes place, or what the mind and heart are doing during this learning process.

Worse, 99% of schools actually suppress real learning, leaving all adults struggling and often failing to manage their own life, health and relationships.

By refusing to teach children how to learn (focussing instead on telling, teaching, and compelling through testing), the opportunity is completely lost to develop listening, thinking and speaking skills.

For a social animal this is absolutely devastating. Did you ever wonder why there is so much conflict, loneliness, and relationship breakdowns?

Children enter adulthood, therefore, ill-equipped and under-skilled for navigating their life in these difficult times of transition. They become the next generation of parents and teachers, and the cycle of destructive anti-education continues.

It’s been going on for quite some time. Consider the words of Mark Twain in the 1800s: “I never let my schooling interfere with my education.”

Since the events of 2020, when humankind went into collective meltdown, it is transparently clear the human family is in deep, systemic trouble, brought about by an education system unfit for purpose and harmful to us all. Only by radically overhauling our approach to education can we heal ourselves.

Being skilled in the mind and heart activity of learning is the only solution.

Only when adults—especially parents, educators, entrepreneurs, leaders and world-helpers—have mastered their own learning and communication skills, can they can transform the moribund school systems and broken societies which are causing so much psychological and spiritual damage to humankind.

That is the remit and objective of Philip’s A Spiritual Revolution and The Infinity Learning Academy: to bring to adults the essential toolkit of self-education and compassionate communication skills for their self-growth. It’s time to put the woeful antiquated education system to bed once and for all.

Raison d’être

My Passion is being a unique educator.

My Purpose is to unify and unite through uplifting learning experiences.

My Life is for having maximum fun and joy with an open heart, and guiding others to enjoy the same.

My Mission is to make A Spiritual Revolution a worldwide phenomenon for the psychological liberation and spiritual wellbeing of adults.

My Purpose in Teaching is empowering adults and youth to become their true self, by inspiring them to unblock their mind, unlock their heart, and to unleash their spirit upon the world.

My Message is that pretty much all of us suffer in our life from the consequences of a schooling experience which is mind-limiting, heart-denying and soul-crushing. It fails to develop in us the crucial skills, self-knowledge and self-belief we need to live in harmony and with purpose.

My solution is A Spiritual Revolution. It will lead to the healing of humankind by facilitating adults and youth to educate and empower themselves to take charge of their own life, health and destiny, and to then mentor others in kind.

A Spiritual Revolution has the express aim of ridding the whole of humankind from the divisive, disconnecting, disempowering and dehumanising anti-education offered by school systems. The pathway is clear: adults empower and educate themselves, with the right guidance, and then they are set for engaging, enabling and empowering the children.

Philip’s Timeline of Notable Events

September to December 1991

Head off to Thailand for big travel adventure… fall in love with Thailand and her people… money runs out in December… manage to talk my way into a job teaching English to adults in Bangkok to extend my stay.

Still on my extended stay in 2024 as I write!

1991 to 2000

Nine years of personal heaven, working in Bangkok, and ‘doing inquiry’ on my hammock in the islands of Samui, Phangan and Tao every 3 or 4 months. I became addicted to pursuing my understanding of the human condition, human behaviour and human potential.

In a parallel world, from the books I was reading, I learned of events during the 20th century, much of which triggered outrage in my mind.

It led me into exploring the spiritual dimension of living in a bid to stop these feelings of rage. It worked. My own spiritual revolution was born.

1993 earn my Certificate in teaching English and 1998 earn my Diploma in teaching English, from University of Cambridge; 2002 earn my MA in English Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics from King’s College London.

2002 to Now

Living in Chiang Mai. Teaching on the Master’s TESOL Program at Payap University for 12 years, using my unique brand of Task-Based Learning to deliver inspiring learning experiences to over 400 teachers. Wrote and published first book, Menu For A Spiritual Revolution: Health Harmony & Happiness, built The Infinity Learning Academy for bringing cutting edge training to adults and youth.

More Student Testimonials

  • Ajarn Philip is an exceptional teacher I had the fortune to have taken classes with. He has a special gift in drawing students out of their shells to participate in class, even with a shy and normally reserved person like me. Classes with him challenged students to express, reason and make the process of learning enjoyable. He is definitely one of a few handful of educators who has left a deep impression on my academic career.

    Grace Dee, Myanmar

  • Philip far exceeded any expectation I had of what a good teacher should be. He asked deep questions which planted the seeds of continued self-development in his students. He taught us to put students first and practised this himself in teaching us… Philip encouraged us to go beyond just teaching English, to considering our role as one in which we could make the world a better place… He has a true teaching spirit.

    Oliver Dilly, England

  • Philip is undoubtedly one of the best teachers I have ever had. He has his unique ways to involve his students and get authentic opinions out of them, promoting a peer learning experience. I have learned so much from him not just in terms of the subject that he was teaching but also his style of getting the subject matter conveyed. The learning experience was more than just learning; in his classroom we evolved and became a better teacher. He taught with passion… His classes were a source of joy to us, and we were always looking forward to each one of them.

    Bony Toufic, USA

  • In Philip’s classroom, we didn’t just learn principles and ideas, we experienced them through his presence and actions. His wisdom, professionalism, calming spirit, gentle sense of humor, wealth of experience, and respect for human dignity have shaped me as a learner and as a university faculty member. [PS I still consider you one of the all-time best teachers I’ve ever had.]

    Dr Oliver S. Crocco, Assistant Professor of Leadership and Human Resource Development, Louisiana State University, USA


MA English Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics (Merit)
King’s College, University of London, 2002
Dissertation on Learner Motivation and Learner Beliefs
Specialist subject: Teacher Training

Diploma Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults
University of Cambridge, 1998

Certificate Teaching English as a Foreign Language
University of Cambridge, 1993

Also studied: Reiki 1 course; Cranio-Sacral Course with Rosemary Wallace


Menu For A Spiritual Revolution: Health Harmony & Happiness (2021), available on Amazon by clicking here or you can sample the book by clicking here

An Education Charter and Framework for the Healing of Humankind (2022, unpublished ebook)


YouTube channel here (a range of videos on education, spirituality, travel)

Blogging here (on the human condition, behaviour and potential)

Witness account here (history being recorded today!)

Weekly Letters here (unique learning experiment, sign up to receive one every Monday throughout 20214)


Numbers are approximate, and all students are adults and adolescents.

14,000 classroom hours of teaching learning and communication skills

3000+ English language students taught and 400+ language teachers trained from 35+ countries

20-30,000 hours of research into the human condition, human potential: physiology, psychology, spirituality, environment and the web of life

Dozens of Professional Development courses and workshops

Hundreds of books read or studied

22 countries in 5 continents travelled to

1 hole-in-one in golf

What I teach

Cognitive skills I teach include: learning, teaching, motivating, listening, reading, speaking, writing, reflective thinking, research, leadership, discerning, questioning, challenging, collaborating, discussion and debate, observing, self-awareness, lots more!

Knowledge I teach includes: the brain’s Information Processing System, energetics, group dynamics and leadership, psychology of relationships, holistic health and lifestyle, Task-Based Learning, language acquisition, classroom management, curriculum development, action research, motivation, lots more!

Energy is rarely talked about in education, but it’s everything. I motivate students to learn, and inspire them to become intrinsically motivated to be lifelong learners. I create learning conditions and a learning experience which quickly builds self-confidence and self-esteem in students. From this, self-belief and self-worth arise. Learning is a joy, and it dramatically improves our perspective and experience of life.


Training conducted in Thailand, and online