Menu for a Spiritual Revolution: Health Harmony & Happiness

Are you looking for answers to our crazy world?

Who am I? Why am I here? How can I take charge of my own life? Why do humans have so many problems in such a beautiful world?

In 2012 I set out to write the definitive guide for embarking upon a journey of self-inquiry, self-growth and self-healing. I thought it would take me about a year, and had it all in my head what I was going to say.

It took me eight years!

Here is the cover with the blurb, a drop down menu of the contents, and then the story behind the making of the book. Click the menu at the top right to buy, or if you are in Thailand, see below.

  • This section ensures you build the right foundation for your spiritual revolution. It invites you to open your mind and heart for the main journey; to get you thinking and reflecting upon your life today, and humankind’s situation today; and to inspire you to tackle the adventure with motivation and determination.

  • This section is for feeding, developing, and expanding your mind. The whole premise of the book is that you take charge of your life, your health and your destiny. Therefore in this main section of the book, we explore all the dimensions of who we are as human beings, and the interconnected holistic nature of the world itself. In essence you will discover the real you, learn how your mind works, and understand how life works. If knowledge is power, understanding leads to self-empowerment, and this underpins your spiritual revolution.

  • The sweet stuff! This is the practical section, where you apply all you have learned and put it into action. I share a buffet of ideas, tips, strategies and plans to help you become skilled in the ongoing and lifelong commitment to practising a life of wellness and fulfillment. By cultivating your new mindset, developing new healthy habits, and mastering many new skills you will finally and irreversibly put to bed the atrocious anti-human ‘education’ we all got during our school years. Its stranglehold is no more. Liberation! And from all your own endeavours and efforts. Bottle of champagne please!!



    1 Welcome to Your Spiritual Revolution

    2 Some Bad News and the Good News

    3 Who am I? Who are You?

    4 A Dozen Tasks

    5 Three Tales

    6 Some Food for Thought


    7 Learning: The Mother of all Skills

    8 A Learning Toolbox for the Spiritual Revolutionary

    9 From Illness to Wellness: A Lifestyle

    10 Journey and Destination: Time, Space, Consciousness

    11 The Journey of Life: Living Consciously

    12 From ‘God’ and Genetics to Karma and Epigenetics

    13 Problems and Solutions

    14 3DH5DL: A Formula and Framework for Understanding Life

    15 Your Body is Your Temple, Your Soul Makes You Whole


    16 Motivation: Taking the RIVER to MARS!

    17 Living the REAL DEAL

    18 Diet for a Third Millennium Citizen

    19 Ayurveda: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Citizens

Buy your copy from here (or if you’re in Thailand, see below).

The story behind Menu For A Spiritual Revolution

If you don’t pursue your dream and make it happen in this life, then when??

The seeds to my book go back to the mid-90s, just prior to the internet era…

I had gone travelling to, at that time, the mystical oriental land of Thailand in 1991, and because I loved it so much I managed to land myself an English teaching job, thereby avoiding going back home while simultaneously extending my stay in this marvellous land, which had so captured my imagination and released my free spirit. I had zero teaching experience and zero qualifications. As it turned out, though, at 27 I had stumbled into my vocation in life, immediately loving the challenge of enabling Thai adolescents and adults to communicate in English. So much fun right from the off!

In so doing, and unbeknownst to me at the time, I had accidentally emigrated. 31 years later I’m still in Thailand.

Now, being in a such a different culture, climate and country to my home nation, England, there were so many contrasts to notice and reflect upon. Truly the phrase “Travel broadens the horizons” kept on presenting itself to me. In seeing so many differences I began to ponder on the reasons for them, which included questioning my own culture and ways and values and behaviours back in England.

Trekking in the Annapurnas, Nepal (2009)

Are you in Thailand?

To avoid crazy shipping prices from the US, and to help the local Chiang Mai printing business, you can get a signed copy direct from me. Send me a direct message in the Facebook page you came here from, or email me at:

The thing that most made me want to write some kind of book was observing how the Thai people found it so effortless to smile and laugh so much, yet, in material and monetary terms they had so much less than my compatriots back home in England. Smiles, laughter, sanuk (having fun), sabai sabai (no stress, no worries, no problems) were cultural objectives and in plentiful supply. How could this be? Why in my country so many more problems and unhappy people?? Also, people in Thailand, with much less, had much more to share.

About 97, just as I was readying myself to write a book to capture my travels and new understandings in life, I was talked into studying for my Diploma in English Language Teaching. This was a heavyweight distance learning course over one year, and as it progressed it upped my teaching game considerably. I began to bring a seriously top quality learning experience to all my students. Teaching was even more rewarding and fun, and by now very well paid in Bangkok. Book postponed!

Meanwhile, as throughout the decade, I continued on with all my own explorations, inquiries and inner contemplations into the political, psychological and spiritual domains of human life, much of it on my hammock on the stunning white sand beaches of the islands in the south. I used to call it doing hammock time.

In that heavenly decade I tried to go to other places during time off from teaching, but always my heart and soul were pulled back to the tropical island magic of Ko Samui, Ko Phangan and Ko Tao, an archipelago in the Gulf of Thailand. I nearly always complied, for they were mesmerising and addictive, with nature that filled me with joy. I would spend day after day - much of the time in my hammock looking out at the sea - with nothing I had to do, only what might take my fancy from moment to moment. There was no internet, no tourism as such (travellers with backpacks, yes), and amidst these veritable Islands of Eden I faced precisely three problems each day: what to choose for my meals, because the menus were full of exciting delicious foods! Life in the slow lane suited me down to the sandy ground. Wouldn’t you love such a problem-filled life?!

Sorry, I have digressed somewhat, where was I? Ah yes, so the 90s for me were a time of serious learning: learning about the world, about human behaviour, about this incredible mind of ours, about culture and language, and above all learning how to teach and, always, how to improve the learning experience for my students.

Back pain fills in the missing piece to the puzzle >> start writing

Fast forward a decade to 2008; I had cause to change my diet and lifestyle. My bulletproof youth was over, and it was take action or carry on suffering with frequent back issues. I finally chose action, mainly dietary, and, as I relay the story in my book, in less than a week my back pains were gone! It was a revelation, I had no idea diet had such an impact on our health.

It led to me conducting over the following years, literally, thousands of hours of research into diet and nutrition, sickness and wellness, and all kinds of healthcare modalities. I kept ‘food and feelings’ diaries and did lots of action research to test things out for myself. It occurred to me that now I was understanding the physical realms of the body and how to make it healthy by one’s own choices, this was the last jigsaw piece of information and know-how I needed for the book I had always wanted to write.

I wanted to write a book to help people get rid of what I considered so many unnecessary problems. By now I was teaching teachers, and my extensive experience and studies in education (about it, and delivering it) further enlightened me on the root causes of all our problems of health, stress, and emotional suffering.

And now I knew about the role of the body and how to enhance its health and wellbeing, because I’d done it myself, and put in all the study and research time. I’d previously contemplated and reflected upon the mind and soul big time since my life of travel and teaching began, now I’d studied and proved to myself how diet fixes the body’s troubles. I was ready to write. Finally.

Birthplace of my book! My office at Sri Tanu Beach, Ko Phangan (2012)

A multinational well-travelled book-in-progress battles its way towards fruition

And so, in 2012, in the university summer holidays, I set off on my own to my favourite island, Ko Phangan, for one full month. I got myself my usual beachside spartan bungalow, complete with verandah and hammock and stunning beach and ocean views. Here my book was born!

My task was to create lots of time and space for myself, with zero distractions (I ignore all technology when I’m on the islands), and create the list of contents, all the chapter headings and the general direction of the book. I had such a beautiful and divine time. I was no longer getting to my favourite islands much, now that I lived much further away in the north of Thailand.

On that trip, the cost of my bungalow, renting a motorbike, three delicious meals each day, and one or two bottles of beer each evening, was 1000 baht per day, about £20 or $30! As usual by the sea, my health was turbocharged and heaven was enjoyed for the whole month. I was also tremendously excited: after nearly 20 years my dream of writing a book was up and running.

But, it just took so long to write! Somehow, and I just can’t explain why, it was an eight-year journey, which took a lot out of me, and tested me fully, including frequently having to do the very things I was writing about, that is, walk my own talk!! During all those years I was living out the contents of what I was writing. As I often say, it’s one thing KNOWING what to do to enjoy a healthy and happy life, but not always so easy to DO it. We all carry so many bad habits, harmful thought patterns, and the voice that says we’re not good enough, and it’s a constant work in progress to overcome. This is why I say that real learning is lifelong learning.

I battled procrastination, perfectionism, and many other challenges. At one point, I fractured my femur bone down in Krabi Province in southern Thailand, slipping on a very slippery tiled bathroom floor after my shower. I had gone down there to, again, ‘finally’ finish the book! Instead I was flown home early to get surgery at my local hospital. First bone I had ever broken!

Everywhere I went I had my bag with notebooks and pens in, in case I had a good idea and needed to write it down before forgetting it. When I failed to write for a day or a few days, I ‘felt bad’. I missed out on lots of things by pressuring myself to be writing; and then I often I didn’t do any, and could have done those things in the first place. But, I also had my long-practised spiritual ability to accept everything that came my way. More and more I began to trust the universe was guiding my hand.

It must be said, though, that I also did enjoy going to cafes, rustic shacks, and various places in nature with my laptop, specifically to do work and to write, and to trigger creativity in me by being in beautiful surroundings. Sometimes the writing flowed! Other times I’d bang out 2000 words, read through them and then delete! My book has about 140,000 words, but I reckon it’s no exaggeration to say that I deleted, or did not use, over a million words. Maybe it means the words that made it in the final cut are loaded with quality and extra energy…!!

Being a frequent traveller, it turns out that parts of my book were written in various countries… all over the place in Thailand, and in Australia, England, Bali in Indonesia, Burma, Cambodia and Malaysia. I wrote quite a lot in Bali, in Sanur Beach and in Ubud, which infused my soul to the brim and filled me with creativity and clarity of mind.

My wife and I had gone there because our plan to return to Nepal was dashed by two successive huge earthquakes that year. We had gone there in 2009 for our honeymoon. We did a six day trek in the Annapurnas, and this was one of the top highlights of my life. However, for the first two days it was pretty much uphill all the way, and my wife calls it our ‘torturemoon’. She looks really miserable in the photos at the outset, but then stunning and beautiful and filled with joy when the downhill bits came!

Chilling lakeside in Pokhara… I continue to fantasise about getting back to Nepal, and find it hard to realise I’ve not yet done so.

At one point during the book’s odyssey we did a road trip from Chiang Mai down to Phuket, which is over 1500 kms, stopping off at lots of great places on the way down, and on the way back. Newness, nature and travel are high motivators for me, unleashing my full creative forces. Always with me was my trusty shoulder bag with its notebooks and pens in it! Sitting in bungalows overlooking the ocean and white sand beaches, or in a lush jungle resort, with my laptop, was a rather nice office to be in.

Downtown in tremendously exciting Ubud, Bali (2016)

Are you in Thailand?

To avoid crazy shipping prices from the US, and to help the local Chiang Mai printing business, you can get a signed copy direct from me. Send me a direct message in the Facebook page you came here from, or email me at:

Our new tea shop does the trick

So then towards the end of 2020, I pretty much locked myself away at our new tea shop on our land, for about two months. I’d had enough of the book never getting finished, external pressures were building up, and I had to take drastic action.

Our tea house had been recently built, but not yet opened. It was the perfect getaway place to get my book over the finishing line, without distractions. The human world going bananas in 2020 seemed a distant idea in those bucolic surroundings, where birds were my main company. I ignored all media, and spent barely any time online. I had a wonderful time, and got it over the line. At last!!

Next came the publishing. I already knew I was going to take on the self-publishing route, for various reasons, not least because by the time the publisher, the agent, and all the others have taken their cut, you are lucky to get a dollar or two per book. Anyway, this self-publishing process took me over half a year. So much to organise, coordinate and learn. Everything was new. I found many Facebook groups to get guidance, and everybody proved to be super friendly and helpful.

So, finally, after eight years, in August 2021 it was out!! It’s published. Get your copy now. And one for a friend too!!