Witness: history in real time!

“Observe others and learn about yourself, observe yourself and learn about others.” ~ Philip

This page represents my subjective account of being human at the outset of the 3rd millennium. First entry is from October 2023. My whole life I have observed and reflected upon the human condition, our behaviour and our potential.

To learn more about my ‘Unleash Your Spirit’ Letter, scroll down to the entry dated 5 January 2024, or go to my Challenge 2024 page.

'Unleash Your Spirit' 

Transform your 2024 with Philip's Weekly Letter of Interactive Learning 
Published every Monday

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Friday 23 August 2024

Do the research and trust yourself

What causes cancer?
What causes diabetes?
What causes autism?
Who can you trust these days?

Do the research.
Get your own answers.
Learn to trust yourself, your own intuition and gut instincts.

Then take care of your health and life, and try and help others to do the same.

Do the research.
It's as simple as that, and it will keep you alive and disease-free... if you get started in time.

Your fellow ordinary human beings.
Your own life experiences - ask 'Why?', and your own experiences in the past take on a new shape and form, giving you much food for thought.

Do the research.
Stay alive, get healthy, enjoy strong relationships.

Contribute to the healing of humankind.

Contribute to the new world that will no longer have corrupt, greedy monsters directing our societies and nations.

Do the research.
Trust yourself.

Sunday 21 July 2024

A New Approach to Trust

A huge casualty - one of so many - of the 2020 crime is loss of trust in pretty much all our institutions - science, medicine, media, government, law, education and academia

Trust is essential for a social animal, because nearly everything we do is in groups.

But it's a huge opportunity too. Much of this trust was naively given and badly misplaced, hence the horror show that 2020 spawned.

It's time for ordinary people to learn how to trust themselves, and the reason we trusted all the outside institutions is because of our own lack of 'inner authority'.

We lack the communication and learning skills, the right knowledge and understanding, and accordingly hold little confidence and belief in ourselves.

This is the case because of a rotten school system, in nearly all countries of the world.

So, it's time to pick up your skills, learn how your body and mind work, discover who you really are, and engage in life with the joy of having self-confidence and self-belief.

Then you will trust yourself, and then you will be able to trust others in your life, because whenever a human being feels trusted they rarely will break that trust.

As for the institutions... rotten to the core, and they will only change when we have changed ourselves.

Friday 19 July 2024

The objective of life is to enjoy it

Stop letting life be done to you, do it yourself.

Watch the movie going on out there, by all means, but make sure you have a starring role too.

And make sure you are co-writing the script.

Stop being a spectator of the game of life, and be a central player of it.

To do, to produce, to create, to express yourself, to play, to have fun, to experiment, to investigate, to explore... all of these actions need you to spend your own energy, and THIS is the stuff of life, THIS is what brings us joy, fun, meaning, reward, fulfilment, and THIS is what reveals the wondrous miraculous inner sensation of LOVE and FREEDOM.

It is the very essence of being human.

If you look at all the miserable people, they are ideologues and control freaks, constantly theorising about life and instructing/compelling others to live in the same miserable manner as they.

Or they have so gorged themselves on money, power and rich foods that they are devoid of energy to do anything else.

Be the dragonfly, be the bee, be the butterfly, be the eagle, be the dolphin, and be the kookaburra: play, dance and work your way through life by your own rules and script, by your own efforts and endeavours, by your own words and deeds.

If you want to enjoy your life, you have to feel good, do good, speak good, behave good, listen good, and be good.

What other point is there to being human? And bear in mind you only get one life, there are no dummy runs, no second goes, no dress rehearsals, this is it, this is your lot.

Yes yes, there maybe reincarnation waiting for you, but what if this is just a hoax?

And there's no need to hope you can get to heaven when you are dead - when you are dead, haha, pull the other one!!! - you ALREADY ARE in heaven.

But only if you take charge of your own life, health and destiny.

Thursday 18 July 2024

Take time to be receptive and reflective.

It will radically change your life for the better on all counts.

Then you learn, then you empower yourself, then you transform your life and you "Cause no harm, accept no shit"...

BEING RECEPTIVE: slow down, open mind and heart >> listen, read, observe, notice, watch, see, hear, smell (instincts and intuitions as well as aromas).

BEING REFLECTIVE: replaying, recalling, revisiting, thinking, contemplating, questioning, exploring, verifying.

LEARNING: reflecting >> discerning, interpreting, understanding, doing, producing, creating, expressing yourself and your views, articulating your understandings >>

>> and doing this continuously until the end of your time.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Without being prepared to make mistakes, we block our own self-development.

If we worry about making mistakes, looking silly, being laughed at, being scoffed at, then we won't really do much and then we won't really grow, evolve and develop as a human being.

This means the first step in empowering ourselves is to change our attitude and approach to life. We carry out a 'mindset reset'.

Without this step, we remain worried or fearful and refrain from acting; with this step now we can achieve all we want to do achieve because we will be taking plenty of action.

"It's none of my business what you say about me" is a quote I read once, and this helps us reset our mindset.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

After a day in nature, where I can access my inner intelligence properly, I decided that the powerful psychopaths who have come along and who are seeking to control the whole human world, along with the world itself, its climate, its natural O2 and CO2 balance, are sacrificing themselves for the vital next evolutionary step that humankind must take in order to continue our existence.

All those in the highest positions of power are soul-dead, conscience-busted, loveless and totally enslaved to the dictates of their minds. They are everything the connected human being with his or her human essence is not.

We can only know who we are when we first know who we are not.

And we can only know who we are not, when we are who we are not. Then we see how terrible that is, and so we become who we really are.

I call it a spiritual revolution. It is personal development through spiritual development.

The powerful psychopaths show us clearly the opposite of being human through their psychopathy, lies, control freakery, mental enslavement, emotional bu

Friday 28 June 2024

The Insanity of Mainstream Humanity

We humans alive at this time on the timeline of human evolution are living in testing, turbulent, troubled and perhaps traumatic times.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Know your Ss, Ds, Hs and Es

In a world full of experts and external authority, humankind has found itself on a path of Self-destruction and Self-sabotage, where Stress, Strife, Struggle and Suffering dominate over Health, Harmony and Happiness.


We were all damaged by our school systems, which continue damaging humankind by damaging today’s generation of children. Our harmful worse-than-nothing schools (exceptions do exist as do needles in farmyards) Disconnected, Disempowered, Demoralised and Dehumanised us.

The only solution is for individual adults to get a second education to release themselves from these burdens of struggle and pain caused us by this anti-human school system that got us before we had any defences to say ‘no’.

The pathway to healing can be done alone, but it’s much easier and much quicker if you find a guide and a facilitator who is well along this pathway, and has achieved the status of spiritual warriorship. Nothing less is required. Such a facilitator and learner-enabler is able to Encourage, Enable and Empower you to Express yourself and Evolve.

Saturday 15 June 2024

'They' and 'You'

They are you.

Unless you a free human being, acting with personal sovereignty, they are you.

You are they.

'They' is control.

The people in powerful roles and positions in the human world - and we like to refer to these human beings as 'they', 'them' - seek to control us all.

Reason being is that they themselves are controlled. 'They' are not free human beings! They are controlled.

A controlled human being will seek to control others.
A free human being will seek to free others.
It stands to reason, and is the law of nature.

We see 'them' trying to control us all, but do we see ourselves trying to control others?

We see the damage they do because they have the resources of money, weapons, and information flow. But do we see the damage, albeit more limited in outcome, that we do to others ourselves?

Parents seek to control children.
Teachers seek to control children.
Adults seek to control children.
Scientists and academics seek to control citizens.
Politicians seek to control citizens.
Police seek to control citizens.
Managers seek to control workers.
Rich people seek to control poor people.
Media people seek to control their readers and viewers.
Religionists, cultists, and ideologues seek to control everybody else.

And no doubt you can add to the list.

'Control' is our nemesis. Control is our enemy, not 'them', not 'they', not the 'elites', not the 'rich 1%', not Bill Gates, not Fauci, not the president, not the prime minister, although they are all doing bad things to the rest of us and our world.

We do it - that is, seek to control others - because we are not free. We are not in control of ourselves because we are controlled by our material desires, controlled by an ignorance of our true nature, power, beauty, intelligence and magic, so to try and remedy this we seek to control others instead.

We do it because we are spiritually empty with our human essence severely suppressed, and seek to make the world fit the way we want it to fit so that we can fill ourselves up with it.

This the reason behind all the tyranny that marks the troubled times we live in. It's not because of 'them', it's because of all of us, including them.

In our mainstream human world we seek to force others to speak, do, and behave as we want them to.

We do this because we have no power, only force.

When we take active steps to learn how we can become emPOWERed, we clearly see that THEY is WE and that THEM is US.

And to empower ourselves we have to look within, look at our own life, our own assumptions, beliefs, conditioning, our own bad habits, addictions, darkness.

We need to go inside because when we do we will find that all we ever wanted has been within us all along... the powers of love, joy, clarity, vitality, fun, camaraderie, connection, trust, respect, compassion, curiosity, and FREEDOM.

Just that 'they' covered it up from us.
(Haha, get it?!!)

Friday 14 June 2024

Living in Harmony is Spirituality

I want to say that from my perspective there is so much 'spiritual guff', or 'spiritual woo-woo stuff', out there, which is so misleading for ordinary human beings who are looking to navigate themselves out of this extraordinary mess that humankind has got itself into, bringing all of us into times of trauma.

It's just yet another challenge for those who are on the path of discovery and self-inquiry to tackle, another hurdle to get over. It's insidious because those who are exposed to this guff are consciously wanting to evolve in their own life, and are vulnerable to this 'spiritual abuse'!

Here is the truth of life, verifiable ONLY BY YOU. It's my truth, and I know it's the truth of many others with maximum credibility and authenticity and those who have no agenda, because of my vast research I've done for the last 30 years or so.

I've also had these conversations in person with 100s of people from dozens of countries. So, here is the true spirituality according to me:

You are not separate, you are not the ego.
You are not oneness, you are not the soul.
You are BOTH.

You are, at once, BOTH OF THEM in a sort of synthesised whole. You are a unique individual and you are the whole of humanity and the whole of life. You are both, NOT one or the other.

By biological, psychological, spiritual and human dimensions we can visualise and conceive of parts, but all these parts only exist within their whole, hence the soul, the oneness, the universal consciousness.

But the soul cannot be felt, cannot exist, cannot experience its own joy without a body to give it expression. Hence the ego, the "I am", or 'ahamkara' in Sanskrit. There is so much within you that is unique to you (which egoic society and spiritual guff merchants do their best to deny you), yet you are also at one with me and all other human beings, all other life on the planet, and the whole universe.

But CONCEIVING of life is very much a real part of being human. Thought is NOT an illusion like the guff merchants tell us, it's human reality!

So we can contemplate and ponder upon the parts, perhaps to better understand them, but the reality according to the laws of the universe is that everything is interconnected as one whole web of life.

Spiritual living and spirituality - the meaning of which has not been politicised, hijacked, stolen by woo-woo proponents - is very very simple to understand:

it is living in harmony.

That is our natural state of being, and has the fancy word of homeostasis to capture it in our dictionaries.

If you are overly stressed - and nearly all modern human beings are pretty much perpetually stressed - then you are not living spiritually.

The journey to living spiritually is getting to know your ego, and getting to control its behaviour instead of having it control your behaviour.

Once you see your ego in action, you can embrace it, enhance it, change it, learn to live with it, love it, and you do so with your soul energy power and the universal intelligence and cosmic consciousness that creates all of life. When you see the ego, you have become your whole, you have become the way nature intended you to be.

We are all, by our birthright and the laws of nature, integrated intelligent interconnected individuals. Unique AND unified!

Spirituality is for each of us to discover for ourselves, only guides can help; gurus want you dependent on them.

Spirituality is the very best thing a human can experience. After all, living in harmony is... HEAVEN ON EARTH.

Monday 10 June 2024

Entry #3: Hope Faith and Empowerment

(Please scroll down if you wish to read the entries in sequence)

What happens if you allow yourself to be VULNERABLE?

You open your heart to the world

You open your heart to yourself

You can receive love

You can receive compliments

You express yourself

You express your ideas and views

You articulate your understandings

You listen to others

You observe others

You observe and listen to yourself

You forgive yourself

You feel gratitude for the miracle of your existence

You become you

And you gain immeasurable STRENGTH.

And you have empowered yourself.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Entry #2: Hope Faith and Empowerment

(Please scroll down to find Entry #1 and read in sequence)

I am going to show the pathway of Hope Faith and Empowerment to you, I'm going to light it up, and those who wish to be on this journey can join me.

I've personally been on the path of Faith and Empowerment for a long time. Hope is an intermediate phase, a necessary step towards faith and empowerment, but which at some point is no longer necessary, as faith does everything hope does, and so much more.

(I don't mean faith in religions, I mean faith in oneself.)


The human world is in a deep systemic trouble, but part of its self-defence strategy - understandably if misguidedly - is to try and pretend 'all is okay'.

It is not okay at all.

Group 1
Many feel powerless, hopeless, anxious, fearful and deeply lonely. Life is a perpetual mental struggle.

Group 2
Many others feel rage, anger, frustration, and a deep hatred for the top echelons of humankind, those who are greedy and incompetent and brutal in their powerful positions within society.

Group 3
Still others are spiritually harmonious, but are not immune to the forces of negative energy swirling around our whole planet, which can easily drag them out of their spiritual wisdom. This is the group I'm interested in, and my view now is no longer up for debate within my own mind: if you identify yourself with this group, then your role is to be a WARRIOR, you have no choice. If you think you fit the next group, then your path is to get into this group and train yourself to be this SPIRITUAL WARRIOR.

Group 4
Others think they are being spiritual, and that 'God will win', and 'Love wins', and that all will be fine and dandy if we just let it all unfold without our intervention, and if we drop or get rid of our ego. But under this outlook of theirs lies, at a minimum, an emptiness that is hard to define, yet it gnaws away at them. This is not real spirituality, it's the woo-woo fluff stuff that is perhaps a phase one goes through in order to get into the Group 3.

NOTE: Whichever group you may identify yourself in, just remember one thing: you are born to be a unique, beautiful, powerful, loving, kind and conscious individual human being, and so was every single other human being alive today, or alive in a yesteryear, and alive in the future.

Hope, Faith and Empowerment is your route and pathway to being your birthright.

So then, for varying reasons, just about every single human being is struggling - the psychological, mental, emotional, social and spiritual landscapes in our human world are all in a stressed state.

Out of whack.

Out of balance.



2020 was an event of traumatic magnitude for the whole of humankind, almost every single person.

2020 happened because we were trying to pretend all was well way before this year. The 2020 meltdown was the outcome of decades of living in a wrong relationship with life, with each other, and with ourselves.

We did not, and most do not, know who we are, nor how life works.

That is our objective, for all of us, and without at least having hope in your life this will prove impossible for you. Hope leads quickly to faith and empowerment, if you find the right guide.

That guide is me.

I am just a guide, a facilitator, an enabler. But because I'm a non-conventional educator, I train and inspire adults to learn and master the crucial skills and know-how and self-confidence that our school systems sucked out of us like a gigantic all-consuming bloodsucker.

But the real magic is this: when I train you, you can then train others in kind.

Watch this space.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Entry #1: Faith Hope and Empowerment

I am changing direction for a while here in Witness. I want to describe the current human condition, explore what kind of condition we would like to be in and what our potential is, so that we can then consciously work our way into a much better condition. Today, some initial thoughts for you to digest.

Step #1 Look at the darkness out there in the whole human family, and within yourself, fairly and squarely in the face. Your very looking at it shines the light of your perception on it, smashing through the barrier of fear that has been constructed by human society to shut out your conscious human essence.

Step #2 See it for the imposter it is, see that it is nothing to do with who you really are.

Step #3 Activate your human essence, and see the real you bubbling to the surface: start moving on the path of hope faith and empowerment.

Step #4 Cultivate your human essence, uncover your inner authority (hidden from you by a rotten schooling and an anti-human media) and thoroughly enjoy being on this new pathway in your life.

Faith Hope Empowerment. Put it into your life. Watch this space.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Today's human world is so crazy the word 'crazy' no longer applies. Because crazy is the norm, and the norm is the norm, it's not crazy.

We had so many warnings during the 20th century, but we don't take warnings, we don't take hints. We long since turned our back on the intelligence we were born with.

Then 911 happened right at the outset of the new century and millennium, but we just went into our usual emotional meltdown and helpless hysteria, concocted a raft of new laws to further tighten the noose we have tied around our own neck, and carried on.

Then 2020 happened, and more meltdowns and helpless hysteria, more laws, and then all the ensuring insanity.

Meanwhile we continuously poison our land, our soil, our lakes, our rivers, our seas, our oceans, our air, our skies, our bodies and our minds. Non-stop poisoning, that's what we do, we poison everything we possibly can, we've left no stone unturned in our effort to KILL OFF ALL LIFE.

But just give me another burger
another donut, another coke
give me my junk food
give me another pint
give me another movie
another football game
another song
give me another half naked girl in my FB reels
give me another shot
give me another pill

and I'll just keep on pretending all is good with life.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

The devastated landscape of human mental health and wellbeing has arisen out of our permanent state of stress and inner conflict from not having a clue who we are.

This then inevitably leads to stress and conflict in all our relationships, the very people we want to love and be loved by. No wonder 90% of the human world is so deeply screwed.

The 10% (or whatever the figure is, and it's certainly rising) who live with harmony and health in their mind body and soul are those who have embarked upon the journey of 'doing inner work'. The first step is looking into the darkness within, which is why so many never get started!

But it is a fact: when light shines into darkness, darkness has no chance. And in our human world, our perception and mind's eye is our personal and inexhaustible supply of light. Go within and come back out transformed!

Saturday 25 May 2024

Everything in our life is within a CONTINUUM, a line between two poles. An obvious one is temperature, and might go like this:

freezing cold >> very cold >> cold >> cool >> warm >> hot >> very hot >> boiling hot

Here is one that is never ever talked about in wider society, so far as I've been able to see, and it's central to my work in education:

ignorance >> knowledge + experience >> understanding >> intelligence >> wisdom >> love and joy

knowledge is ignorance on the run
understanding is knowledge in action
intelligence is understanding in action
wisdom is intelligence in action
love and joy is wisdom in action

There is only ONE method for you to move yourself along the line towards love and joy, just ONE skill you need to practise and master.

And this skill is innate to you by virtue of you being a human being.

Yet, it must be recognised and realised, this very skill was blocked and suppressed in us all during our schooling.

So we have to learn it for ourselves. Or find somebody to train us in it.

This method, this skill, is...

… the method and skill of LEARNING.

I've been teaching this skill to adults and adolescents since about 1992. Let me finish this post with one of my most important quotes:

"Discover the joy of learning and you discover the joy of living; master the skill of learning and you master the skill of living."

Learning is literally your liberation.

Friday 24 May 2024

Humankind has created its organising principle as External Authority Knows Best, which is antithetical to the human spirit and infinite human potential, suppressing both.

It made ideology and the rule book God, not the Natural World, which is our real God. All humankind’s troubles stem from this approach to collective and community life.

This is not to say we should react by saying leaders are no longer needed. We don’t have any leaders to get rid of.

We need leaders, true leaders.

Such leaders are facilitators, men and women who have found the courage and confidence to forge their own path in life, to embrace self-inquiry, to stand up and be counted, and who found their own inner authority.

They are now able to be mentors and motivators to guide others in doing the same.

Their mission, their purpose, their innate drive is to engage their fellow human beings by encouraging, enabling and empowering them to express themselves and to take charge of their own personal evolution.

Because the External Authority Knows Best Principle determines how our societies and schooling are structured and run, inner authority has been stunted, suppressed, hidden from us, and we seek certainties from outside of ourselves.

We are easily seduced by others who tell us what we want to hear or which we think is important (usually feeling pleasure and avoiding pain). Our lack of inner authority means we are prey to fear and ignorance, and are disconnected from our innate intelligence, and from the joy of learning for ourselves.

Hence a history of snake oil salesmen with their potions and magic pills, false prophets, spiritual conmen, political persuaders, media manipulators and gurus who want us dependent on them.

If you want health and happiness for yourself, strong and healthy relationships with others, and to lead a fulfilling, creative, enjoyable life you need to find, activate and cultivate your inner authority.

We need inner authority.
But we are conditioned to listen to and comply with external authority.
We need a bridge, a vehicle, a conduit, a catalyst to get us from external authority to inner authority.

With external authority ruling society and humanity, nobody flourishes in mind and spirit, and our body becomes weak.

With inner authority we flourish in mind and spirit, leading to a strong body. And we feel an urge to help guide others in kind.

It’s your challenge to find somebody who lives by their inner authority, learn from them, then be the mentor and motivator to help others do the same.

The creator and owner of this website is just such a person! That’s why I conceived of A Spiritual Revolution, and wrote my book as a guide for the reader to find, activate and cultivate their own inner authority.

Thursday 23 May 2024

The new direction will take shape soon. Perhaps! Meanwhile…

All that is humankind, all that has ever been, is, and will ever be humankind, is in every single human being. Every human being is in humankind.

The two are interdependently synonymous. You ARE humankind, I AM humankind, humankind IS you, it IS me.

Humankind is destroying itself.
Humankind is destroying the planet which gives it life.
Humankind is destroying the intricate web of life.
Humankind does not respect itself.
Humankind doest not trust itself.
Humankind does not love itself.
Humankind is in perpetual civil war.
Humankind has turned against itself.
Humankind does not know itself.
Humankind does not understand how the web of life works.
Humankind teaches itself to hate itself.
Humankind was given heaven on earth, but told itself that it will only find heaven when it is dead.
Humankind thought it was more important, more intelligent and more powerful than the force of nature which gave birth to it.

Humankind's got a bit of a problem to fix.

And fixing it is your job and my job. How?

Easy, you fix yourself, I fix myself. How?

Easy, just do the opposite of all the things I've listed above.

The good news?

Yes, all that is the opposite of all the things in the above list is already within humankind.

Just that we need greater numbers to choose love and to reach a critical mass whereupon we can all live in peace, love and understanding.

Sunday 12 May 2024

From today Witness is taking a new direction. Now I will be bringing log entries to this page, describing in real time my endeavours to make my vision a happening reality this year.

Today is a special day because last night I did the first of nine training sessions (three sessions for three different groups) live online, and it went very well judging by the feedback.

4 May 2024

We are deeply conditioned during our childhood upbringing to focus on the world around us, and not on ourselves.

If that world outside of us is a land of milk and honey, no worries, just eat and drink and make merry.

But that's not our world today. Many all over the world are feeling worried, uncomfortable and stressed. Every day the diet in the media brings us a relentless assault of negative news.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed and hopeless about life, and, worst of all, to be overcome by a sense of feeling powerless to do anything about it.

Well, when the world around us causes us to feel like that, then there's only one course of action to take. And every single human being can do this.

Go inside.
Go within yourself.
Start, finally, exploring what your inner world is all about: what's in there, how does it work, and how can you use your new understandings to BREAK FREE from the negative spiral that our human world is in.

In fact, it's precisely because we don't know who we are, nor do we understand how the laws of nature work (see energetics, Ayurveda, epigenetics, quantum physics, Traditional Thai Medicine, my book), that we have arrived in our mess.

self-inquiry --> self-discovery --> self-awareness + self-knowledge -->
self-empowerment --> self-worth --> LIBERATION

Now you can perceive the external world in a different, much more positive, way.

Now you can proactively make changes to your life so that YOU are creating and shaping the outside world, to make it a better world for all of humankind.

Now you are living inside out.

You are making yourself the centre of the universe, and now you have become the beautiful, talented and tremendously powerful human being you were born to be, but which a screwed up society and schooling suppressed from you.

It's literally up to us to change our world, and we do that by first understanding our inner world, and then acting upon those understandings.

This is total transformation, and it will make you feel very very good. I call it A Spiritual Revolution!

2 April 2024

Are you Self-Absorbed or Self-Aware?

“More than they wanted freedom, the Athenians wanted security.

Yet they lost everything—security, comfort, and freedom. This was because they wanted not to give to society, but for society to give to them. The freedom they were seeking was freedom from responsibility. It is no wonder, then, that they ceased to be free.”

― Margaret Thatcher

This quote by one of the UK’s best Prime Ministers ever (despite being reviled by many at the time, yet she was elected by the people three times, rather than selected by the establishment) probably contains the understanding (for anybody looking for understanding) of THE root cause of all our troubles in the world, wherever troubles are found.

Which is usually in Western countries. Rudolf Steiner said as much decades before. Since I found myself living in a non-Western non-developed country I have thought this too. When humans are self-absorbed, only looking at their own life, seeking only their own gratification and pleasure, then they are destined for misery and suffering. The joy and fun in life, the peace and freedom, the love and respect that we all deeply yearn for are only available to us when we serve the greater whole of life.

But it’s well worth bearing in mind that in order for me or you to serve the greater whole (that is, the huge big life out there that we are an intrinsic part of) we first need to get ourselves into a state of being marked by health and wellbeing, in body and in mind. Then, by sharing our good energy with others and with the planet we find the joyful and loving feelings we always wanted, and in so doing we find we are developing spiritually.

The Western, materialistic, consumptive, acquisitive lifestyle has led its adherents down the path to emotional, psychological and spiritual hell. Ironical isn’t it, the more we chase material goods, wealth, fame and name the sicker we become. The more we focus on promoting the health and wellbeing of our body and mind, the more we share with the world, and the more we live the good life we all want to live.

What a gigantic misunderstanding we all live under! Read Maggie’s quote again, and ponder deeply on it!!

17 March 2024

How Important is Self-Worth?

The ability and willingness to take on change in one's life is directly proportional to one's sense of self-worth.

Or, to reverse that: if you find that you are resistant to making changes you deep down know you should make, but won't or can't, then this tells you you are short on self-worth.

I can say with quite some degree of confidence of it being true, that most people are most reluctant to make healthy changes to their own life, to become happier and more balanced, and to live optimally.

Not because they don't want to be happier and healthier, but because their lack of self-worth is blocking them from trying.

You have two ways of fixing this, if you feel it applies to you.

Muster up more self-worth to then take actions to improve your life and health. This in turn increases your self-worth, leading to more actions and positive changes.

Take actions to improve your life and health and feel an increased sense of self-worth. This in turn makes further actions and positive changes easy to do.

Either way, you HAVE to do it yourself!

You can of course continue as you are. But then the trouble is, in our modern world, maniacs with syringes come at you, threatening all sorts if you don't accept their 'medicine' for you.

And it's only a lack of self-worth that allows these maniacs to do their tyrannical things.

I feel self-worth is the unseen ingredient which influences pretty much everything we do or don't do, and every choice we make or don't make.

15 March 2024

If you want respect and trust in your life, put them in your life, stop waiting for them to come from someone else.

  • If you want peace and love in your life, put them there.

  • If you want happiness and joy in your life, put them there.

  • If you want a proportioned body, an active and happy mind, and an active soul, then put them in your life.

  • If you want to live harmoniously, then choose to live harmoniously.

Waiting for somebody else to fix things, waiting for some lucky break, blaming others for what happens to us, blaming the world for our woes, pretending to ourselves we are fine, feeling resentful… all these disconnect and disempower us from our central energy force, our human essence.

A disempowered human being is a demoralised human being.

It’s clear from the word itself - demoralised - what the solution is:

we empower ourselves and reinvigorate and rejuvenate ourselves by building a foundation to our life of morals and values. This is the basis for intelligent harmonious living, or ahimsa, which is Sanskrit for living with non-violence.

It is also spirituality in action.

99% of schools took all love-based values out of learning and classroom time, and instead focused on obligation, coercion, telling, preaching and testing as if a robot. This sucked any possibility of having fun and feeling joy in one’s learning out of the classroom more powerfully than a top-range hoover on max power.

The main umbrella purpose in life is surely to have fun, to feel joy, to be healthy and happy, and to enjoy strong relationships with others, whatever the context.

The way to achieve this is to first stop causing harm to yourself, to others, and to the world.

We can use our consciously identified morals, values and principles as our guide for all our decision-making. This makes life so much easier for us, even if at times we don’t get what we wanted. We simply choose the route which brings the least harm or most fun/joy/pleasure/reward etc.

To not get what we want can lead us to stop wanting things, which creates the conditions for our life to be more harmonious, and therefore healthier and happier.

Instead of wanting, we can focus on doing. Now we are focused on life, not desires and ideology and beliefs.

Now we are in a position to carry through with the bullet points above. I know it works. I’ve been doing it myself for a long time.

18 February 2024


There are different sources of power and different ways of exercising it when you've got it.

Power itself is benign, neither good or bad.

It's up to the agent of it, and how they use it.

I think of power as 'the ability to make things happen'.

While money, bombs, weapons, political office, fame, celebrity, controlling the information flow all give a person tremendous power, mostly speaking none of them are available to the ordinary person.

(And as we see, power like this tends to make human beings do terrible things.)

Yet, the power that is available to us mere mortals is the GREATEST POWER AND SOURCE OF POWER AVAILABLE TO HUMAN BEINGS!

If you want power, real true powerful power, then get healthy.

Now see how well you can make things happen!!

16 February 2024

Fascism in plain sight...

To my practical understanding, fascism is when the corporations take over the government in a de facto manner, whereby they are now running the country using the power and influence of their vast amounts of money they have at their disposal.

Corruption and greed and cravings are the vehicles for exercising this power.

Clearly they have to have taken control of the mass media of that country, which nowadays means social media and the internet as well as the legacy media.

Equally clearly, such corporations only have their huge sums of money because lots of individual people are buying their products.

Interestingly, all the corporations who have all these customers, and who have largely usurped the media and government, are selling death and destruction to the people, and the people are buying their own death and destruction.

So, fascism arises out of an alliance of corporations who sell death, destruction and misery and their customers who like to buy their death, destruction and misery.

Clearly something has gone badly wrong with people!

Where is this all so apparent?

In the US.
And in other Western nations.

The people are sick*.
The corporations are sick.
The media is sick.
The government is sick.

Fascism is a human sickness.
And arises out of sick human beings.

[*sick refers to the whole of us, our body + mind + soul]

Painful home truths.
Bitter pills to swallow.

But seeking to avoid these truths, and seeking to avoid swallowing the bitter pills just makes things worse and worse the more time goes by.

Hence the meltdown and massive and clear display of insanity during 2020.

Only collective work by all of us ordinary human beings can remove this fascist disease within us.

Clearly that work begins with not buying their products of death and destruction.

To conclude: fascism arises out of unwell human beings, and is an alliance between rich corporate workers and ordinary human beings who choose to buy their products.

Freedom is a mark of living in harmony. That means buying products which promote and protect our health and wellbeing.

15 February 2024

Acceptance is the end to your suffering of that which you resisted

I cannot remember where I read this, but I read it somewhere yesterday.

It was something like, "The more human beings do their best to avoid suffering, the more they suffer."

Because it's the trying-to-avoid which is causing the suffering! We have to accept the triggers of our suffering, and from acceptance of these triggers, the suffering immediately stops.

This insight, when put into practice, is tremendously useful and health-promoting!

But… not necessarily so easy to do! However, without this insight we have no chance.

I noticed a much higher level of intolerance and non-acceptance in England compared to Thailand when I began living here. I see a lot more smiles and laughs and fun in Thailand compared to England.

That is not to knock one and build up the other. It is to directly contrast two countries through my own experiences of both, and to increase my understanding of life and our curious human minds.

It means I agree that suffering is caused by non-acceptance and intolerance of what others do and say.

I have said before, 'the moment we accept the limitations in our life, they cease to be limitations'.

Because we accept them, we stop fighting them, we stop wasting our time trying to change what we cannot change, and now we have freed up lots of energy, our heart and mind have space to create and connect with others.

The reason for too much non-acceptance in the UK, in my view, is in equal part due to:

  • 100,000s of rules, laws, edicts, statutes, mandates

  • a schooling that denies children the chance to learn how to learn and how to express themselves

  • a media which brings a potent toxic brew of negative news, misinformation and censorship, and conducts a relentless assault against organic, holistic life.

It's like we are taught to resist life, to hate life, to downgrade our experience of life, to expect bad, to fear the worst.

But we are the solution when we so choose. Just counter each of the three parts:

  • ignore all laws and rules which cause you to harm life in the natural world, or yourself (emigrating works too!)

  • learn how to learn and learn how to express yourself

  • ditch every single mainstream media outlet, and find alternatives on the internet; there are so many good ones, you just have to find ones you like; and become media yourself!

If you would like guidance, join my Challenge 2024: Unleash Your Spirit. You will get a Letter from me every Monday throughout 2024. You can sign up at the top of this page. If you’d like to see what they are all about, then go to the back catalogue here.

14 February 2024

Karmic law: change your thinking and you change your world.

It's not the government who cause you your problems.
It's not the media.
It's not the neighbours.
It's not your boss.
It's not your partner.
It's not your children.
It's not the corporations.
It's not the elites.
It's not the powerful families.

It's you.

You are the reason for your problems, ill-health, stress, conflict, suffering, emotional angst.

Doesn't matter to the law of karma whether you realise and understand this or not, whether you are doing things without knowing how they work.

Doesn't matter whether what others do is fair or unfair, because they've done it already.

What matters, what REALLY matters, is that when you discover how karmic law works, what will you do about it??

Change your thinking and improve your world?
Change your reactions to the world and change your world?

Or stick with your usual thinking, reactions, habits and mindset and stay stuck in all your problems and suffering?

But, do forgive yourself! Do not start blaming yourself instead!

Changing your thinking just like that is not easy, or at least it's not easy for most people. You personally may find it easy, but in that case you won't be stuck, or full of problems and suffering!

That's what my job is as a transformative educator: to help adults to change their thinking, their mindset, their outlook on life.

To unstick themselves from fear, apathy, resentment, loneliness, unhappiness.

It's like you want to go through a gate into a much better looking place, but the gate has a padlock on it.

I give you the key to unlock it. But you have to do the unlocking.

It's like you see the grass is always greener over there, never green where you live.

I give you the hosepipe to water and upgrade your own grass.

Same with your mind, heart and soul. I have the key. I even wrote a book to help you do your own unlocking and upgrading!

Now I've set up The Infinity Learning Academy to train and inspire adults in mindset reset, heart expansion, and soul activation.

You just need the Toolkit of Human Essentials: skill tools, knowledge tools, and self-confidence tools.

And you need to learn how to use each tool, and to start mastering them.

We all need this Toolkit because our schooling didn't give us one single tool for navigating life with intelligence and compassion.

In fact, our schooling ensured that we could never get the toolkit.

Karmic law remains, though: change your thinking and you change your world.

13 February 2024

What the modern humans were doing back in the 1990s sent me into inner rages when I read about the reality in the books.

(There was no internet at the time, so books were the only alternative source to the bullshitting media.)

Interestingly, after a while I explored and pursued spiritual ways of conducting my life. This brought a pretty quick end to my inner rages. Objectives met.

Lucky me.

Today's idiocy and corruption and criminality by those who hold powerful roles in society has multiplied several-fold. I would be dead with anger by now if I had not learned the ways of karmic living.

The most stupid thing the modern human does is with its food and medicines.

Blaming the corporations fixes nothing.

There are buyers as well as sellers.

Corruption is a two-way street: those who are corrupt, and the rest of us who allow it.

Taking action fixes things. Each of us.

Each of us holds the whole power of the whole human world within our own consciousness. We just have to understand this, and then act upon it.

It's greed, laziness, apathy and disconnection from the karmic principle of life which has screwed up modern humankind.

The single most proactive thing any single human being can do is to sort out their food consumption. This is very much within our remit. There are no excuses, we can all take action in this field of human enterprise.

7 February 2024

Strength is Allowing Yourself to be Vulnerable

Humankind is in a bind, out of its mind.

Everybody needs healing.
Everybody needs help.
Everybody needs to gain the courage and strength to allow themselves to be vulnerable.

Because being vulnerable, not knowing, not being well, is seen in society as a weakness.

But this ‘weakness’ enslaves us to the pathway of stagnation and decay.
This ‘weakness’ blocks us from our own evolution, suppresses self-growth.
This ‘weakness’ is in fact super strength!

Because this is how we really learn.

6 February 2024

Politics Philosophy Spirituality

There are 3 dimensions to life, and 3 stages to the journey of a human being. Which stage are you currently in?

Many never get beyond the first stage, but if you can get to stage 2 and especially then into stage 3, you will live an enjoyable, meaningful, rewarding and above all a healthy happy life.

I would say that the harder step is from first to second. Getting from the second to the third is almost inevitable, although some do get stuck in stage 2.

POLITICS: knowing all the answers, never asking questions, never learning because you already know.

PHILOSOPHY: starts with the feeling that all your 'knowledge' is somehow not standing up to your increasing scrutiny and/or discomfort...

Now, in the act of philosophy, you are reflecting, asking questions, seeking answers because the realisation has dawned upon us that what we know is in fact shaky 'knowledge' at best, harmful bullshit and lies at worst.

Yet, as we get stuck into this new journey more and more... no answer ever seems to be complete, or stand rigorous investigation. The moment we say, "Ah, now I know", we realise we don't know. Just at the point of grabbing the treasure, we realise it's all an illusion, and all we get is a handful of thin air before we go to bed yet again feeling so near yet so far.

Hence the need to move into stage 3.

SPIRITUALITY: the moment we realise that all our questions have no definitive answers, and that when we now drop all these oft-explored questions, suddenly we have our answer: drop the questions.

Now we act, now we do, now we create, now we aware, now we are proactive, now we shape our own life, now we shape the environment we live work and play in.

Spirituality is living through radical acceptance of what cannot be changed, but also comes to us through acting with the courage, compassion and confidence to change that which is harmful.

We go from knowledge >> seeking understanding >> quit the seeking.

Or in reality, from ignorance >> learning >> wisdom.

Interestingly to those who explore such things, it turns out that the school system is mired and stuck in the POLITICS dimension of life, and much worse than that, it blocks us from developing the skills which can easily lead us into stage 2 and then stage 3.

Media, populated by those stuck in POLITICS, continues the repression of the rest of us.

So, this means we can think of the 3 steps/stages as:

psychologically sick/unwell >> healing ourselves >> living with optimal health, harmony and happiness.

Living spiritually is where all the benefits of being human are to be found. Lots of exciting experiences come during the PHILOSOPHY stage, however. There are pleasures to be had in POLITICS, pleasure is one side of the coin that carries suffering with it.

I personally feel that while PHILOSOPHY does not have the answers, it's a necessary bridge to the SPIRITUALITY dimension. We must ask the questions of ourself in order to, finally, realise the answers are ether.

SPIRITUALITY therefore comes to us when PHILOSOPHY burns itself out after the nth degree of discussion and debate with oneself and with other seekers. At this point, we drop the questions.

Who am I?
What am I?
What is my purpose?
Why am I alive?

The answers only come to us when we drop the questions.

Yet, unless we ask the questions, we won't have them to drop. Hence the need for moving into the PHILOSOPHY stage of the human journey.

I think in our day and age of massive information flow, some people are missing out stage 2, which makes their spirituality incomplete. I think stage 2, while ultimately having no answers, is the essential stage towards being a full human being.

Happy seeking, but remember the seeking is only to get to a place where you no longer need to seek!

Final thought: it's not all linear: I have political moments in my spiritual life, and political people will have spiritual moments, because it's all in all of us. Just that we need to uncover it all.

2 February 2024

It is most definitely a Spiritual War, for sure...

Are YOU up for the battle?

Each of us ordinary human beings faces the same battle in life:

trying to take charge of our own life, health and destiny, and trying to learn how to do this...

while at the same time being up against tyrannical, misery-loving, self-entitled control freaks and power maniacs who seize the top echelons of political and corporate power in their effort to control every facet of our lives, and to cause great emotional and psychological and physical harm to us.

They want to pump toxic foods into our bodies

They want to pump toxic pills into our bodies

They want to inject toxic ingredients into our bodies

They want to fill our bodies with chemical-riddled alcohol drinks

They want to fill our bodies with chemical-riddled soft drinks

They want to fill our heads and minds with toxic 'news'

They want to lie 24/7 to us about everything

They want us to accept their lies as the truth

They want to spray our skies with toxic chemicals

They want to poison our soil, our earth, our land 

They want to steal our farms, our homes, our businesses, our communities and even our families

They use violence, terrorism and war in their effort to kill our souls

Because they are soul-dead.

They want to destroy our health 

They want to destroy our curiosity

They want to destroy our creativity

They want to destroy our hearts and souls

They want to destroy our connection with each other

They want to divide us

They want to deny us from our human essence

They want to block our natural desire for peace, love and understanding

They want to disempower us

They want to dehumanise us

They want to demonise us

They want to demoralise us

They have infiltrated our police, media, academia, school systems, entertainment industry, the justice system, science, medicine, all the pillars of human society and culture.

They used their billions they stole from us to turn us against each other. They make the mythical monster seem almost like a genial uncle.

And we simply don't want to believe any of it.

But in our gut we intuit it to be true.

But it's so evil we prefer to think our gut is wrong.

Who is winning the battle?
Has the tide turned since they unleashed the singular greatest ever crime against humanity in 2020?
I believe so. 
I've been watching it all happen for my whole life. It's why I speak out, often that's all I can do. 

But because of this, because I've been saying the same things for 30 years or so (since I accidentally emigrated from England), I know more and more people are now seeing things as they are, and seeing these dreadful criminals for who they really are.

But they've done so much damage to all of us, and so many ordinary human beings who took, and continue to take, the big money and big salaries now carry a conscience that torments them every day.

But... it's a Spiritual War... and this means that by connecting to our soul we can gain release from the emotional prison we live in for all our past mistakes and actions we carry shame or guilt over.

It just needs each ordinary human being to literally wake up one morning, flick a mental switch in their head, see things clearly, see the elephant in the room, and then set about making the changes that will lead to their spiritual flowering and growth.

I am now actively offering myself as a guide, and my book is the ultimate total guide to changing one's life around. It combines theory, practical action and research. It empowers YOU to heal YOU.

And to make the bastards irrelevant!

At the top of the page you can sign up to receive my weekly Letters which help you transform your life step by step, week by week in an entirely doable manner.

Then you win the spiritual war, and add to our numbers.

1 February 2024

Knowledge vs Understanding

Seeking knowledge, to know and to be right, is the root cause of so many of your problems.

Seeking understanding is the solution to all these problems, and prevents most of them from ever resurfacing.

Knowledge is fixed, removes time, depersonalises the knower, and symbolises death.

Understanding is fluid and open to change, encompasses time, includes and involves the understander, and reflects the nature of life.

Knowing is standing still, stagnation, decay and death.
Understanding is intelligence and truth in action, change, evolution, light and life.

Knowing and the effort to do it is the consequence of a harmful, anti-life anti-education school system. It's what happens when as children we are blocked from learning how to learn, by those who themselves were blocked from learning how to learn.

Understanding is learning in action
Understanding is lifelong learning in action.
Understanding leads us to compassion, peace, kindness, kinship, and love.
Understanding is liberating.

You just gotta learn how to learn, and that means unlearning and relearning what you thought you had learned, but had instead memorised. Learning is the Mother of all Skills, and to think that our school systems suppress us from learning how to do it. What an incredible, but disastrous, thing for all of humankind.

But you know what to do now!

(If you’d like some guidance, sign up to receive my weekly Letters at the top of this page.)

31 January 2024

Pain and Suffering are NOT the Same...

Problems, pain, predicaments, plight...


Part of the cycle of life, cannot be avoided.
Reduced, yes, but always coming to us.

Struggle, strife, self-sabotage, suffering...


A mental construct. An attitude. A mindset.
Your choice.

Born out of non-acceptance, intolerance, cravings, delusion, ignorance, separation.

Suffering is resisting pain.
Suffering is resisting problems.
Fleeing from them.
Pretending to ourselves they don't exist.

Happiness is blocked by non-acceptance, by rejecting life as it is.
Nothing gets better until we change our approach to life.
Nothing gets better until we get out of our own way.

Reset your mindset.
Develop an attitude of gratitude.
Forgive others - it's a tough life being human.
Forgive yourself - it's a tough life being human.

Then happiness, improved health and wellbeing, arrive.
Our relationship with ourselves gets better.
Our relationships with others get better.
We get a taste of being happy, of experiencing wellbeing.
We learn new habits and new ways of thinking.
We experience better feelings.
More clarity, more vitality, more energy.
We like this.

We learn to use pain to evolve, not to stay stuck and suffer from.

We finally drop the conditioned suffering we were schooled into as young children by the previously conditioned adults who suffer themselves.

Now we are in self-growth.
Now we are spiritually developing.
Now we are learning to live with holistic understanding.
Not ignorance of it.
Now we strive to thrive.
Instead of struggling to survive.

Suffering was programmed into us, leaving us in fear of problems, pain and plight, rendering us powerless.

Only we can remove our suffering.

Suffering is a choice.
Pain is inevitable.

Happiness is a choice.

26 January 2024

The Bigger Picture is Important for your Health and Wellbeing

I have consistently seen most people avoiding the bigger picture, not delving into it, not answering any questions posed to them about it.

23 January 2024

The Era of the Ordinary Human Being is Upon us!

Since the universe relocated and emigrated me to Thailand, and I'm in my 33rd year here, its purpose for me has been to study, observe, and understand the human condition, human behaviour and human potential.

In plainer language, it just means that I split my time in life between living and learning. I always recommend it: learn to live and live to learn. Each enhances the other.

It’s why I’ve created this Witness account.

And while we are still in for a rough ride, my observations are telling me that enough of us ordinary people have finally had enough of all this woke nonsense pushed on us by the Davos/WEF/MIC mobsters, dacoits, ideologues and misery-lovers and their globalist doctrines.

They are on the run.

The litmus test will be the fate of Canada's shocking dictator Justin Trudeau, a professional coward who ran away from the Canadian truckers a couple of years ago, and then in his fit of pique robbed their bank accounts.

His near future is going to get increasingly uncomfortable as karma kicks in to punish him for the massive misery and cruelty he has dished out on ordinary Canadians.

He is just the symbol of all that is this infectious disease that has hijacked the western world.

Now the fun starts, and they are all about to cop it! Good riddance. 2020 was their last big attempt that could have worked, but it's rebounded on them as over a billion are saying no more, go away.

And as their power over us through the chokehold of fear dissipates, just wait till everybody reviews the events of a certain September morning in New York nearly 23 years ago...

Interesting times ahead!

21 January 2024

It’s all just the cycle of Life!

Ill-health, pain, suffering, loneliness, anger, sorrow...

Psychopaths and politicians getting away with murder, Davos self-entitled and self-appointed rulers of the world...

Joy, peace, love, fun, camaraderie, friendship...

Rocky relationships, solid healthy relationships...

Being humble, being arrogant, being bad, being good, doing bad, doing good...

all of it is part of a balanced whole, and part of the imbalanced whole returning itself to balance. We can judge this or that to be bad or good, wrong or right, but it is what it is.

It's how we relate to the vast ISness of life that determines our experience of this life we've been invited to by the Universe.

Life for the human who is aware of their own existence, has only four main experiences or states of being:

  1. being sick, stressed and in emotional pain

  2. being well and harmonious in body and in body and in mind

  3. recovering from being sick and moving towards being well

  4. moving out of harmony and towards stress and pain.

The time span for all four of these states may be one day, a month, a year, a lifetime.

And that is the sum of life and its cycle! But we will do well to realise that there's always a time lag between each state, a time lag between an effect and its cause, a time lag between action and reaction.

Global warming? Clearly the planet is too cool.

Impending ice age or big freeze? Clearly the planet is too hot.

More people than normal dying? Clearly too many people or too little food or any other cause.

Just one law in nature: karma, and its role in always keeping an organism in homeostasis or returning the organism to homeostasis (a fancy word for balance) when it fell out of it.

That's why pain and suffering should be seen as signals you need to return yourself to balance. Not as things and reasons to pill ourselves up with 'medicines'.

19 January 2024

What are the common and shared human values across all cultures?

I will tell you what I think, but first I want to give you an idea behind my thinking.

To the best of my counting and approximate calculations I have

  • travelled to 22 countries in all 5 continents

  • taught 4000 adults from 35 countries

  • met and chatted to 1000s of people from uncountable countries from all walks of life, all ages, and all social classes

  • travelled about one million kilometres by plane (including about 15-20 trips between Thailand and UK and 25 trips to Australia)

  • travelled 20-30,000 kms by train in Thailand

  • read 100s of books

  • done probably way more than 100,000 hours of research

  • watched 1000s of videos

and I have found that human beings everywhere value the same human traits, and have the same human desires for their life.

We human beings value kindness, compassion, respect, friendliness, connection,

We desire to be understood, valued, loved, accepted for who we are, trusted, encouraged, healthy, happy and free

We want to learn, express ourselves, live with purpose, feel useful, contribute to the greater good, have a life partner who is loyal and trustworthy, have good friends who accept us for who we are.

We get excited with new experiences and new views and new ideas and newness in general

What I have found on my travels is that when people can relate to other people consciously, then all is good. But when the environment stresses us out, we can lose sight of any or all of the above. Environment is absolutely key. I think of environment as people + situation. When I travel and come across people in their local places, they almost universally are friendly and welcoming to me, in all places and all countries. I am in new places, I am excited, they see a new face, they are excited.

The key to it all is being in our conscious mind, and travel does that, so does learning, so does doing things beyond our norms and habits.

18 January 2024

Life 101

If you want to be healthy and happy, you have to understand your subconscious mind.

If you want to understand your subconscious mind, you have to find your conscious mind.

If you want to find your conscious mind you have to learn how to learn.

If you want to learn how to learn (because the schools never taught us), you'll have to practise being aware and observing.

And you'll have to observe yourself, others and all that happens around you.

So, to be healthy and happy, learn how to observe with awareness and JOB DONE!!

17 January 2024

Awareness is Our #1 Tool

Awareness in my experience of life is the single best 'tool' we can master the use of for navigating our way through life, and for optimising our own health and wellbeing, and the health and wellbeing of all our relationships.

Awareness is the conscious mind in action. The conscious mind does no harm to oneself or any others. Awareness and the conscious mind are the non-negotiable basis for learning. And learning, and I mean lifelong learning, enables our evolution to play out unhindered.

All harm we cause, and all harm aimed our way, comes from the human subconscious mind, the ego if you like.

That does not mean the ego and subconscious mind is all bad, only that all the bad in our world comes out of it. In fact, the purpose and duties of the subconscious mind are an essential evolutionary trait. The ego has an essential role.

The problem is when society, and the school system it spawns, has gone rogue.

And our ultra-consumptive, acquisitive, materialistic society is indeed rogue, and has caused a perversion of our natural intelligence, leading to an epidemic of physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual sickness.

Our ego has been conditioned in ways that antagonise our nature - our own unique nature, human nature, and the laws of nature. Our nurture does not complement our nature.

The way out of this sickness is through cultivating and practising awareness, which engages our conscious mind. Awareness means our mind is open for receiving what is happening now: it means we notice, we realise, we see, we observe that which is in this very moment in time.

Our subconscious mind, on the other hand, interprets what is happening now based on its past and all its prior experiences. It will take us out of the current moment in order to assign a meaning to the current moment based on its past experiences.

Whenever we judge somebody - or ourselves - negatively we are doing so out of our past. It also means the subconscious mind has taken control over the conscious mind, shunting it aside.

However, through the power of awareness (open state of mind) and observation (action of mind enabled by open state of mind), we ensure our conscious mind is in control and the subconscious mind is shunted aside. We can say this is the ‘mindfulness’ that is often talked about nowadays.

And then, whatever we observe or notice or realise or hear or see in the present moment - that is, all the actions, happenings, events, situations - we can then reflect upon any meaning after the event.

Awareness is of the external world beyond our skin, self-awareness is of the inner goings-on inside our skin.

Like all things in life, cultivating awareness and observation is a skill which comes to us through practice.

A last thought... there is so much misunderstanding of 'meditation' in the western world. Meditation is, in a nutshell, a major means for practising self-awareness and observation of one's inner mind activity.

And when you get to understand yourself, you understand others, and you understand the world. And understanding is our liberation from suffering.

"Observe others and learn about yourself, observe yourself and learn about others"… this is one of my own quotes.

Learn to do that, and watch how pain, hurt, hatred, resentment, envy, anger all start dropping away. Your experience of life fundamentally alters for the better.

16 January 2024

Forgiveness and Gratitude are Super Powerful!

Many if not all of us hold onto a bitterness or resentment towards somebody else, nearly always somebody close to us.

It lives in our psyche, our subconscious mind, hence the destructive nature of it. The first step to a lasting solution is becoming aware of our grudge.

There are then two complementary routes to removing the grudge and its destructive influence over our psychological and spiritual wellbeing.

  1. Forgive the person who did the dark deed to us. We learn to accept what they did because they did it from their own dark, hurt space. We happened to get in their way. We may have even inadvertently helped cause them to act this way by something we did or said ourselves. From forgiveness we can then develop gratitude for our life.

  2. Consciously practise cultivating gratitude for our own life. Within a mindset and heartset of gratitude there will be no room for bitterness or resentment. We can let our grudge go, and forgiveness is done.

Forgive >> feeling of gratitude for our life is now open.

Feel gratitude for our life >> forgiveness becomes automatic.

We don't need to literally go to the other person and forgive them, just to do this in our own mind. They will detect a sea change in your energy towards them.

We may even need to forgive ourselves, to remove feelings of shame or guilt over things we have said or done. And then gratitude can arise.

I really do think that forgiveness and gratitude are the two most powerful forces for us human beings to bring about solutions to long-lasting problems in our life.

If forgiveness is seemingly too hard to do, then go for the feeling gratitude route. Because if you truly feel grateful for your life, there is simply no room for bitterness or resentment.

And resentment is emotional cancer, constantly doing its damage to us without our knowing about it.

14 January 2024

The Catch 22 of The Elephant in the Room

The whole point of the elephant being in the room is that it never leaves until we see it there.

In fact, it just gets bigger and bigger, meaning that when one - or many - finally see it, it's much much harder to actually get out of the room.

What is this metaphorical elephant?

It's the big problem we don't want to face up to, the big problem we flee from, the big problem that nobody wants to speak about.

Which means it remains the big problem, and it means that the solution is made impossible by our refusal to look into the problem.

But what is the 'big problem'?

It is that our actions in life often don't reveal any negative consequences for quite some time. There's a time lag between action and reaction, a time lag between the effect and the cause of the effect.

That is, doing harmful things - to ourself or others - does not punish us at the time we do them. So we continue doing the harmful things, or we continue on in our ignorance (the biggest elephant of the lot).

By the time the negative consequences arrive - our karmic punishment - we have no idea what the cause was, or just can't see the connection.

Understanding karmic law, and living by it, helps us prevent any Big Jumbo from getting in the room in the first place.

But since it's already there, the only way to get it out is to first see that it is there.

And then the hard work begins. But we humans don't like hard work... hence the Jumbo continues living in the room, and we continue suffering out of our ignorance and/or refusal to face hard facts.

(PS Just as I'm writing about the elephant, another 'medical emergency' has occurred in the middle of another snooker tournament, which is in all likelihood a euphemism for a member of the crowd having a cardiac arrest. Every time I watch a snooker tournament in the last couple of years, these 'medical emergencies' occur. But it never happened before 2021... Elephant, wherefore art thou???)

13 January 2024

Life is a game, so play it to your best ability

I love listening to sports people describing their craft, their efforts, their wins, their losses, how they handle the lows, how they enjoy the highs, what it takes for them to reach their skill level and to stay at it and to improve it.

Which, aside from natural talent, is WORK and PRACTICE. Hard work, lots of practice, and always trying to make sure the mind does not sabotage their inner talent to play optimally.

The truly great giants of sport are dedicated to playing the game and winning, and put so much effort in to their game.

Always, though, in the heat of the battle, it's a battle with the mind, and all its inner voices which just appear, often at precisely the wrong bloody moment! I feel that such thoughts, which we do not choose to think but which simply appear on our 'screen of consciousness', are there to test us, push us to do better.

When it goes wrong, what do we do? Do we crumple? Or vow to do better next time?

Sporting success is an evolution, a juxtaposition of talent, practice, craft, time and patience, and, perhaps most of all, faith in oneself to keep going. Because by keeping going, good things will happen and we can enjoy, and when the bad things happen we can use this to add determination to our mindset to do better next time.

LIFE is a game. Read all the above again and apply it to yourself as if you are playing the sport of LIFE.

We are all sportsmen and sportswomen in the game of life.

We are all playing the game of life, so why not approach life like the pros do in their own sporting arenas?

I just heard a great snooker player (Ali Carter), coming off a huge win in the quarter final of the second biggest tournament against the second best player in the world (Judd Trump), saying that he had been inspired by seeing what a fellow pro was doing in the tournament.

If the greats still need inspiration, so do we.

In my own venture, I have really needed to 'play the game', with very few successes yet, but I continue with the faith that it will all come good. In my usual line of work (educator) it is me inspiring others, and that is still what I need to do in my new venture, but I love finding human beings who inspire me!

Play the game of life, view life as a game, and then adjust your approach and mindset accordingly. You will enjoy the wins, and you will use the 'losses' as steps to better times and more skill and more future wins.

Go for it!

[And if you want inspiration, sign up at the top of this page to my Challenge 2024 for you, to turn your life into the one that you aways dreamt it of being. You will get weekly doses (my weekly Letters) of inspiration from me every Monday, and you can use this energy force to play your game to the best of your abilities!]

11 January 2024

It’s time for us humans to live with self-belief, not self-sabotage.

The Japanese are not so confident about their country and abilities, and think others are better.

The Thais are not so confident about their country and abilities, and think others are better.

The British are not so confident about their country and abilities, and think others are better.

I think this is the case for most if not all peoples from all countries.

Humankind seems not so confident about our species and our abilities, and in recent years has been very negative about itself and talked itself down, blaming itself for so many terrible things.

We like to admire various animals and the skills they have, but not ourselves.

When we see somebody succeeding and doing super well, we are apt to either feel envious or put them down.

Perhaps because many of us feel powerless to change our ways and our station in life.

Yet human beings have within their skillset, their human essence and their humanity, their hearts and souls, the most tremendous miraculous beauty, potential and opportunities. It's mindblowing to me what we can do, and what many individuals do do.

Yet, due to my life's journey and the fact that I've met and chatted to 1000s of human beings, from over 35 countries, and from all walks of life, I have seen how tremendously successful and/or skillful people and/or wealthy people have to constantly deal with lack of self-worth, and negative self-talk.

I am on a long-term mission to transform the way humans do education, and my new venture has been on the go for over two years. Previously I was a very successful teacher (according to my students, and theirs is the only voice that ever mattered to me), but always 'worried' before each lesson that things would not go optimally. I never had a problem with self-confidence at work, however. But what I have observed on this new venture I'm on is the inner voice of self-doubt frequently visiting me, as I am yet to see the venture working properly.

I cannot remember such negative talk inside me ever in my life before!

I have determined that we humans are not in love with ourselves, we do not give ourselves credit, we do not respect ourselves, we think we are barbarians, or barbaric or brutal and so on.

We also have so many ways to weaken and destroy all our abilities and gifts and to deny our own feelings. It's as if we do our very best to not be healthy, happy and harmonious.

This is what I have determined to be the reality: it is our conditioned ego and subconscious mind which puts us down and which tries to drag others down, not our real conscious self and our soul and our very human essence.

Our human essence has within it—so suppressed and hidden by this society-conditioned ego we carry around—love, freedom, peace, camaraderie, connection, kindness, compassion, respect, trust and all the rest of those beautiful human attributes.

When we act with self-belief we can do monumentally joyful and meaningful things.

The solution is clear as day to me: we must learn to use our conscious mind to remould and reshape this ego of ours so that it stops sabotaging us on all levels. I wrote my book to guide people in this (even though I now have to daily learn to walk my talk again!).

We humans do do bad things, but not when our essence is engaged. And painful stuff is the stuff of life lessons, so I’m not saying bad is bad, just that we’ve completely overdone it.

So, learn to engage your essence, and you quite simply transform your life because you release all the hidden goodies in your heart, soul and human consciousness.

A life of living with integrity, with HEART, brings us a simply amazing experience. Living with HEART means living with

  • honesty

  • empathy

  • awareness

  • trust

  • responsibility.

This is our essence in action. This brings us all the joy and freedom we need, and ensures we are connected to each other as per the laws of nature.

We don't need to get rid of our egos, we just need to rein them in and make sure they are no longer the boss in our life.

(PS Take a look at this unlisted page on my website, and if you like the sound of it, join up immediately! You will literally empower yourself and transform your life as 2024 progresses.)

6 January 2024

What are the two most important relationships in your life? Bar none.

While you're thinking about that, I would like to say that we humans are born as social animals, and this means we inherently want to, and need to, form relationships in our life.

How these relationships play out determines the level of wellbeing, or the level of unhappiness and loneliness, in our life.

Relationships sparkle, lose their sparkle, or become emotionally harmful or toxic depending on one thing only: your communication skills.

So if you want sparkling relationships, work on your listening, speaking, and self-awareness skills.

Those two most important relationships? They are, in this order:

  1. the relationship with yourself

  2. the relationship with your chosen partner for life (husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend)

The first one you literally can never get away from, hence this is the #1 relationship. It means you need to learn to listen to yourself, your body, your mind, your feelings, your thoughts and so on, and it means you need to express yourself, your feelings, your ideas, your understandings, which is speaking and writing. This is cultivating self-awareness. When you speak or write, you get to listen to yourself.

Self-awareness is the #1 tool and skill to enhance your life and to put you in charge of you.

The second one brings us all the challenges in life! However, unless we have attended to the #1 relationship, we will likely struggle in the #2 relationship. And it's so important this relationship, because we spend more time with this one person than any other.

We can, of course, leave this relationship, even though that may bring us heartbreak or big stress. However, if we leave it, get into another one, leave that, get into another one, and so on, then this strongly suggests we are not comfortable in our #1 relationship, with ourselves.

On the other hand, if we have harmonised our relationship with ourself, then we will know for sure if we are in the wrong relationship with our partner.

Get #1 into harmony, then the #2 will benefit, and if #1 and #2 are flourishing and sparkling, all your other relationships will follow suit.

Know thyself >> heal thy self >> healthy self.

Job done!

5 January 2024

know thyself >> heal thyself >> healthy self

Unleash your spirit upon the world. Find your skills, your talents and your natural abilities, your limitations, and then develop and express yourself within your own unique skillset, giving you joy and vitality in the process, while enabling others to benefit from what you are sharing with them and the world.

It’s a TRIPLE WIN with no losers, and this year you can learn exactly what to do with me guiding you each week. Read on to find out more. And as soon as you feel you want in, then go to the top of this page and sign up in the form there.

Firstly, however, it’s a new year, so… Happy New Year to all Witness readers!

I am making it a special year of self-transformation and self-empowerment for all those who seek to better themselves, to better their experience of health and wellbeing, to better their life, to better all their relationships, and to help with the healing of humankind.

If you come on board this journey with me, you will receive weekly Letters every Monday in your email inbox. These are interactive learning experiences, and come with a weekly task for you to carry out to apply what you learn in the Letters into your own context of life. In my specific field of cutting edge education, this is called Task-Based Learning, and is inherently motivating and rewarding because it is experiential and reflective learning.

Each Letter will be educational, enjoyable and inspiring. You will always be looking forward to the next one, while enjoying working on the current one.

To gain all the benefits you will need to devote 1-2 hours of time each week to do the learning.

This is no magic pill, nor a quick fix, this is systematic, sustained and step-by-step work you do on yourself for a long enough period of time to ensure you make lasting, enduring, transformative changes to your life, instead of those New Year’s resolution style changes which only last a month if we are lucky. That’s why I’m making this Challenge a year long.

However, where you will gain considerable help is that I am a long-time master of offering a motivational and inspiring learning experience to all my adult and adolescent students. It’s the gift the universe gave me, and luckily I stumbled into this line of work back in 1991 when I was 27. In my classrooms I make learning an experience that gives all of us (students and me!) FREEDOM: which is to say that your time spent learning is Fun, Rewarding, Engaging, Empowering, Dynamic, Organic and Moral. Learning is a joy, and dramatically improves one’s experience of living.

You can find out all about it by going to my Challenge 2024: Unleash Your Spirit page and signing up to receive a Letter every Monday. If you can afford 1-2 hours each week to interact with each Letter, then there can be precisely zero reasons to NOT participate in this unique learning opportunity and experiment!

With one of the world’s finest masters of making learning happen for others!

In closing, did you know that the two most essential kills we human beings need are not on any curriculums anywhere, not in schools, not in universities or colleges, not in evening adult courses, not taught anywhere.

I’m talking the learning and living skills. You can sign up to learn just about any kind of skill in life, except the two core skills we need for optimally navigating our journey in life.

Luckily for you, though, I happen to teach both, and that’s what these Letters are all about: you get to practise and master the art of learning and living. It means you become a skilled, knowledgeable, self-confident human being.

What could possibly be more important than that?!

During 2024 I will facilitate you in your journey to master for yourself the art of being human.

Are you ready for a transformative 2024? Are you ready to UNLEASH YOUR SPIRIT UPON YOURSELF AND THE WORLD?! If so, scroll up to the top of this page, and sign up to join up, or if you would like to learn more, go to my Challenge 2024 page, where you can also sign up to join up.

21 December 2023

The Art of Solving Problems

[This has turned out to be a longer entry than usual, but it’s a really important message, so it stays here!]

I began all my health and wellness research back in 2008 when I was 44 and I could no longer kid myself that my bullet-proof youth was intact! I had by now, on and off for a good four years or so, had lower back issues (sometimes with outbreaks of incredible pain around and just above my waist), and increasingly this was impacting badly on my sleep. Since I’ve always valued my ability to sleep through the night, it was this that prompted me to finally take action.

After having no success through the usual ‘healthcare’ system, but having established through X-ray that my spinal column was in proper physical shape, I recollected from a few months before that I had kept a newspaper article on Ayurveda. Unusually for me I was able to locate this cutting easily. I reread it. I was excited, just as I had been when I first read it. To cut the story super short (I do recount it in full in my book), I found a place in town, and within—no kidding, no exaggeration—four nights all back pain was gone!

This was a revelation to me, and was my introduction to natural healing. As a major part of my job, as a university instructor, was both doing research and teaching my teacher students to do research, I leapt into action! I love learning and always have done, and have been a bookworm my whole life.

At a conservative estimate, during the next 10 years or so I did over 5000 hours of research - much of it in books, but plenty online too. That figure is based on doing 10 hours every week, but in reality there were many days when I did three or four hours! I quickly became addicted to researching health and wellness, sickness and disease, allopathic treatment and natural healing, and any chance I had I would get reading, or watching videos on YouTube.

Naturally enough I could write for ages on this, but these entries in my Witness page are meant to be relatively short, so let me cut to the chase for this one, and one of the major lessons I learned from this research.

Early on in my research journey my attention fell onto cancer. You know, the dreaded disease that will end our life early, which has no cure, which we don’t know how it arises, and so on.

I discovered that it could it healed and reversed through many different protocols, including for those almost at death’s door. I did tonnes of research on this, because, as you will know, this information runs completely counter to what we’ve been led to believe/understand.

But here’s the message I want to share with you. In discovering how we can take steps to recover from cancer and then live a healthy life, it quickly became obvious to me: the way to fix it was also the way to prevent it in the first place! However, I could also see that fixing it required a lot of work and effort and for us to make many diet and lifestyle changes.

It brought to mind one of the hundreds of truisms my Mum had taught me during my boyhood: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. We so love our comfort zone, and being as we are—apparently—healthy enough today, we continue doing things we know are not healthy actions to take: smoking, too much alcohol, junk food, laziness to do exercise, and so on. We think we will get away with it, or we just think we’ll stop some time in the near future. But years pass by, and then one day the dreaded diagnosis.

And we got there by our choices of diet and lifestyle.

So to sum up…

  • My specific message is to learn and understand how cancer works for yourself, and then live in a such a way that supports your health and prevents it. Don’t wait till you get it and then either succumb to it, or go through the tough battle to reverse it: prevent it! And you can prevent it by learning all about it, and living in an intelligent way.

  • My general message, which brings us back to the title of this entry is that the best way to solve problems is to prevent them from arising in the first place! So much easier. But… we have to learn all about problems, the nature of them and their root causes. Go right into the belly of the beast to conquer it!

However, since pretty much all human beings prefer to run or flee from problems, numb them, pretend to ourselves they don’t exist and we are fine, blame others for them, we will have to change our approach to life and the attitude and mindset we carry around with us. Don’t run from the bully stand up to the bully and disappear they will.

Over to you! However, I will be spending the entire year of 2024 on a mission to educate and inspire my email subscribers to empower themselves and transform their life, their health and their fortunes. We will of course address the biggie, namely how to handle problems in life.

Before I leave, here’s a link to one of the very first documentaries I watched on cancer, and it certainly gave me so much material to widen my research. See if it works for you. It’s actually a beautifully made film by a filmmaker living in Alaska. It is also stunning and revealing in all its content.

[PS In looking for it in my library I found that YT have removed it for violating their community standards. It’s quite incredible to me that so many videos that teach us ordinary people how to be healthy and lead lives of wellness are being removed these days, but Rumble, at least for now, is showing it. So watch it while you can!]

17 December 2023

Profile of a Problem

In our world today, problems (and the mental and emotional suffering they bring to us) are more common than anybody would like them to be. Rare is the human being who does not suffer from various ‘things’ in their own mind. Emotional angst and psychological unhappiness and disconnect are the scourge of humankind.

The reason behind this miserable state of affairs is straightforward in idea, and (aside from matters of poverty) all problems we face in our lives share the same common feature:

We can’t prevent the problem, and we can’t solve it. If we could… it would not be a problem!!

Only—and I really do mean only—through understanding the nature of problems can we overcome them. Most problems are recurring, and they keep coming back because we never solved it in the first place.

Here’s the REAL problem: we don’t understand them or why we experience them, nor do we try to. We seek others to help us, to get rid of our problems for us, or we just blame those we hold responsible for OUR problems and woes in OUR consciousness.

Look around you, look in the media, look within: human beings love to seek out experts, gurus, external authorities for answers, magic pills, quick fixes. Always have done.

The third thing we do, and it’s super prevalent, is to pretend to ourselves and others that we are fine, we don’t have any problem, we are not stressed, we are ‘coping’. In this coping mechanism lie the seeds to our addictions and our myriad ways of trying to numb our pain, or flee from it.

At no point do we address or look into the root causes that lead to our problems. Only there can the solution be found. But you’ll have to get uncomfortable and perhaps discover things you don’t want to know! But there is no other way to change your life around into one where harmony rules the roost in your life instead of the stress you get from all your unsolved problems.

14 December 2023


learn about and know thyself >> heal thyself >> healthy self

Since society has no idea, nor any financial interest in the idea, concept and actual experience of what HEALTH is, I'm going to define it here, and how one personally makes sure one has it. (But I've already given the game away!)

I am talking about feeling HEALTHY, as in living with good health and wellbeing. WELLNESS, in other words.

  • HEALTH is not an absence of illness, or not having a cold or flu.

  • HEALTH is impossible when one's diet is selected from junk and corporate-made foods.

  • HEALTH is not the outcome of taking daily pills for this or that.

  • HEALTH is not about the body.

  • HEALTH is a state of wellbeing in your body, in your mind, in your heart, and in your whole being.

HEALTH is the outcome of your inner environment being in alignment and harmony with the external environment all around you, and in the media you consume.

In a state of HEALTH we will feel energy and vitality in our body, clarity and peace in our mind, and joy and love in our heart. Regardless of age.

In particular, in our mind we will feel any of these: stress-free, content, harmonious, clear, at peace, happy, joyful, playful, creative, productive, proactive, loving.

We can see, sadly, that this probably applies to very very few people, especially in the developed wealthy West.

The good news, however, is that EVERYBODY can take action and steps to dramatically improve their own level of HEALTH & WELLBEING. What we need to do is learn how to maximise and optimise our own level of HEALTH & WELLBEING according to our own unique constitution and context in life.

HEALTH comes to us when we live in alignment with nature, and in harmony within our body, mind and spirit, and in all our relationships with other people.

How do we get it into our life?

Feed wisely. But remember, HEALTH is not just about the body, it's about body, mind, and soul. So you have to feed your body healthy stuff and feed your mind healthy stuff, and when you do this your soul will flourish, bringing you a wonderful feeling of HEALTH & WELLBEING.

In addition (and this is the huge challenge in this insane, toxic world that the 'developed' and 'civilised' portion of humankind has developed for itself), we have to AVOID consuming toxic foods and toxic information.

That means no corporate foods, and no corporate media and no big government edicts and decrees that go against our wellbeing. And be sure about it, if you or I are in a state of wellbeing and wellness we are ZERO THREAT TO OTHERS, and in fact we are a tremendous energy force for the good of all who come into contact with us.

Learn about and know thyself >> heal thyself >> healthy self.

Consume wisely good friend!

4 December 2023

We live in a world which focuses on knowledge, not the learning activity of acquiring that knowledge. This has caused us no end of troubles and woes in our human family.

Furthermore, knowledge comes from ‘out there’, and so our world is built on external authority. There are a range of ‘experts’ we listen to to tell us what is happening in the world, what we should be doing or saying, and how we should be behaving and thinking.

Our societal structure and systems have blocked us from developing any kind of inner authority for ourselves. We are not leaders of our lives, we are followers of those we perceive to be the experts.

But these experts themselves have zero inner authority! It is the blind leading the blind, and with the events of 2020, this could not be more clearly seen for those who seek to live with open eyes. In fact, many had their eyes rudely and violently wrenched open. Many have since closed them back up, but others are now seeing clearly how our world works.

And it ain’t pretty.

The solution is to develop your own inner authority. It’s there, you just have to find it under all the layers of society-induced suppression. Here is the most important word in the English language:


If you look at the top of this page you’ll see my mantra:

“Observe others and learn about yourself, observe yourself and learn about others.”

This is the key to opening up and accessing all your powerful, beautiful, magical, amazing inner authority. Observing leads to understanding, and the world looks totally different through the lens of understanding what is and what happens, compared to the lens of judging what we see to be good or bad, right or wrong, to be loved or hated all the time.

When you uncover your human essence, your life is transformed into unimagined riches!

19 November 2023

A Political Revolution is a group of people carrying out actions to change the world for the better, according to their view of what 'better' is.

History teaches us this does not work. Just much bloodshed, and then things carry on as normal. And this is not surprising.

It's because humankind still does not know who it is. It tries to change the world, not realising the world it sees is in fact inside themselves. We live with a wrong relationship with the world.

It's why when we make ourselves sick by our own actions, we then treat the effect/symptom, rather than ask ourselves what the cause was, and then change our behaviour to not produce the effect again.

A Spiritual Revolution is an individual person carrying out actions to change themselves for the better. And 'better' means less stress, conflict and sickness, more harmony, love and wellness.

In this revolution, the focus is on an individual changing themselves, not the world out there. The objective is - and it must be - to discover who we really are.

A Political Revolution is an effort to directly change the world, through force. It leaves the root causes of problems unaddressed, so the problems never go away. Force constantly creates karmic outcomes of more force.

A Spiritual Revolution is an action by one human being that directly changes their own inner world, and in this way that person actually changes the world. ASR achieves what APR cannot, and never will do.

A Spiritual Revolution addresses the cause of our woes and troubles, leading to the outcome (a changed, better, peaceful world out there) that A Political Revolution wanted to achieve, but could not, and can never do.

Politics is the problem. Politics is sickness. Politics depends on the force of external authority
Spirituality is the solution. Spirituality is holistic wellness. Spirituality is empowered internal authority.

External authority has got us into our collective and individual mess. It is power exerted over others.

Developing inner authority is the solution for each and every one of us. This is empowering ourselves.

But it means YOU have to do the work. A Spiritual Revolution is the revolution OF you FOR you BY you, but it directly makes the world a better place too because the world will love you and want the same for itself. A Spiritual Revolution is the only solution.

That is the message of our times, and humankind's continued existence rests upon it learning this message in good enough time.

But there doesn’t seem to be much of that left...

It’s quite literally up to YOU. That’s how much you matter, that’s how important you are.

17 November 2023

I have lived all my life in a human world that attaches great emphasis on us having goals, dreams, ambitions and a desire to be seen to be successful by others.

Firstly, it’s as if we judge ourselves by how we perceive others judge us. In doing this we have given away our power, given away our very core human essence, to external sources. In effect we have become slaves to the external world.

Secondly, this puts our focus in life on making a better tomorrow, and that means we lose sight of, and consciousness of, the present life we are living. We are turning our backs on life itself, since life can only be experienced today, now, in the present time.

I’m not saying dreams are wrong, but I am saying we need to shift our focus onto goals which are for today. And bear in mind that it’s always today. You are only ever living today. You may go to bed thinking about tomorrow, but upon waking up you are in today all over again. So by setting your primary goal for today, you are setting a goal for all of your life.

What goal will yours be?! I can tell you mine: to be healthy, happy and harmonious. Won’t always achieve it, but since it’s my main focus I make all my decisions to support it. Out of this foundation I can then think about what I want to do and where I want to get to.

Life is a journey, not a destination.

7 November 2023 - start of week 3 entries

Here we are alive today, in the 2020s, and we live in seriously tempestuous, turbulent times of transition. This has been the case all my life, and my adult life began at the outset of the 1980s. But it really seemed to pick up pace as the internet became a daily feature of our lives.

I describe it as humankind moving out of the Industrial Age and into the Information Age. We have one leg in each Age!

Those of us who cannot navigate change, who fear or resist change, are in a real struggle to get by in life. Trouble is, as children we were schooled - and conditioned, sad to say - in a manner that leaves us without the skills we need for riding the winds of change. We live in a glut of media and information, relentlessly coming at us from all directions.

It is essential for the modern human being to be able to intelligently and perceptively both interpret information coming into our mind, and to ration how much we let in. We need learning skills, communication skills and problem-solving skills. Our schooling denied us any chance of developing any of these skills.

This is why in our current times so many human beings are struggling in their own lives, and feeling rather powerless to make changes. The skillset is just not there.

This is the urgent task facing all those who do have the skills and self-knowledge, to encourage, enable and empower others to develop them. I wrote the first in a series of in-depth articles over on my The Blog page, which describes how you can put A Spiritual Revolution into your life, which is my solution for the healing of all humankind. Take a read of it here.

3 November 2023

A couple of food-for-thoughts for your cognitive digestion and energy…!

#1 You need courage to be yourself. And being yourself imbues you with courage. Catch 22?! Not at all, just that sometimes in life we need to dive in head first to get the ball rolling! But undoubtedly courage is a wonderful human attribute and value to put in our lives.

It’s the same with confidence. To be self-confident means we need to do things - with body or mind, motor or cognitive activity. We then get a sense of achievement for momentarily taking ourselves out of that seductive ‘comfort zone’. We feel good, and feeling good about ourself is a building block for living with self-confidence.

#2 Life is a process, an ongoing journey, not a series of complete, isolated events and happenings. Each happening in your life arises out of previous ones, and gives rise to future ones. When we deeply understand this, we begin to live in harmony with the laws of nature. We look at everything through the lens of ‘cause and effect’. This is a major learning tool, and the more able we are in learning the more able we are in living, and the more our life will be fulfilling.

1 November 2023

Energy is the Stuff of Life, and Understanding it is our Liberation...

The big misunderstanding is that you and I are separate from each other.

We are not, we are connected, and the connection is an energy flow between you and me, and the environment and context in which this energy flows is online, in the media, in social media, here on my website.

The connection is you, me, and this website. We may be separate physically, but not at the dimension in which life takes place and is perceived: in the mind.

If I hate you, then this energy of hatred is in me, in my mind, shutting out my heart. I may focus my attention on you, but the energy of hatred is in my mind.

So independent of how you actually receive this energy, if you even know it's coming towards you from me (because I may be bottling it up inside me), it is I who will be consumed with the energy of hatred. It is I who loses out. I am the one with the hatred, and this negative energy is filling my being.

Whereas if I accept you, respect you, love you, I have no negative energy in me whenever you are in my consciousness. No, l will be feeling good because the love and respect I feel for you feel good, and acceptance of who you are, what you san and do, ensures I avoid feeling bad.

I have the choice, and with awareness of this choice, and understanding of the nature of energetics, then I would be a silly fool to hate you... and a wise man to accept you, warts and all, respect you, and love you.

You will feel that energy as well, and will respond in kind.

Energy is the stuff of life, and understanding it is our liberation.

28 October 2023 - start of Week 2 entries

Have you ever seen one of those pictures of an iceberg sitting atop a lake? And how you can see the bit above the waterline, but also how the picture reveals the bit of it that's usually out of sight under the surface?

I've just read that 90% of the iceberg is below the surface. 90% hidden from normal sight, and the bit we see is just a tenth of the whole thing.

This seems to me rather symbolic of our approach to life:

  • we are much more focused on image than substance

  • we know only a little about things, so much of it is unknown to us, or we remain unaware of it

  • it is there to be seen, however, if we expand our perspective

  • we need to 'dig deeper' to learn the full story, and to raise our awareness of life.

It also acts a metaphor for time... there's always a time lag between a new reality or paradigm shift taking place, and our awareness of the changes. By the time we come to understand something, often the horse has totally bolted from the stable. We don’t see the causes, only the effects.

Do you see the surface portion of life, or do you like to dig deeper to see the full picture?! Do you see the paradigm shift taking place as it's taking place, or only much later once the effects and consequences are revealing themselves?

And, relating to the time lag in life between cause and effect, when we get a cold, the flu, a fever, a viral infection, we have not just fallen sick as we think, we were already sick! At the moment we feel the effects, we think we have fallen ill, but in reality the body is now in the process of healing itself.

And that is your covid and 2020 for you... humankind long ago fell sick - physically, psychologically and spiritually sick - and so now humankind created 2020 as part of its healing journey. The trouble in this case is that it’s more like cancer stage 4 we have developed, rather than a cold: we have ignored our sickness for so long that now the ‘body’ has severely warned us to mend our ways.

When it comes to icebergs in lakes, and human life in the busy lane, it's definitely going to be a huge boost to our health and wellbeing, and to our ability to navigate life, if we learn to look below the surface of life to get the full picture. We all want to be informed, but we look in the wrong places - education and media have misinformed and disinformed us, just giving us the 10% above the lake.

"Knowledge is power, lack of knowledge is lack of power" ~ Dr Bruce Lipton.

27 October 2023

I am an educator, not a normal one, a different kind. I make learning a joyful and motivational experience. I have observed our world and education systems keenly for 30 years or so, and here are a few thoughts I want to share with you in this entry of Witness.

I have talked about their schooling experiences to hundreds or thousands of children and adults from multiple countries, and universally the message is the same: school was useless, and learning was never fun. Speaking and asking questions were discouraged or punished. What?? We are social animals who have an innate desire to communicate and learn. Yet communicating and learning is suppressed in nearly all schools around the world. Is this insanity?

I wonder what the purpose of life is other than to pursue fun, enjoyment and happy times? Why can’t learning be fun? Well it can. I make it fun. And I train my students to ask intelligent and ‘awkward’ questions. When we have fun and we are learning, this is a heady cocktail of human joy. I actually teach my adult students how to learn, and to master this ‘Mother of All Skills’. When you are skilled in learning you are skilled in communicating, building healthy relationships, and in living harmoniously with full-on motivation. It’s a pretty useful skill then!

Any education that does not teach students how to learn for themselves, think for themselves, articulate themselves, nor to inquire into the nature of things, is an anti-education, and a travesty of ‘learning’. I have reflected upon and concluded this truism:

Today’s society is yesterday’s classroom, today’s classroom is tomorrow’s society.

Humankind needs to shape up super quick.

26 October 2023

In a society where knowledge is emphasised over understanding, all manner of unnecessary problems and suffering will arise.

And that's the human world almost everywhere.

Knowledge disempowers us because others own it and tell us it. Understanding empowers us because we have to work it out for ourselves. It's ours, not theirs, or the system's, understanding is OURS. We own it, we are responsible for it, and that liberates us to be integrated intelligent human beings.

Furthermore, we can say that life is energy, and since energy flows we can say energy is movement, and movement is change, and therefore life is change.

Knowledge, while of course it is important, is fixed, and is only given life when it is fluid, moving, changing, and that is why we take knowledge and do what we need to, to understand it. It is in this understanding, which can be ever-evolving, that we bring both the knowledge and ourselves alive: we engage in the pursuit of understanding, the verifying of it, the adjusting of it, the expanding of it.

Understanding is liberating, truly and tremendously. Try it for yourself. Pick any bit of knowledge you think you know, then start doing things with it, testing it out, verifying it, using it, applying it to your own context in your own life. It comes alive. So do you.

24 October 2023

In the mid-1990s, before the internet was with us, I read many books on 20th century history and current affairs. It was brutal reading for a person who hated injustice, unfairness and inequity. Despite my personal heavenly life teaching in Bangkok and taking three or four trips to the sensational Ko Phangan, Ko Samui and Ko Tao islands in the south of Thailand every year, reading what the western empire was doing to our world would fill me with a sort of rage.

It’s when I began my spiritual journey, needing to learn how to handle information coming my way of the terrors going on in our world, but which I could not stop.

Now we see major war playing out in our media yet again (2022-current), with ordinary people yet again losing their lives or their loved ones, and having their towns and communities destroyed by tanks, bombs, missiles and all that weaponry of war unleashed by ‘leaders’ in their salubrious offices directing this whole ungodly machine against human beings.

For me personally my spiritual work has protected me from any rages this time around.

But again my human essence and sense of awe for human life is assaulted whenever I think of what our ‘leaders’ do to us all. It redoubles my efforts and endeavours to make my Learning Academy a huge success.

But I leave you with one thought, one understanding, about why the American ruling classes are either waging war, or lusting after the next one:

The Government ‘give’ 100 billion dollars to Ukraine, say, to ‘support’ them in their war against Russia. Now, at say 200 million taxpayers in the US, that amount equates to $500 paid by each ordinary working American towards perpetuating a war that has nothing to do with America. But, all that money comes back to American corporations who make the weapons, the tanks, the whole war machinery and the engineering companies who will be given the contracts to rebuild destroyed towns. That, of course, is a contingency for the ‘package’ given to Ukraine.

It’s a way of stealing money from ordinary Americans which will then destroy and kill ordinary people from Ukraine, and of then filling the coffers of American corporations who are making serious profits out of this war.

And that is how it has been working since the second world war. Steal money from ordinary people to pay for a war to kill other ordinary people, and then get lots of work rebuilding things and making more weapons. Plunder and profit.

A fantastic book to read, which gives us complete understanding of this one example of American empire I’ve just given, is Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins.

Meanwhile, what do we onlookers do? The least is as always: don’t let us be divided by supporting this or that side. All war is human civil war. Let’s just promote humanity, human values, and human essence, but cultivating it within us.

22 October 2023

“Today’s society is yesterday’s classroom; today’s classroom is tomorrow’s society.” This is one of my own quotes.

A friend posted this up:

“She [a trainee journalist] asked me what one of the biggest issues around mens mental health is:

"Lack of a purpose or a purpose that leaves a man unfulfilled" was my answer.

A man needs a purpose bigger than himself. Something so big....that it drives him every day of his life.”

I replied to him…

As usual I'm blaming the school system. If we think back to our school days, what did we actually DO ourselves? I mean with our minds as well as with our hands? What proactive, interactive cognitive skills did we learn and practise? Having purpose means we are DOING something of value to ourselves, our families, our community, humankind. But, in our schooling, when did we get any practice whatsoever to develop and master these DOING skills?? Shut up, stop talking, stop asking questions, stop thinking, stop being creative, stop being curious. Just stop being, and stop being a human. That's yer schooling for you!!

I think so many problems we see in the human family are because we were blocked from developing the learning and communication skills during our so-called ‘education’. Of all the damage this does, the biggest one is to our self-esteem, self-belief and self-worth. Something has to change in education. I’m changing it. See The Infinity Learning Academy if you want to get on board in any way you may think of.

20 October 2023 - Week 1 First entry, read this for context!

What is a ‘Witness’?

A witness is expected to have seen something happen - the unfolding of an event, a situation play out - and to faithfully report what they saw according to their most accurate recollection.

What they tell others is their best effort to give a true account of things, and then others will do what they may with the information. It is the witness’s testimony, and for others to act upon as they see fit.

A witness is also asked to observe a formal happening in advance, and their role is to ensure things proceed according to the expectations from all sides. It is their corroboration that things pass appropriately.

I, Philip, am now presenting to you a new idea, with me as Witness.

In a sense, I’ve been a witness since before my adulthood. Not only have I been living my life, but I have been observing it, almost as if in parallel to the living of it, yet seemingly all happening at the same time.

A conscious awareness if you like.

A witness.

I observe all and everything as I travel through this journey we call ‘life’. I observe my own mind and body, my own feelings, thoughts, actions and non-actions. I observe other people, and I carefully hear their choice of language - for I am a language teacher and I teach language teachers and I am a writer and so language is my big stock in trade. I observe the human condition, and the way the intricately interconnected web of life works.

And then I reflect upon what I see, notice, observe, realise. And then I express myself.

In this way I learn, practise and master the art of understanding this life of ours.

Now I’m going to present you with my account of what I witness. It is my testimony of being human and navigating human life. I hope you will enjoy reading the regular entries.