A Spiritual Revolution

Self-Inquiry —> Self-Knowledge + Self-Awareness —> Self-Determination

“Ignorance in a land of milk and honey may well be bliss. Ignorance on Planet Earth at the outset of the 3rd millennium, is far too dangerous to entertain.

When we accept we carry ignorance, we begin to emerge from its darkness. When we learn for ourselves, we swiftly move into a beautiful energy field where love and light dance in the meadows, bringing joy to the heart and soul.

The only guru you need is you. Don’t be a Buddhist, be your own Buddha. Others can medicate you, others can mediate for you, but only you can meditate for you.

Observe others and learn about yourself, observe yourself and learn about others.”

Heal thyself for a healthy self

Are you ready to experience the #1 most exciting and revealing journey a human being can ever undertake?

A Spiritual Revolution is a self-empowering journey into your inner world to discover and learn about the real true you, and how you are connected to the whole world and universe

You discover a world of insights, understandings, and freedom. You stand in your own power, reveal to yourself your inner beauty and discover all your talents

Ordinarily, thanks to our conditioning from our schooling, we human beings are focussed and fixated on the outside world, and everything going on in our personal life, or what we see in media.

This causes us to ignore, and be ignorant of, our own inner world of mind, body, soul and consciousness.

Not knowing who we really are is the root cause of all our emotional suffering and spiritual emptiness.

A Spiritual Revolution is a 5-step journey of self-inquiry and self-discovery to empower yourself with self-knowledge, self-confidence and self-growth; to live with health harmony and happiness; and

Before taking step #1 your inner voice of self-doubt and self-sabotage will find multiple reasons to not take step #1. Once you are on step #1, that’s it, you’re on the journey for life now, such as the rewards.

A Spiritual Revolution is a framework and 5-step process of learning how to educate and empower ourselves so that:

  • we acquire the skills and know-how to manage our own life, health and destiny

  • we are now able to mentor and inspire others to educate and empower themselves in kind.

You are healing yourself through a realignment and reconnection to your unique nature as an uplifting, unique human being, and in so doing you are helping with the healing of humankind.

This is the only way we can transform our way of living and our relationship with Mother Earth, Gaia, our planet.

(If you think you don’t need healing, you need healing. Everybody needs it, because you can’t just get it and that’s it, job done; you have to work at it every day for your whole life. Healing and learning are lifelong practices to be integrated into our daily life if we wish to live with vitality in body, clarity of mind, and a joyful heart.

It is a new way in education, pioneered by Ajarn Philip Keay since the mid-1990s in universities through The Infinity Learning Academy

Wellness is the consequence of right diet, mindset and lifestyle, and the daily work we do to nurture and nourish our inner world

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
~ Gandhi

“People want change but they don’t want TO change.”
~ Max Igan

A Spiritual Revolution is a self-empowering 5-step journey into your inner world to reactivate your (society-suppressed) human essence and grow into the REAL TRUE YOU.

In the process you learn how you are intimately interconnected to the whole web of life on our Planet Earth. And to all galactic realms!

The 5 steps are:

  1. Learn what blocks us all from living with purpose and meaning, joy and love, confidence and belief.

  2. Open up your mind, expand your heart, activate your inner spirit: “Unblock your mind, unlock your heart, unleash your spirit”.

  3. Learn about and discover how your mind and body work, who you really are, and how to live harmoniously and holistically.

  4. Take charge of your own life, health and self-growth.

  5. Live with purpose, gratitude and love; never stop learning and evolving.

Get on this journey, and you will avoid the biggest and most calamitous problem a human being can ever face, because there is no possible solution:

arriving on your deathbed full of regrets for all the things you wanted to do but never did because of self-doubt, lack of self-worth, or fearing what others would think or say about you.

It takes courage, confidence and compassion to be a creative, productive, reflective human being who converts their dreams, promise and potential into wondrous reality.

A Spiritual Revolution is your guide and gateway to the inner riches of connection, happiness and love that all human beings yearn for. It teaches us that the greatest joy in life is contributing to the greater good of all, but that we cannot do this until we have unblocked ourselves.

Stop yearning and start earning! Stop dreaming and start doing! Stop procrastinating and start acting!

Join Philip throughout 2024 to proactively put yourself onto the path of life that you’d like to be on.

Hello Fellow Soul

I’m Philip and I’ve been on my own path of spiritual development since the mid-1990s.

I began it in an effort to overcome the deep sense of outrage I would feel when reading the books about all the inequity, injustice and brutalities afflicting our human world.

Yet, at the time, I was living a personal life of hitherto unimagined riches of heart and mind.

I had unintentionally emigrated to Thailand after discovering my vocation in life was teaching adults to become skilled learners and communicators.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
~ Gandhi

“Discover the joy of learning, and you discover the joy of living. Master the skill of learning and you master the skill of living.”
~ Philip

“Observe others and learn about yourself, observe yourself and learn about others.”
~ Philip

A Spiritual Revolution is a revolution and revelation of learning and understanding, undertaken by individuals for the transformation of their life.

A Spiritual Revolution is a framework and 5-step process I have conceived and developed, to guide you along your own journey to acquire the essential self-knowledge, learning skills and self-belief needed to take charge of your own life, health and destiny.

It is a journey of exciting exploration into your inner world, the world our societies try to keep us ignorant of.

A Spiritual Revolution inspires you to view change as refreshing and liberating. And change is the only certainty in life. So we really ought to ensure we are skilled in navigating it.

By health we mean holistic health, incorporating the sum of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions. We may usually think of our body, mind and soul as separate entities, but the reality is that they work together as a synergetic whole.

This journey is an exciting adventure taking you into the heart of your own being, leading you to the discovery of your true self.

Self-knowledge is a total game-changer, leading to self-respect, self-worth, self-belief, self-empowerment and the all important self-love. Now we are centred and grounded, in harmony within, and we can optimise our health and all our relationships.

Self-knowledge is the foundation for a life well-lived.

With understanding and awareness of our own self, we accept who we are, and we then extend our understanding and acceptance to all other human beings. Stress levels, conflict, non-acceptance, intolerance, plummet; your human essence shines evermore brightly, and you are fully set to thrive.

Welcome to A Spiritual Revolution!

Annapurnas, Pokhara, Nepal

Reach your peak and hit the heights with A Spiritual Revolution

Pretty much all adults need to carry out A Spiritual Revolution in their life because our school systems fail miserably to teach us the essentials of being human:

  • we are blocked from developing our learning, communication, and problem-solving skills

  • we don’t learn how our mind and body work

  • we don’t learn about the integrated, interconnected nature of the web of life

  • we have our innate curiosity, creativity and confidence crushed out of us

All the navigational aids we need for our adulthood are actively blocked from us. How’s that for giving us a head start in our adulthood??

The resulting lack of learning autonomy and personal sovereignty leads us into being conflicted within ourselves, and this inner angst is the root cause of all the chaos, confusion and conflict we see going on in the wider world. We humans are living with ‘wrong relationship’, thanks to the woeful, anti-health school systems.

From wrong relationship comes stress, sickness and unhappiness.

As social animals, relationship is the bedrock of human life. And the strength of our relationships depends on two factors: the ability to communicate and the ability to learn… and neither are on the school curriculum, remember.

By relationship we find there are three kinds:

  1. relationship with your own self

  2. relationship with others

  3. relationship with the environment and natural world

In other words, relationship describes the connection between all that is inside your skin, with all that is outside it.

Not knowing how this works consigns us to a life of mental and emotional struggle, and much unnecessary sickness and dis-ease; understanding and developing right relationship transforms our experience of life.

Right relationship only comes about from observing, exploring and understanding your mind. This IS self-inquiry, this IS A Spiritual Revolution.


A Spiritual Revolution brings us home, leads us to our true nature and self, teaches us what we need for our holistic wellbeing, and enables us to live with purpose, meaning and fulfillment, while enjoying optimal energy, vitality and clarity.

Why on earth would you not want that?!

Let’s now get into the nitty-gritty of things: how you can get your journey up and running.

We’ll get there via a short detour of some spiritual food for thought for you…

(Left to right: Trekking in Pokhara in Nepal, Varkala in India, Sussex in England, Ubud in Bali, Chiang Dao in Thailand, on the road to Cook Town in Australia)

Is A Spiritual Revolution for me?

  • A Spiritual Revolution is a self-empowering journey into your inner world to discover and learn about the REAL TRUE YOU, and how you are intimately connected to our Mother Earth and the whole Universe. You learn the art of heart-based living so that you can consciously grow and evolve according to your unique self, and in unity with all others.

  • >> Because in our modern world individual human beings are physically unhealthy, psychologically unwell, and spiritually empty, leading to so much anxiety, unhappiness and loneliness, despite our material wealth and technology.

    Many of us feel distressed, disconnected, disempowered and not in charge of our emotions, our health, or our life.

    This has happened because our schooling:

    1. blocks us from learning how to learn, communicate and solve problems

    2. fails to teach us how our mind and body work

    3. and near enough destroys our creativity, curiosity, and confidence to navigate our life with.

    For a social animal this is a devastating preparation for life.

    Some may say parents are to blame, but parents went through the same dehumanising schooling.

    >> Because to enjoy life, experience wellness, and to love and be loved, is every single human being’s deepest yearning for their life.

    >> Because it gets you out of the first and into the second.

    And many more reasons!

    1. Fully explore all the free content on this website, and use it to guide you in your own research and reflections. You will find articles, blogs, videos and other learning resources. This is a great way if you have plenty of time and patience to spare.

    2. Get your copy of my book Menu For A Spiritual Revolution: Health Harmony & Happiness. You can sample the start of the book and buy a copy from here, or simply click on the button at the top right of every page to go directly to Amazon to get your copy. If you are in Thailand go here first.

    3. Enrol on the A Spiritual Revolution: Foundation Course. This is an 8-week program, and can be seen as the ‘mother of all learning courses’, incorporating a guided reading of the book and developing a full range of your cognitive and communication skills.

      Head over to The Infinity Learning Academy page to learn more.

    4. Get your copy of my seminal ebook An Education Charter and Framework for the Healing of Humankind. This is a hard-hitting critique of the school systems so that we can learn the root causes of our individual and collective problems, and solve them. Always the heart of the problem contains its solution.

      It proposes a completely new kind of education for the world, one which I have been using in my university classrooms since the mid-1990s.

  • In uncountable ways! Just be aware that not everything comes to you at once. It’s a journey, and living a life of wellness requires a lifelong commitment on your part. Here are just a few of the beautiful outcomes:

    1. You will live with optimal health, harmony and happiness

    2. You will be skilled in managing your own life and health

    3. You will live with awareness, attentiveness and alertness

    4. You will be a skilled listener and communicator

    5. You will experience much stronger and healthier relationships with family members, friends, colleagues, everybody

    6. You will be reconnected with your innate creativity, curiosity and confidence

    7. You will learn how your mind works, and no longer be emotionally enslaved by your reactions to triggers in the outside world, or past memories

    8. You will live by the credo ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’, experiencing dramatically improved physical health

    9. etc etc

  • Your life is influenced by two things: the environment you live, work, rest and play in, and your perception of this environment.

    In other words, we experience life according to the relationship we hold with the world beyond our skin.

    We have two choices to make our life better: make changes to the environment we live and work in, or make changes to the way we perceive the world around us. It is the latter that truly empowers us, and your journey in A Spiritual Revolution enables you to do just that.

The Framework and 5 Steps of A Spiritual Revolution

The Overall Journey

A Spiritual Revolution is founded on learning to become a skilled learner and communicator so that we can live with health, healthy relationships and ensure that our life is meaningful, fulfilling and, most of all, ENJOYABLE!

The Framework and Background

We change our relationship with life from a limited knowing-based one, to an open and ever-evolving understanding-based one. Understanding ourselves and the whole web of life empowers us to overcome self-doubt and lack of self-worth, the single biggest blocking force in our life.

Developing understanding is the foundation for our emotional liberation and spiritual awakening. By committing to becoming a lifelong learner, you are creating for yourself a virtuous circle for your own evolution and self-growth.

The 5 Steps

  1. see and explore the macro-problem, that is, that we have all been conditioned into ignorance about who we are and how life works; accept the unpalatable truth that it applies to yourself

  2. raise awareness of ‘good practice’ in human life, your ideal lifestyle, and how we can heal humankind

  3. build your foundation: reset your mindset: open your mind, expand your heart, and activate your spiritual energy

  4. learn to become an integrated, interconnected and sovereign human being: i) learn about learning, communicating and holistic living ii) learn how to do them, and iii) practise mastering them

  5. reflect, refine, and repeat steps 1-4 forevermore.

You can read my book and take it all at your own pace, or you can really invest in yourself by enrolling on the A Spiritual Revolution: Foundation Course to seriously speed up your inner revolution. It is an 8-week course where you will empower yourself and change your life around in the company of a small group of like-minded human beings. It will be the perfect intervention into your life to make foundational changes so that you can flourish and thrive.