Challenge 2024: ‘Unleash Your Spirit’ Letters

52 letters, one published each Monday. Week by week you build the strong foundations you need to take charge of your health and life.

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“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

All Letters are catalogued on this page. Sign up below, and never miss one.

Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #35: True Leadership

What is the role of mentors, gurus, role models, soul rebels, and heroes in our human world? Who are they, and how do they do their work? Can you be one?

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #34: Understanding is Liberating

Understanding is liberating. Understanding gives you personal possession of knowledge and information. You can’t just receive it like knowledge, you’ve got to proactively engage your mind with it, play with it, apply it, verify it, learn more about it, talk about it, ask questions etc etc.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #33: Knowledge vs Truth

Just imagine, for a moment, that such a thing exists as a £1,000,000 bank note… and imagine further that you are in possession of this bank note. Why, you have a million pounds to spend, how good is that! What will you do with it?

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #32: Put Spirituality into Politics

You can avoid talking about politics, you can try to ignore the whole thing, but politics will NEVER avoid you and will NEVER leave you alone. So, either you claim your vested interest, or your interests will be sorted out for you by others, which is most unlikely to end up well (2020 anyone?).

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #31: Celebrating Ordinary Human Beings

As a consequence of my life of travel and teaching adults, I have met 1000s of ordinary people from dozens of countries, from all colours, creeds, classes, ethnicities, and of all ages, and our stories are far more interesting!

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #30: Education is the Problem and the Solution

We must all become leaders of self. Then we can help children and our fellow adults educate and empower themselves in kind. In this way a grassroots, organically-driven bottom-up movement becomes an unstoppable energy force, transforming our human world into…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #29: Using Karma Intelligently

Using karma intelligently means realising that life is simply energy and the flow of energy, and that while we cannot undo events, situations or happenings that come our way, we CAN choose how to respond to them.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #26: External Authority and Inner Authority

Humankind, somewhere in our history, created its organising principle for its communities and societies as External-Authority-Knows-Best, whereby we outsource our decision-making to an authority outside of ourselves. This is antithetical to the human spirit and it hides our infinite human potential from us…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #25: From Disempowered to Empowered

… so we need a learning environment where everybody feels emotionally supported, and in this psychological climate we are able to open our hearts and minds and express ourselves. When you express yourself and your ideas, you ARE yourself.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #24: THE Most Important Question

Do you really want to continue living the way you are? Do you really want to continue holding out hope that life—your life, the lives of your loved ones, the life of humankind, and the life of our planet—will somehow become better, without doing anything yourself to make it better?

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #23: Beware Spiritual Guff!

I want to say that from my perspective there is so much 'spiritual guff', or 'spiritual woo-woo stuff', out there, which is so misleading for ordinary human beings who are looking…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #22 Who am I? How does Life Work?

Ignorance really is not conducive to health and wellbeing, certainly not in our troubled times. If we are not confident of who we are, and how life works, then we will allow others—who themselves don’t know who they are, nor how life works—to negatively impact on our life.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #21: Understanding and Practising Mindfulness

We look within our mind and memory to find the hidden causes of our behaviour, actions and words. We want to know what causes us to automatically react to external triggers the way we do. To do that we have to become acquainted with thought and thinking…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #20: How to Live Consciously

What pain do you suffer from that you know about? If you think more deeply on this, do you discover that you are holding and hiding more pain that usually you manage to pretend is not really there?

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #19: I Don’t Care

Now then, if you really, and I mean really, want to be healthy and happy, then there is one thing above all that you need to do and make central to your life.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #18: Beauty and Brutality

There would be giant bumble bees busily buzzing around, butterflies fluttering at great speed, belying their light weight, dragonflies zooming everywhere,, cacophonous cicadas that you could never see,, red-headed green-bodied lizards scurrying around on the sandy floor…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #17: A Spiritual Morning

Illness or wellness is the consequence of feeding not just the body, but also the mind and soul. It’s not enough to clean up our diet, we have to look at all aspects of our lifestyle, and look into the kind of mindset and attitude we have towards the world around us.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #16: LOVE is the only Answer

Today’s Letter is all about me. Which actually means it’s all about you. Because we are both ordinary human beings, and, as well, we are both EXTRAordinary human beings, even though we’ve been programmed to think the very opposite and to downplay anything good about our own self.

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