Wetlands, Far North Queensland, Australia (2015)

The Mind, Learning, and You

Knowledge is Power, Understanding is Empowerment, Learning is Liberation, Mind is the Tool

June 2022

YOUR mind is the centre of the universe. MY mind is the centre of the universe. Now, if this is true, then what does it mean?? Well, I don’t know about you, but it means the world to me… haha! Have a think about it as you are reading on, and I’ll return to it later in the page.

Now, in these three Zones of human life, The Mind and Learning, The Body and Living, The Soul and Loving, you won’t be reading any facts or knowledge, nor even any existential truths. Well, it might be that way, however, I’m not presenting them as such.

But there again, you won’t be reading any bullshit, lies, propaganda, disinformation or any other kinds of absurdities and nonsense, so readily and plentifully found in our Information Age, where the cognitive highways and airwaves of thought matter are so gridlocked, so jam-packed, they make a 1990s Bangkok traffic jam look like a carefree drive down a country lane in the sticks.

(And I know about the latter, I spent the whole decade living in this tremendously exciting, bustling, still semi-wild, happening city, which had an adventure every single day for me. I used to say to my friends and family in England in those days that the only thing you could expect living in Bangkok was the unexpected! And the traffic jams were legendary. I used to beat nearly all of them through a mixture of taking the canal boat, a motorbike taxi, walking, or hanging around drinking a beer somewhere to wait out the worst.)

No, these pages, my entire website, will just carry my own personal perspectives and stories, gleaned from my own personal understandings and truths, my own observations and experiences, and from all my contemplations and reflections. You will see elsewhere on other pages that much of this was done in my trusty hammock!

I share, and it’s for you to interpret what I’m sharing with you. It’s for you to decide what kind of credibility you give to what I’m saying! I’ll do my level best to show you that I’m the real deal, but ultimately that’s for you to decide.

But here is my major point, and it totally relates to the mind, and to the ‘A Spiritual Revolution’ that I’m promoting and sharing: it’s MY mind and what MY mind produces are MY perspectives. And this is to be totally celebrated, fully embraced, and determinedly and consciously practised and mastered every day, till the final day of my life.

Sure, I listen to others, read their books and writing, observe them in action, have discussions with them, learn from them, and it helps me understand my own mind and this game of life we’ve all been pitched into, but what I seek to develop, cultivate and produce is MY perspective, not yours, not the Government’s, not the scientist’s, not the doctor’s, not anybody’s. My own. It’s my mind, my life, my responsibility.

But, there’s a problem. A big one. Luckily, overcoming it is possible for all who are determined.

Problem-free Zone, Krabi Province, Thailand

It’s this. Our schools trained and programmed and conditioned us to do the opposite, to make ourselves not count. We were to always look to, and defer to, external authority - the teachers, the experts, the doctors, the scientists, the academics, the media, the Government, the lawyers, the gurus. They knew best, they knew right, they knew everything, and we needed them. That was the message every day, for 12 years. Accordingly, unlike the one law of nature (karma: cause and effect, action and reaction, reap what yo sow), humans have created literally 100,000s of laws, bylaws, rules, edicts, statutes, mandates to tell us all what to do, how to think, how to feel, and how to behave. The world is out there, not in here. You are not responsible, I am not responsible, THEY are responsible for your life and my life. This has rendered us, to a large degree, unable to take care of our own health and life. We lack crucial life skills and vital self-knowledge.

It’s why, when we reach adulthood, we seek gurus, quick fixes, magic pills, pills for the body, pills for the mind, and it’s why we fall into addictions: we have no inner authority. Inner authority is having and using our own unique talents, skills, know-how, common sense, intuition, instinct, natural impulse. Inner authority is being able to learn for ourselves.

Cut from us. An anti-life crime against every single human being.

The ability to learn, the single most important skill a human needs… denied us. Consequently, as children, our mind, this spectacular creation of life of the most immense complexity, ability and potential, is mostly left undeveloped and terribly under-utilised.

Our inner authority was suppressed, buried, sucked out of us during those 12 long years. Methodically, systematically, brutally. Our very human essence, that which makes it such a glorious experience to be invited here by the Universe as a human being, was trampled on, spat on, cast out into the dirt. Not by malevolent people as such, but by those who themselves were previously crushed by the same system when they were children. The schools crush our spirit and our humanity. Crushed adults crush children. And so it goes on, generation after generation.

Don’t blame anybody, blame the system. See the system for what it does, then set about learning our way out of its clutches and our enslavement to it.

Only a direct one-generation intervention can redirect humankind. My massage lady, a very wise knowledgeable Thai person (Hi Hong!) once said to me that people only change when they are in pain. Well, if 2020-now is not enough pain, I don’t know what is! And, yes, I look around our world, and despite such insanities going on, there is much positive change taking place, but, as usual when something positive is going on, the media ignore it. So, ignore the negative media, and become the new media yourself!

Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park, Lower North Thailand

A Spiritual Revolution is the framework and process I conceived of (on my hammock in Ko Phangan in southern Thailand in June 2007!) for undoing and unlearning all this anti-human, anti-life, anti-health nonsense put in us. I consider it the only solution out of the conditioned ignorance foisted upon us by the school system.

It’s a rewriting and rewiring of both our software and our hardware, and it’s a re-evaluation of the relationship we have with the external environment, with the world around us. That is, all other humans, the whole animal kingdom, the whole planet, and everything else up there yonder in the sky.

A Spiritual Revolution doesn’t tell you what to do, what to believe, how to think, how feel, how to be, who to be, how to behave, it invites you to do all that yourself. It triggers and encourages you to develop self-awareness, through which you will discover your own inner authority and individual nature, your own self and who you are, and what your unique talents and powers are. It brings you home to you, by empowering you through real learning, and by opening and expanding both your mind and heart.

You then play like a dolphin, soar like an eagle, look like a butterfly, and roar with a lion heart. Which is what should be happening for the children during their 12 years of schooling. It’s for us adults alive today, in response to humanity’s outright calamity, to gain our own inner authority so we can then help the children develop theirs. We must break the neck of this anti-human school system.

The spiritual revolution I have conceived of gives you the framework, direction and guidance to empower yourself and transform your life by fully opening up your mind for business! Then, once you’re on your way, you will have all the skills and know-how you need to keep on going, all the way to the day when the janitor from heaven arrives for your collection. And you will not resist him (or her?!), for you know you have lived.

  • attention: mind open >>

    input: mind receives >>

    output: mind produces >>

    reflection: mind reviews

    Be ready and motivated for learning >> read or listen to something and make some kind of meaning from it >> do something with it, discuss it, test it out, relate it to one’s own life >> reflect upon the previous three stages, learn about the learning process itself.

  • If TBL was used in schools worldwide, humans would be striving and thriving everywhere. TBL is skills-based education which puts the learners at centre-stage: the teacher sets a series of tasks and activities which gets them to variously practise and master listening, speaking, reading, writing, thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills, and many many more. Connection, collaboration, cooperation, competition, communicativeness, camaraderie, compassion and confidence are cultivated in all. Students are emotionally supported and cognitively challenged. They thrive in such an environment.

  • Learning, that is, motivational learning, is the elixir of humans. We seek gurus and magic pills, but once we discover the joy of learning we have our own supply of magic within us, and we become our own guru. Real learning is many things:

    observing, noticing, listening, reading, researching, inquiring, reflecting, contemplating, discerning, interpreting, deducing, guessing, memorising, doing, discussing, debating, expressing oneself, playing, exploring, discovering, verifying, clarifying, questioning, asking, challenging, experiencing, making mistakes, achieving, teaching, leading, and… constantly practising them all, forevermore.

    The Task-Based Learning approach to education covers them all!

A Spiritual Revolution is about the reclamation of your human essence, the expansion of your mind, the healing of your body, and the activation of your buried soul. ASR is you opening up and learning to master your own inner authority.

It’s a revolution of you, by you, for you. By your own efforts, endeavours and determination, you optimise your health, harmony and happiness. Love and freedom, peace and joy reveal themselves to you. This is what happens when our essence flowers and flourishes!

There’s more magic: the benefits you receive, which are MASSIVE and TREMENDOUSLY EXCITING, naturally and automatically extend outwards into the collective pot of positive energy for the rest of humankind to drink from. Your own healing journey from the damage done to you by the school system, is humankind’s healing too. Remember my opening sentence on this page?

But remember this: you need your mind to do it! You will need a clear mind, an open mind, a willing mind, and almost certainly you will need to reset your mindset so that your mind is in the right frame of mind! You will need a strong mind, because many unpleasant discoveries will be made, but having activated your human essence, your soul, your inner fire and spirit, you will handle all that comes at you.

The amazing thing about human life is that you will be using your mind to fix your mind, to heal your mind, to understand your mind. Far out eh! Your mind is your centre of the universe. Be it.

Anyway, I wrote a book precisely to offer people the framework and process to help guide them towards empowering themselves, transforming their life experience, and helping to heal humankind. You can read about it here, and you can buy it here, should the urge arise in you to do so!

Furthermore, I’m developing Infinity Education, through which I am bringing my unique skills-based, student-centred Task-Based Learning experience to the online world. Mind and heart expand beautifully!

Such an educational experience brings to the learners FREEDOM: learning is Fun, Rewarding, Engaging, Empowering, Dynamic, Organic, and Moral. This is real learning, and perhaps 99% of adults have never known such a thing.

My current work is to create, write, and conduct a series of live online classes for small groups, out of which I will create courses from the recordings. In this way I can facilitate thousands of people into mastering the learning skill, thereby fully developing and using their mind to benefit themselves and all of humankind.

These courses are for all adults and youth, but if you are a parent, an educator, a leader, or anybody who works with, or has responsibility for, other people, then my courses will be a super revelation to you, and super useful. Infinity Education means whatever you learn you can then teach others in too. The motivational teachers make learning happen, and when you are skilled in learning, it makes you skilled in teaching, leading, managing, living, loving… and much more!

All my courses are skills-based, and with independent learning skills a human being can thrive in anything they put their mind to, and with full confidence to express themselves and their creativity.


So at the start I said your mind was the centre of the universe, and so is mine. Now, I wonder what you thought about that? And having read this page, what do you think now? Many things can be discussed, but I would like to leave you with one understanding of mine.

Pai, Northern Thailand

Whatever your mind is focussed on right now, that is your world right now. Conceptually speaking, the whole world and the universe is out there, yes, of course, but your world is whatever is on your mind at any one time.

To take an extreme to illustrate this, if your mind is constantly taking in the news from the media, then whatever that news is is your world. On the other hand, if you take yourself off to a place of nature such as in the photo here, and you are taking it all in, chilling, allowing the sights and sounds and smells to permeate and suffuse your being, then this is filling your mind and this is your world. Now, what if you are imbibing this scene for a full year, and what if you are spending every day taking in all the news from the media? So you see, we now have the elements of choice and time which can massively impact the kind of experience of the world we are having.

Let me add one more aspect to this for now, and we return to perspective. How is perspective formed? What influences lie behind the forming of your perspective? What is perspective?

So, the last question: my perspective of something, somebody, some place, some issue, some situation, some happening, is the relationship between my mind and that ‘thing’ out there in the world. Nothing out there exists in isolation, nor do you or me. Everything is relational, everything is a series of interconnections, everything is interlinked in one huge web of life - there are no black holes, no vacuums.

Think of something or see it out there, and it’s in your mind. What you think of it, and how you relate to it, that is your perspective. Not the truth, not a fact, not knowledge, your perspective. It may be you share the same one with me, or not. But either way, it’s not right or wrong, it just is your perspective. It is, and must be, unique to you, because while we may both be looking at the same thing, I am not in you, and you are not in me.

As to what influences our perspective, and how it’s formed, this is a huge subject of its own which I fully explore in my book. However, such things as past experiences, your beliefs, your culture, your upbringing, your schooling, your individual preferences and natural skills, all are impactful on your perspective. Do you know what your beliefs are? Where they come from? Have you investigated and/or challenged them? The best way to find out is when you disagree with somebody! Disagreement currently seems to be viewed as a shocking disease, when in fact it’s excellent news for triggering in us an expanding heart and mind.

And, being widely discussed today, there are such human phenomena as conditioning, brainwashing, indoctrination, ideology, mind-control of all kinds. I have complained about the school systems on this page, and throughout my website, and that’s because they are shaping young minds into specific moulds, and extremely limiting moulds at that. The school system is seeking to make us all have the same perspective, the one it wants us to have. External authority is God, inner authority is the Devil! This is using ideology to manipulate people, and it leads to fixed thinking, imposed perspectives, narrow or closed minds, closed hearts, and a repressed stressed human being at odds with the law of nature, and in dissonance with the rhythms and vibrations of the natural web of life.

But, consider this: a free person will not be trying to ideologically control others. Only those who are controlled themselves will be trying to manipulate others. So the controllers are stuffed too.

Through the system, humanity has attacked itself, perverted its intelligence, fallen out of love with life, and is living in disharmony with the natural world. Doesn’t matter if you are a person protecting and perpetuating the system, or if you are being controlled by it, the system is eating you alive. When the system is boss, all are losers.

It’s why humanity erupted into calamity early 2020. The nurturing process we receive has been antagonising our nature, instead of complementing it, and for decades, centuries, millennia perhaps; both our own individual nature, and human nature itself. Suddenly, now in our time, the volcano of repression has blown its lid. We can’t cope with this disharmony and dissonance in our minds and hearts any more.

Trouble is, the school systems did such a hatchet job on us when we were young, that we don’t know how to get out of this hell. It feels like we are stuck. The good news is we can get out, but it needs each of us to actively choose to escape. And then we must unlearn, relearn, and learn.

It is my perspective that our calamity is a virus of the human mind. Furthermore, my view is that the only way out of this sickness is for each individual human to carry out their own spiritual revolution, to escape from the fixed, limited moulds the schools shaped our minds into, and to instead shape our mind to fit the Universe itself.

Ideology kills the human spirit, kills love, kills freedom, kills joie de vivre, kills peace, kills happiness, kills laughter, kills our humanness and human essence. Our challenge is to remove ideology from our minds and hearts, then all those beauties start to find space to breathe and introduce themselves to our life.

For me, the only solution I’ve found in 10,000s of hours of contemplations and discussions is A Spiritual Revolution. This is our guide to learn our way out of trouble. It’s an individual affair, and thus a bottom-up grassroots organic force of energy, and those who are the pioneers then help others find their own way. And so it spreads in this manner, until humankind has escaped this anti-education school system and replaced with life-enhancing education.

This whole website, my blogging, my videos, my books, all my existing and future output are all about spiritual revolution, the harmonising of our individual and human nature, and of our relationships with each other and our incomparably beautiful Mother Earth.

Peace and love and unity to us all!


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It might be worth pointing out too, that you will hear first about any new live online learning courses I’m offering, giving you an early option to get in on it. Each course is limited to no more than 18 participants, in order to provide a proper Task-Based Learning experience.

Hope to have you onboard!

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