The Precise Reason Why Human Beings are in Conflict

Rural rhythms in Pai, northern Thailand

In this post I’d like to address the precise reason why human beings are in conflict, and, excitingly, how to overcome it for yourself.

While a human being fights God, denies the presence of God, tells themselves they are an atheist (I used to do this), pretends God does not exist…

… that human being denies themselves inner peace, harmony, freedom to breathe, and cannot find the love and joy that their human essence so wishes to express and experience.

So then we seek solace in finding as many hits of pleasure as we can, which leads to our addictions, and all our conflict when we don't get what we desire, or we fear losing what we already have.

But do not confuse God with the 'God' of politicised religions.

The conflict and battles* going on in our world today - between each other, between communities, nations and any number of arbitrary dividing lines - are happening because they have arisen out of the conflict and battle going on within each of us.

Yes, there is a war going on within you.

When each of us resolves and solves our own inner conflict*, then that's one less person on the path of violence, psychopathy, narcissism, imposition on others, control-freakery, ideology, war, terrorism, hatred, cruelty, division, and such destructive mindsets.

*So what is this inner battle and conflict? It's actually super simple.

It's one's conscious mind (God) vs one's subconscious mind. Think of it as your mind having two compartments. If your own mind is stressed with antagonistic compartments, you cannot do anything but stress others out. War between nations comes from war within individual human minds.

Now, your own mind is stressed and conflicted when your subconscious compartment is dominant and suppressing your conscious mind. Neuroscientists have determined we spend 95% of our time acting out of our subconscious minds.

Expanding on this:

it's your reactive, unaware, always-correct subconscious mind, which has been programmed and conditioned according to the culture and society you grew up in


your conscious mind, which is your connection to now, to your soul, to the cosmic consciousness and universal intelligence of Life (God).

I am not saying your subconscious mind is all bad, but certainly it is responsible for the conflict within you, and all the wars and violence that is constantly taking place within our human family.

The destructive aspect of our subconscious minds arises from humankind taking a wrong turning somewhere in our history, by engaging in a terrible misunderstanding that because our bodies are separate beings, that we as human beings are separated from each other. And this disconnect permeated our psyche, and has done for centuries, or however long it is.

For a social animal which has an impulse and urge to connect with each other, and to derive meaning in life from enjoying a sense of belonging and camaraderie, this is truly devastating. It leads to the forces of control, conflict, confrontation, corruption and cancer manifesting themselves in each of us.

How to get out of this mess and terrible suffering

The more you live consciously, the less conflict you will experience within you, and the more beautiful your relationships with others will be, whether friends, family, work colleagues, neighbours or strangers. When you are reconnected within, you can create wonderful connections with others.

But it starts with you.

Since human life is mostly spent in relationships with others, your life will become more beautiful, more joyful, more peaceful, freer, and you will be able to express your love and gratitude for others, and all of nature, without worry of looking woo-woo or ‘weak’.

It's easy to spot your subconscious mind in action, and when you do see or notice it, this is your conscious mind in the ascendancy and doing the noticing. When somebody says something to you and you instantly disagree or react in a negative manner - shout at them, get angry at them, keep quiet but burn with inner resentment, start plotting how to get your own back - then this is your subconscious mind at work, destroying your wellbeing and inner harmony. And, of course, blaming the other person.

Yet, it’s almost certain we do the same thing to others, but our subconscious mind cannot see this. Only our conscious mind can see such behaviour.

Just give yourself space (with deliberate pre-planned intention, which comes from knowing, which comes from, for example, reading posts like this!) to notice it when it reacts like this. This is self-awareness in action from your conscious mind, and with practice you will gain control over the destructive elements of your subconscious mind.

This is your path to your own salvation, redemption and rejuvenation; it is your path to waking up, liberating yourself, finding real true deep love within you, and all the rest of these delights. Only you can do it for you. Magic pills, quick fixes, gurus… nope, cannot do it for you.

If you find this hard at first, then start observing other people, either in your own community, or in media. You will see very very clearly what others are doing if you are intent on witnessing, observing, and just learning. Practise being the bystander and learn.

And there's plenty of practise to be had by tuning into mainstream media and social media alike!

Then, when you're ready, you will find you are able to turn your mind's eye inwards, and start observing yourself. And your own social media output.

It's a total game-changer.

Don't worry if you don't like what you see, and you won't like it at all! All those things you have blamed others for… turns out you do them yourself. Oh the hypocrisy - moi, oh my Buddha!!!

This is now your grand opportunity: if you don't like what you see, simply change it, and you do this using your conscious mind, and consciously-formed intentions.

Here is a task for you to begin practising from this very moment onwards:

observe others and learn about yourself,
observe yourself and learn about others.

Do it. It will be a revelation to you. Life will only get better and better and better. Happy times!

In my next post I shall share some tiptop insights into the amazing human skill of reflection, and how this will help you become super skilled in living consciously. Till then, get observing, my friend!

Let the goodies come to you direct!

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Philip Keay

Philip is a rebel teacher, soul adventurer, author and photographer. He promotes lifelong learning, conscious living and wellness through his unique task-based approach to learning.

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