How to Improve Your Life RIGHT NOW
Here is my 3-Step Path of Action to Dramatically Improve Your World...
Really, there's no doubt about it whatsoever, humanity is in dire need of a bit of love for itself.
That means you and me, and about 8 billion others.
We are struggling, we are suffering, we are stressed, and we are tired of this constant battle we seem to have been swept up in.
We are not well - not physically, not emotionally, not psychologically, not spiritually.
And we keep on doing our best to pretend all is fine in our own life.
It is not. Human life right now is not fine at all. Feelings of fear, resentment and blame are permeating our whole human world, and stalking most individual human beings.
We've lost connection with our human essence
We've lost connection with Mother Earth
We've lost connection within ourselves
We've lost connection with each other
We've lost connection with values and principles to guide us
We've lost connection with our innate beauty and intelligence
We've lost connection with our instincts and common sense.
We've lost connection with our truth and our trust
We've lost connection with LIFE itself
We've forgotten we are actually ALIVE.
We've forgotten we have the staggering ability to see, hear, taste, smell, feel, hold and walk, and to enjoy these gifts from heaven.
How to reconnect ourselves?
There is no other way of starting this essential journey than for each of us, as individuals responsible for both our own wellbeing and that of the whole of humanity's wellbeing, to first simply remember that we are ALIVE.
Do it now, notice your aliveness, look within and see it in every single one of your 50 trillion cells.
We need to consciously wake up, and shake ourselves up! Celebration of life can only be a conscious, proactive connection with the very energy force of cosmic consciousness, universal intelligence, God. This energy is free, infinite, and only requires of you that you ask for it to infuse your being, today and every today.
Until you’ve reconnected your subconscious being, ask for it every day as part of this reconnecting process.
We have to overcome our anxieties, fears, powerlessness, loneliness and this devastating sense of disconnection by connecting - with each other, with our planet, with life, and within our very own being. It’s literally overcome, or succumb.
To go from a psyche of being disconnected to one of being connected requires of us ACTION. That means overcoming whatever personal levels of fear, procrastination and resistance to change that are inside you.
Nobody can do this for you except you. There is no reason you cannot do this, however hard it may seem at first.
Three clear paths of ACTION are available to all. One need only consciously commit to them, and you will immediately find the requisite courage and confidence to begin RIGHT NOW.
Path of Action #1
Give love to people, smile at them, be nice, hug people, say good things to and about them, refuse to say bad things about anybody, give people your time, give yourself time by stop being so busy and distracted, engage in spontaneous acts of kindness towards strangers, realise how fragile every single human being is - you handle eggs with care, so handle yourself and those you love with the same care, be gentle with yourself and others, stop blaming others and stop blaming yourself...
...and select and engage in just one skill you personally were born with, and act upon it to be proactive and positive for the whole human world: that is, CONTRIBUTE. Through your contribution, your self-worth will noticeably rise, and from this beginning you will have broken the camel's back of the pervasive negative energy that has enveloped humankind. Momentum is a glorious energy force to use, but YOU have to get the ball rolling.
Path of Action #2
I cannot emphasise how important this path is, and it's really simple to do once you commit to it. It will also be a huge, extra, contribution on your part towards your own health and that of our whole human world.
By taking this path YOU will be changing our whole world for the better by your very own actions. Yes, we, as ordinary individual human beings, really can have an impact on our world.
Eat whole foods and avoid consuming corporate-made foods and drinks. This is the second path of action.
Stop buying their toxic crap, it overburdens your liver, kidneys, lungs, blood, digestion system, and puts your immune system under constant pressure to perform. Struggling organs lead to struggling psychological and emotional health, not to mention a thousand different ailments, leading to dependency on pills, a further toxic burden on your liver and other organs.
This is the only diet any human being ever needs to break out of the cycle of negative energy that has gripped our whole human family… whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs, superfoods, juices, shakes, herbal teas, and even a judicious amount of eggs, butter, and meat from well-treated animals.
Path of Action #3
Share this call to action for the whole of humanity RIGHT NOW on all your social media platforms, or wherever your friends will imbibe its message. If you don't do it now, you never will. Just do it.
We live in fear out of our ignorance of health matters and from our inaction. Learning how to be healthy for ourselves leads to action. Taking action leads to becoming healthier for ourselves. It’s a two-way flow, so go for both, why not.
Then the whole world benefits as well as you. I call it A Spiritual Revolution!
Do it. Now.
With love, peace and best wishes, Philip