I am Human, I Can…

frangipani leaves

Frangipani leaves bringing calmness to one’s spirit

I can...

see with my eyes, consciously see

hear with my ears, consciously listen

smell with my nose, consciously smell

feel with my hands, consciously touch

taste with my tongue, consciously taste

dance with my feet

sing with my voice

create with my hands

imagine with my mind

be kind with my mind

be loving with my heart

be open with my heart

be whole with my soul

paint pictures

take photographs

build things

enjoy camaraderie with friends

enjoy camaraderie with strangers







play a musical instrument

communicate with nature

be creative

be imaginative

be attentive

be reflective

be proactive

be productive

and probably one million other things

... but, will I? WILL I?

Or will I give them all up in favour of fear?

‘Can’ here refers to an idea, a thought, a potential; ‘will’ refers to acting out the idea, thought, potential, putting one’s thoughts and dreams and life into action.

Will I feel gratitude for my life and do all the things I can choose to do, or will I fear life? Will I let procrastination and ‘tomorrowitis’ steal from me?

Doesn't matter what you did before today, doesn't matter what you think you will do tomorrow. The doing, the being, the having, the living, the loving can ONLY be done TODAY. Don’t rue missed opportunities, or that’s another today gone by the wayside!

We all have a choice... do it, or let fear kill your life before your time is up for the burial of your body in the ground.

Let the goodies come to you direct!

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Philip Keay

Philip is a rebel teacher, soul adventurer, author and photographer. He promotes lifelong learning, conscious living and wellness through his unique task-based approach to learning.


Health and Wellness? Who Wants That!


The Precise Reason Why Human Beings are in Conflict