The ‘Learning is Liberating’ Blog

insightful independent inspiring

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Who are you? How does your mind work? How does life work? How can we be healthy and happy?

In my blog I explore life through the spiritual lens to offer unique perspectives on spirituality, geopolitics, education and holistic health.

In the pursuit of understanding we liberate ourselves from emotional pain, mental stress, and spiritual emptiness.

Philip Keay Philip Keay

Are We Human Beings or Human Wantings?

If we human beings would spend a bit more time just being, we would create the time and space to reflect upon our actions, our emotions, our possessions, our thoughts, our desires, and to then make more sense of them, and of who we are…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Essays on Reimagining and Repurposing Education #1

Addictions, cancer, depression, loneliness, public humiliation, attempted suicide, being bullied and abused, failure are just some of the examples that afflict human beings, and when one reads of the success stories of individuals, one of these terrible sufferings is somewhere there in their past.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Do You Consume Wisely?

Have you stopped to consciously think what and how you feed your body and mind? Have you considered the link between what you consume from the world and what you produce back into the world? How well do you take care of your body and mind?

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions STICK

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS... will they work, or will they fail??? From past experience, most of us know that changes we make for January 1st, with much hope, are nearly always finished by February 1st, and the old ways are returned to. Why?

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Disease is a Lifestyle Choice

As a keen observer of life, one truism becomes apparent over and over and over again. We western human beings take life for granted. We don't feel gratitude for what we have, always looking to get what we haven't got.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Life is a Miracle, if You Let it Be One

Life is such an awesome miracle, the human body and mind too amazing to comprehend how they came into being, yet much of the human world in our current times is convulsed with fear and distrust

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

How to Win the Information War (and You’re in it!)

We are all in an Information War, and the only way to win this war is to have the right information at your disposal, and to master the skill of choosing and discerning all incoming information. Let’s investigate…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Can YOU see the Elephant in the Room?

When humans are physically sick and diseased, and psychologically unwell, then we are spiritually empty. The soul has been buried and hidden from us as a consequence of us perverting our own intelligence.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

From Politics to Spirituality in 3 Steps

HUMAN LIFE AND THE HUMAN CONDITION can be understood so much more easily by separating it conceptually into 3 dimensions: political, philosophical, and spiritual living.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

It’s an Upside Down World

George Orwell in his book 1984, which he wrote in 1948, said that lies were truth, and war was peace. Let’s have a look, shall we, at 2022 in 2022…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

It’s a Subjective World

Seeking to find objectivity, or thinking that it's an objective world, is a denial by the mind of the nature of life. Yet this is precisely what Western thinking does.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Winners and Losers

When we consciously collaborate, communicate, cooperate, interact, engage with each other, then we are all winners, there are no losers. It’s WIN-WIN. Life is good!

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Lessons in Trust: Our Human World #3

In troubled times are when humans learn lessons, and make changes. Evolution does not take shape when the heart is content… After all, if I'm lounging in my hammock on the verandah of my beachside bungalow with a book, my reggae tunes, my notebook, and a full view of the ocean…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Who Can You Trust? Our Human World #2

We have all been hypnotised to defer to the 'God' of External Authority, whether it is perceived to be by power, by intelligence, or by position. During 12 years of schooling, we are conditioned to seek answers and direction from outside of ourselves. No more! It’s time to stand in our own power.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Travel Tales #1: Thailand 1991 Here We Come!

This is the first post in my third theme of blog posts, ‘Travel Tales’. I will share with you my adventures, my experiences, and my life lessons learned while on the road. Thailand, my home, will feature a lot. By foot, by bike, by car, by bus, by train, by plane, by boat… what a beautiful world it is!

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