Winners and Losers

canoeing in chiang mai

Canoeists on the River Ping, Chiang Mai, striving in unity and unison!

We shall say that to 'win' means to feel joy and an inner surge - or a more sedate sojourn - of energy and vitality, and to 'lose' means that we feel sick in our heart...

When we consciously collaborate, communicate, cooperate, interact, engage with each other, then we are all winners, there are no losers. It’s WIN-WIN. Life is good!

And if we compete - in a game, a sport, a quiz, anything - in this spirit of camaraderie with our fellow brothers and sisters, then even if we lose, we didn't really 'lose' (as in the meaning above). We may feel gutted or down a bit, but not sick in our consciousness. We had a great time playing, and now we come back for more later on, and try to do even better. The joy is in the striving and in the playing. In a rousing game, win or lose the game, we are all winners in LIFE.

On the other hand, powerful people who steal from us, impose upon us, seek to corrupt us, seek to control our behaviour, thoughts, actions and language, are LOSERS big time.

But, in our society, we have been conditioned by the system to think that money and power and fame = success = happiness.

But it's not so. If they are damaging us, they are damaged themselves, sick in their heart. They are losers already. Success, as in vitality of being, joy in the heart, peace in the mind, is impossible for them.

But here's the thing: if we allow our minds and hearts to be negatively affected by them - either by wanting what they have got, or by hating them - then they have made us into losers too. Our envy and hatred are making us sick in our own heart.

Their energetics have become our own. It’s a LOSE-LOSE.

So, I say ‘No’ to that! Let them be a loser, if they so choose, but don’t let them make US a loser…

We can develop a psychological and spiritual shield, and we will see that they have no soul, they are not whole, they are sick in the heart, and so we refuse or rebound their energy. We have seen through the mirage, we have undone the conditioning that says because they are powerful with pockets filled with money, they are therefore successful and happy. Our envy drops, for why would we want to live without our soul, and our hatred drops, for why would we want to hate a loser? We may even feel compassion for them.

Instead, we focus on collaborating, cooperating and communicating with friends, family, work colleagues, neighbours, strangers in shops and on the streets, everybody. When the time is right we compete, and we do our utmost to win, and then, win or lose, we are all WINNERS. The game of life is about striving and playing as well as we possibly can. Don’t let the powerful, but negative players bring you down.

THEY are the losers. Don't let them give you their energy. Create your own and share it with others. Job done.

Let the goodies come to you direct!

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Philip Keay

Philip is a rebel teacher, soul adventurer, author and photographer. He promotes lifelong learning, conscious living and wellness through his unique task-based approach to learning.

It’s a Subjective World


Lessons in Trust: Our Human World #3