Essays on Reimagining and Repurposing Education #1

Nature has its eyes and sees clearly!

This is the first of a new series of blog posts which will explore what is wrong with the current education system, and offer solutions. My thesis is that our current human condition is stressed out, conflicted, and we have fallen out of love with ourselves as human beings, and that this misery is conditioned into us during our 12 years at the hands of the school systems.

It’s time to take the shackles off our suppressed and hidden human essence. So, let’s get into it!

Being interested in self-development, and the evolution of all unique human beings as tremendous life forces, I have seen over the years a theme that applies so often.

Individuals who become successful - and I mean they achieve something worthwhile for themselves while offering inspiration to others and/or contributing in some way to humankind's collective pot of evolutionary positive energy - had to first go through tremendous pain and much suffering.

They are the Phoenix that arises from their own ashes.

This pain might have been physical, mental, emotional, psychological, or in all likelihood all of them.

Addictions, cancer, depression, loneliness, public humiliation, attempted suicide, being bullied and abused, failure are just some of the examples that afflict human beings, and when one reads of success stories, one of these terrible sufferings is somewhere there in their past.

'Why is this?', I often asked myself. 'Why can't we be successful human beings without getting there via skid row, a landscape of ashes, or bottomless pits of hell?'

Well, we can, although it seems to be rare, but to answer my own question, here is my view...

More than anybody has probably even begun thinking about beyond the surface, humanity has developed school systems worldwide which sow the seeds in children for all this adult pain, suffering, addiction, loneliness, unhappiness, ritual humiliation, failure, misery and so on.

The school systems do not create or allow for environments based on love, collaboration, respect, unity, camaraderie, curiosity, creativity, fun and happiness... no, instead they are all about discipline, punishment, compliance, grades, tests, rule from high above and to prostrate ourselves at the God of External Authority.

The school systems 'educate' us towards misery, failure, depression, frustration, anxiety, fear and all the rest of these emotional hells. Our consequences as we become adults are addiction, stress, relationships bound by conflict, inability to articulate our views and feelings, nobody willing to listen to us anyway, and this means unhappiness, loneliness, anxiety, frustration, anger and depression. Sickness in mind and body, bereft of soul.

Human essence suppressed and hidden away. What a tremendously tragic situation, what a waste of life on an industrial scale.

Look around you, so many people not well, pretending for all their worth that life is fine. So many people just needing one person who will listen to them. So many people walking the wastelands of human potential squashed out of them. All blaming the other, yet in truth we are all wonderful human beings who don't realise it.

It's because we were conditioned to live this dead-end way by the school system which hijacked us for 12 years at the time of our life when we have little to no defences, and where we depend upon the adults for our nurturing.

But those adults were ruined one generation before. So the cycle continues. Nobody is to blame, yet we do blame each other. It's the system that we should focus our attention on. Together, we must do things together.

We can only truly break the cycle of humanity's calamity (of insanity) by once and for all upending this harmful injurious anti-human anti-fun anti-health schooling.

Then perhaps individuals can become successful out of LOVE, not from having to endure years of HELL.

Let the goodies come to you direct!

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Philip Keay

Philip is a rebel teacher, soul adventurer, author and photographer. He promotes lifelong learning, conscious living and wellness through his unique task-based approach to learning.

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