Can YOU see the Elephant in the Room?
Essential wisdom at Tham Pha Plong Temple, Chiang Dao, Northern Thailand
Without our soul we can never be whole…
Being not whole, being separated and disconnected, makes us sick animals.
How so?
Because the all and everything of life, in the whole web of life, is intimately and intricately interconnected and integrated. This is an inescapable truth, which we can recognise in our conscious moments.
Yet, if we in our psyche, in our ignorantly conditioned SUBconscious minds, believe we are separate beings, disconnected from each other...
... and if we in our collective human psyche believe we humans are apart from nature, more powerful, more intelligent, more important than the rest of the living kingdom on our planet...
... then we are sick, diseased, irrational and insane because we are living in direct opposition to the rules of life and creation.
Address the elephant in the room
When humans are physically sick and diseased, and psychologically unwell, then we are spiritually empty and bereft. The soul has been well and truly buried and hidden from us as a consequence of us perverting our own intelligence and poisoning ourselves.
It's the same at the individual level as well as the collective whole.
When humans are locking each other up, locking themselves up, wearing masks, injecting themselves with unknown stuff, swallowing pills for toffee, taking our lead from insane psychopaths and incompetent dacoits, have a dislike for learning, refuse to do anything but be 100% too busy or 100% too lazy, the soul has no chance whatsoever!!!
And without an active soul, we can never be whole.
The evidence is overwhelming for mainstream society: we have no idea who we are, and we have no idea how life works. And that's the state of the collective human family in 2022.
From a recognition of this point we can move forwards, except we have the biggest hurdle of the lot to overcome before even that: mainstream human society is willfully refusing, still, to see the elephant in the room.
This, from my perspective of life, is the reason the outright insanity of 2020 came along, and it's simply no coincidence it happened in that year, because 2020 means clear and perfect vision...
... yet, even with this perfect vision the elephant remains invisible to government, media, medicine, science, academia. Stunning!!!
Activate your soul
At the individual level - that’s you, it’s me - there is one direct and eminently doable route towards finding our soul and transforming our experience of life:
consume whole foods and drinks, avoid corporation-made foods and drinks; consume useful and life-enhancing information, avoid toxic people and toxic media.
As your body and mind recover from you replacing this assault of toxic garbage with energy that supports your wellbeing, the soul emerges from its long hibernation. More and more we feel connected with our consciousness, which means more and more we come to see, and deeply understand, how we are indeed intimately interconnected with the all and everything of life out there.
And as the soul increasingly brings its joyful influence to bear on our consciousness and psyche, it strengthens our spirit and boosts our determination to meet the ongoing challenge we face to:
undo our harmful habits
overcome our inner self-sabotage voice
and decondition ourselves from the nonsense injurious anti-education we received during our schooling.
Connection is love, connection is happiness, connection is faith
You will absolutely know your soul is at work when you experience a deep impulse to not only enjoy your own life, but to do your very best to help all other humans enjoy their lives.
This is real, ineffable love, and we feel it by coming home to ourselves. We feel happiness, we feel peace of mind, we feel vibrant energy within our body and mind, and it’s because we’re no longer disconnected from our soul.
And our soul is the unity and oneness of life! It’s glorious! It’s our human essence in vital action! With our soul we deeply know that we are connected with each other, and it’s really very simple: if I hurt you I hurt myself, if I hurt myself I hurt you.
I love myself, I love you. This is the human essence in action. Make it happen in your life. Now! Just consume intelligently, with your mouth, ears, eyes.
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