How to Win the Information War (and You’re in it!)
We are all in an Information War, and the only way to win this war is to have the right information at your disposal, and to master the skill of choosing and discerning all incoming information. Let’s investigate…
Transition and change is always stressful to an organism, and each organism will use the means at its disposal - as granted by creation - to handle the stress until it reaches calmer, more stable waters.
That organism might be a tree, a dog, a human, a government, a football team, the whole planet.
Change might be one season moving into the next season, or it might be decay or injury, ageing, a new job, emigration. Could be anything.
This is not to say change is 'bad', and of course, many times it leads to beneficial consequences or outcomes. If you find yourself to be sick, with a cold or any kind of ailment, you definitively want change, to get yourself better. And, ‘A change is as good as a rest’. Holidays are beautiful changes we look forward to.
Perhaps the biggest challenge in human life, being aware of our own mortality and existence, is navigating change when it comes to us, and when we don’t like the look of it.
Either we choose it, or it will choose us. If we run from it, it will chase us down, we cannot escape it! So, choose it, or have it pushed upon you. Your choice.
The latter is happening throughout our 8 billion strong human family today. It's being pushed onto us. It's our job to take the reins ourselves, or else others will determine our fate, health and destiny. If that’s what you are okay with, you’re in the wrong part of the blogging universe...
We are exiting the Industrial Age and moving into the Information Age. We still have one leg in each of the Ages, so to speak, and this explains the turbulent times of transition we live in, testing each of us with all kinds of trials and tribulations. The good ship of humanity is sailing from one ocean into the next ocean, and here the waters are very choppy.
Interestingly, at the geopolitical level, hegemony and empire have always ruled the roost, and in the Industrial Age that meant humankind's wars were based on machinery, tanks, guns, bombs, and all kinds of hardware to kill the 'enemy'. The idea of those in power was/is to get what you want by force and violence.
Now in our Information Age, such wars are giving way to the 'Information War'. This is why so many cannot see this massive war going on right now in all our lives. We are literally at war, all of us, but because the 'weapons' are new, and energy-based rather than physical matter-based, and have never been seen before, people can't yet see this war.
But if you’re somebody like me, and you have read 100s of books, done 10,000s of hours of research, and found time to put into your life 1000s of hours of doing hammock time*, in order to learn, observe and reflect upon things, then you see what is happening!
(*doing hammock time is a phrase I coined, from doing it throughout the 1990s, always on a tropical Thai white sand beach, on the veranda of my spartan beachside bungalow, under the palm trees, with giant bumble bees, dragonflies, and butterflies all going about their daily business, and with no human noise or activity for hours on end… it was in this wonderland of nature, with life slowed down to natural pace, not hurtling by at feverish human pace, I was free to explore my mind and soul, and the whole human condition.)
And so, because I can see, I write and speak about it, in places like here, to share my understandings.
Be sure about it, humanity - under the psychopathic and ideological efforts of powerful human beings who have created globalism as a force to bring about their dystopian dream of a New World Order, and a One World Government - is in the midst of a terrible civil war. Humans against humans.
I have watched it, and spoken out about it, since the mid-90s, so much disinformation, misinformation, censored information, no information coming our way. And since the advent of the internet, the volume of information has become mountainous. No wonder we can be so confused and conflicted.
The mindblowing irony is that these globalists and ideologues told us OWG would be good for us all because then there would never be a war again. Hah, that's been their way for time immemorial, waging war to bring about ‘peace’. Amazing isn't it!!!
So their wars against us have now gone beyond national, ethnic and religious divisions, because that was for the old style, hardware-based wars during the Industrial Age times when material things, and constantly making them, were paramount in human life. And how good was war for this factory conveyor belt of manufacturing and profiteering - constantly having to make new weapons. Excellent repeat business.
Now it's an Information War, and that means the major battleground is MEDIA.
(They do still have, and constantly manufacture, their physical weapons which these days are ‘foodlike substances’, pills and syringes, all with toxic ingredients to tax and injure the wellbeing of our bodies and minds. Attack the body and you attack the mind, and you control the mind.)
Media is the internet, traditional tv, newspapers and magazines, and books.
Psychology and spirituality are the dimensions used in this Information War. 'They' - the globalists, the psychos, the miserable ideologues, and those addicted to power because there's nothing inside theirselves, for they had the soul sucked out of them in cold loveless childhoods - are doing their best to brainwash, condition, and indoctrinate all of us.
Media is their vehicle, government their 'persuader', and academia their enabler.
They want you demoralised, giving up, in fear, helpless. Just as the cat plays with the mouse before killing it, so 'they' play with us, ordinary human beings, injuring and harming us psychologically, which leads to physical ill-health. Fear triggers the release of hormones, which are physical entities within our body, and so you can see in this way that information and invisible energy forces can harm your physical body and health.
They want us divided, and when we are divided we have lost our human essence, and we struggle in our own life and in our relationships with those close to us. Conflict and confrontation are inevitable.
This is the spiritual nature of things that they are attacking. They suppress our soul and spirit through psychological information designed to disconnect us from source and from each other. We are innately connected with each other and with our planet, yet we are 'taught' that we are separate. This means a screwed-up psyche existing in dissonance, leading to sickness, disease and misery.
The moment you - and I mean you personally, you individually, you yourself and you, YOU! - consciously sit down and:
accept this insane stuff is going on
realise that you are very much caught up in a war
stop ‘hoping’ or ‘praying’ for better times, and that tyrannical humans will mend their ways
stop pretending that all is okay in the human world (because it's not, it's in a seriously precarious situation)
and become aware you can master your own health, life and destiny
is the moment you win the war for yourself. Now come the battles ahead of you to win, but the major victory is ensured with your awareness.
Now you will be in charge of finding the information you need to help you navigate the turbulent times we are in. When you have the information, the skill to discern right from wrong, good from bad, and the conscious intention to optimise your life, YOU WIN.
When enough individuals do this, WE WIN.
And it's a glorious win. I know, I’ve won.
Join the club today! You just need to make the conscious choice, and it will be. Good luck! I welcome all comments below, as always. And if you like this blog and want to ensure you receive my blogs each Monday, sign up in the box just below this final section.
If you want credible, useful, honestly-shared, personally-experienced-and-understood information to help you in your own personal battle, you know one top general source, of course.... ME!! That is my purpose in life, to learn and then share.
I am always found on aspiritualrevolution as a dotcom or dotorg for my website, as the name of my Facebook page, and as the name of my YouTube channel.
When you see aspiritualrevolution, including the ‘a’ at the front, it is Philip Keay’s work! I’m presenting this framework and process as our way out of suffering and into connection and personal sovereignty. I self-published my book in 2021 to be the total guide for readers to transform their life, to empower themselves and to contribute to the healing of humankind.
From the start of 2023 onwards, I'll be doing online courses to teach the key human skills, and the key wellness-based self-knowledge we need to thrive during stormy waters and to get ourselves out of the storm and into a beautiful new dawn...
You can study with me personally if you so choose! Keep your eyes peeled on my work. Sign up below now and you will be the first to know when things are happening.
And I'll be releasing, for a nominal sum, a series of sharp, to-the-point ebooks bringing you all the essential information you need to win this Information War, so that YOU can sail serenely into the Information Age and help put those psychos and miserable ideological control freaks to bed once and for all.
Did you get this far?? You have already won the war then!! But we do have to keep fighting, and that means helping others to win too. A top first step will be to sign up to my email list, you will get all my blogs and all my videos I upload to YouTube, and…
… you will receive my complimentary ebook outlining the skills and values-based education I have been delivering to adults and teachers for over a quarter of a century. It’s called An Education Charter and Framework for the Healing of Humankind.