Self-Inquiry is THE Solution to all our Troubles

woodlands in Sussex, England

Take a new path in life


'They' tell us we are only one person, too small to make any difference to the world.

I say, "This is patently absurd, of course one person can make a difference, how on earth can HALF a person change the world?".

True, no?!

In any case, one person can MOST DEFINITELY make a huge, positive difference to their own life. I have some questions for you to reflect upon:

  • Where does our resistance to change come from? Where does our lack of self-belief, self-worth and self-confidence come from?

  • Why do we have conflict, stress, and tension in our relationships with those we love?

  • Why is there so much division, disconnect and deep loneliness in our human world?

  • Why is anxiety, fear and unhappiness rife in human life?

  • Why do we often feel powerless to make deep-seated changes in our life? Why do we internalise the message that we are insignificant, and that all the heroes, and all the intelligent and skilled humans are out there, and never ourselves?

  • Why is humankind in such a bind?

  • Why is humanity in such a calamity?

There are two, interconnected, root causes to ALL these questions, and when we deeply understand these root causes, we have the solution available to us, right here right now and forevermore...

1. Somehow, somewhere in the past, humankind got it into its psyche that we are all SEPARATE from each other, and SEPARATE to the rest of the whole web of life. Being in our psyche, it is out of sight, hidden from us in the bowels of our subconscious minds. This ‘belief’ influences everything we do, say, feel and think. 

However, the law of nature tells us we are all intimately and intricately interconnected - within ourselves, with each other, and with all else on this beautiful planet that birthed us all.

2. And so our school systems are predicated on this gigantic misunderstanding. Our schooling disconnects, disempowers and dehumanises us, stealing our very human essence.

We are brought up to be 'disconnected separatists' by the adult disconnected separatists because of this erroneous understanding of ourselves and the world. Generation after generation.

While we are children, then, our nUrture antagonises our nAture instead of complementing and harmonising with it. Disaster!

And each of us has 3 natures:

  1. human nature

  2. our own individual nature

  3. the nature of the life force here on Planet Earth itself

No wonder we struggle so!
No wonder we argue so!
No wonder we are stressed so!
No wonder true love, happiness, joy and freedom are so elusive!

Our schooling gives us a rotten start to life:

  • it disconnects us from, and suppresses, our humanity, our humanness, our human essence

  • we get no chance to grow and evolve into our own unique individual nature, so we don't know who we are, and we are constantly in tension because we are living AGAINST nature

  • we don't learn how the web of life works

and so in our daily words and deeds, albeit inadvertently, we damage ourselves, those we love, and the planet.

Conditioned ignorance in the human family is rife.

But beauty, love, connection, freedom, joy is inside all of us YEARNING to express itself.

That it can't is because we 'think' (subconsciously, out of our sight) we are all separate to each other. And at the collective level, humanity takes itself to be more powerful, more intelligent and more important than the universe and creation itself. Wow, what hubris and arrogance!

And then 2020 exploded onto the scene.

This gigantic misunderstanding has caused so much suffering and so many brutalities in our human family.

HOWEVER, once we understand the true reality of the nature of life, we can actively and consciously set about the process and wonderful journey of SELF-INQUIRY. 

Now we begin harmonising and connecting our sorry disconnected, divided and demoralised selves within, and with the whole world out there.

Self-inquiry for adults brings to them the true LIFE-ENHANCING education that they never got in their school years. 

It will bring such tremendous and myriad benefits to the self-inquirer, who automatically will share them with others. Our human world begins to dramatically transform itself.

Now - harmonised and in good health and cheer, feeling creative, productive and compassionate - we adults can TOGETHER break this dark spell of darkness which enslaves the whole of humanity, by enabling, nourishing, and empowering today's children to flourish and evolve as integrated, intelligent, interconnected individuals.

Unity in our uniqueness!
Uniqueness in our unity!

ALL POWER AND LOVE to all us human beings to ascend to our true sovereignty of self, while simultaneously promoting and protecting the sanctity of life in all our fellow human beings, and of our beautiful planet that gives us all our life.

Self-Inquiry is the magic process of recovery, rejuvenation, revelation and renaissance of the human being.

I will write about Self-Inquiry in a future article, but I end this one by tasking you to reflect for yourself what you think it means, and what you will find out from it!

Let the goodies come to you direct!

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Philip Keay

Philip is a rebel teacher, soul adventurer, author and photographer. He promotes lifelong learning, conscious living and wellness through his unique task-based approach to learning.

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Totalitarian Humans Come From Totalitarian Schooling