How to do A Spiritual Revolution #1
I named my website ‘A Spiritual Revolution’, set up a Facebook Page and my YouTube Channel of the same name, and wrote a book called ‘Menu For A Spiritual Revolution’, because my life’s journey has informed me that A Spiritual Revolution is the only solution for the healing of humankind.
And humankind needs healing!
However, humankind is just a word, it’s actually us—real life, warts ‘n all, individual human beings—who need to do the healing.
You, or I, or any individual, may object and say that the world is a mess out there, yes, but as for me, I’m just fine and dandy, I don’t need any healing.
That would be a mistake for anybody to think.
I’ve heard so many times people expressing the sentiments of “I’m alright Jack”, when I write about ‘we’, as in the collective of humankind, while highlighting specific problems facing our whole human family.
Firstly, that’s a subconscious and rapid reaction, coming from our ego which immediately goes into defensive mode.
Secondly, and crucially, the macro problem facing the collective of humankind is that we have been conditioned to believe—deep in our psyche and out of our conscious sight—that we are all separate individual human beings.
It’s true, we are, but that’s only half the truth; we are also all interconnected by the invisible, but real, nature of energy flow and consciousness. Until we grasp this crucial understanding, we will continue to carry the burdens and painful consequences of this dreadful misunderstanding, schooled into us as children by our parents and teachers, who themselves were schooled into this misunderstanding of the very nature of life.
Thirdly, neither illness nor wellness are accidents; one or the other feature in our life based on the feelings, actions, thoughts and emotions that make up the daily gamut of life for human beings. (You can remember this as FATE!)
And, at this juncture, we also need to be mindful of what wellness refers to: it is not just about your body, but your whole holistic health, which includes the departments of emotional health, psychological health, and spiritual health as well as physical health.
Lastly, when we do begin to unravel this huge misunderstanding, and by our endeavours achieve the wonderful feeling of actually being WELL—you will know it, you will feel a vitality of energy in your body, a clarity of thought in your mind, and a joy in your heart—there comes the realisation that we have to constantly work at it.
Being physically below par and falling ill, experiencing emotional suffering, being psychologically unhappy, and feeling a gnawing sense of emptiness deep in our being, is easy to do: nothing needs changing! Incredulous as it sounds, we have been programmed to be this way by an anti-human, anti-education school system.
Being well, alive and thriving, full of beans—that is, feeling the joy of energy, vitality and clarity in our being; being proactive, productive and creative in our daily life—is much harder, at least initially as we have to overcome so much inner resistance, and so many efforts by our ego to block us from making any changes.
(If you are wondering what this ‘ego’ thing actually is, it’s that inner voice of negative self-talk and even self-sabotage that you live with. We all do.)
A Spiritual Revolution is the Solution
So anybody can have whatever definition they want of ‘spiritual’ and ‘revolution’, but if you are to get on board with me in creating a better life for yourself and all of humankind, by embarking upon A Spiritual Revolution, then we need a shared definition and understanding. Here it is.
A Spiritual Revolution is a learning journey of self-inquiry and self-discovery undertaken by an individual, with the express purpose of empowering themselves to take charge of their life, health and destiny.
This journey asks you to unblock your mind, unlock your heart and unleash your spirit, setting the foundations for you to reconnect yourself to the source of all life, thereby harmonising your body, mind and soul with the laws of nature.
You become the integrated, intelligent, interconnected individual you were born to be. You undo whatever damage the school system did to you.
I have specifically created and built a framework and process that any adult or adolescent can manage: it’s fully inclusive! You just need one qualification only to get yourself started: a desire to live a healthier, happier life. Be sure about it, A Spiritual Revolution will be a life-changing event in your life.
The three mainstays, once you have started, and which will form the cornerstone of your new approach to being human, are: lifelong learning, conscious living, health and wellness.
The 5-Step Journey of A Spiritual Revolution
I know very well from my own experience—as an educator, pre-digital nomad, and spiritual warrior myself who has embraced and undergone many changes in my life’s journey—that unless we take on new things in life step by step we will not take them on! It will just remain a pipe dream.
It’s even worse if you are an Aries or a fire sign like me, because we can easily get impatient and give up if we are not going one step at a time.
It’s great to see the bigger picture, but to actually get somewhere we cannot do all steps at once. This sounds so simple that it should not need stating, but you most likely will know what I’m talking about! Procrastination is a huge thing in nearly everybody’s life, even those who love change. It’s usually related to not doing the things we don’t like doing, even though we know we need to do them.
So, the 5 steps.
In the next article of this series of blog posts, we’ll explore each step in more detail. For now, we look at the bigger picture so you can get a good sense of what you will be doing if you choose to transform your life through A Spiritual Revolution.
Step 1: Situation Analysis
An inquiry into i) who you think you are today, and what your life is like ii) the state of humankind today. This can be the painful stage, asking us to swallow a bitter pill and accept some unpalatable home truths. However, bypassing this stage is not possible. The good news is that the good stuff arises out of the bad stuff, and will be just round the corner!
Step 2: Needs Analysis
Here we raise our awareness of the kind of person we would like to be, and where we would like to get to in our life. We must also apply the same desires and needs to all of humankind: helping yourself while harming others will not be helping yourself. Remember, we are all interconnected in our world, as if fish swimming in the same bowl.
Step 3: Build a Solid Foundation for your Upcoming Journey
It is at this point that you actually begin making changes to get yourself from here to there, so be prepared to feel a bit vulnerable at first. However, when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable this is when we learn most and enable ourselves to evolve into a better person and enjoy a more fulfilling experience of life.
I have created an activity called ‘My Philosophy’, and this will be your solid foundation which will guarantee your successful transformation. With strong foundations we can weather any storm that comes along, and enjoy the serene waters in between.
You create and write it for you based on the understandings you derive from Step 2. This will be act as your personal road map, and your unique motivational driving force. It will keep you on the path, and help you quickly get back on the path when you find you have strayed. Again, a vital step.
This step will, I believe, generate tremendous excitement within you, because it asks you to unblock your mind, unlock your heart and unleash your spirit. This is you allowing yourself to be vulnerable because you open yourself up to the world, allowing yourself to be sensitive, but this is the doorway to your evolution and self-growth.
Step 4: Acquire the Essential Toolkit of Skills, Self-Knowledge and Self-Belief that the School System Crushed Out of Us.
Now the learning journey in earnest. This step requires the most action and effort, but once up and running, the quick rewards and feel-good successes you experience will sustain your continued motivation and action until such time as it is now a new habit in your life.
Step 5: From Spiritual Revolution to Spiritual Evolution
You have by now made huge progress, and from here on in it’s more a case of continued practice, as with any skill you want to master. We know we have to do this with a sport or a musical instrument or cooking or any number of other motor skills, but humankind never seemed to decide we need to do this with our mind itself!
Realise that Step 5 is for the rest of your life! You are now committed to lifelong learning, conscious living, and your health and wellbeing. But since the rewards are more freedom, joy, love, peace, and fun, this is no hardship. In addition, you will enjoy camaraderie and kinship in all your relationships with others, as well as with yourself and the whole web of life.
You will have developed—by your own endeavours—a life of optimal health, harmony and happiness. You will create and produce whatever you want to, and always you will be serving the greater good of all.
That is, in a nutshell, A Spiritual Revolution, the healing of humankind by individual human beings overcoming the psychological and spiritual burdens of their schooling.
[This is the first in a mini-series of articles I’m writing to bring awareness of A Spiritual Revolution to the world. My big mission is to bring it to humankind from the outset of 2024 and spend two full years promoting and teaching it far and wide. For it to work you, good friend, are needed! If you are inspired, sign up to my newsletter below and join me in this unique journey to transform ourselves and our whole human world. Remember the Gandhi quote that began this article?!]