From Nastiness to Forgiveness to Gratitude to Love

bamboo in chiang dao thailand

If you are personifying truth, responsibility, integrity, consciousness and kindness (TRICK!), for example as an educator, a journalist, a lawyer, a doctor, a scientist, an academic, a celebrity, a parent, a guru, a life coach, or just anybody who works with people and has influence over the lives of others…

and somebody else in your profession or role comes across you, and they have ‘sold their soul’, living with no such TRICK…

they will experience within their mind feelings of being intensely envious of you, of wishing they could be you ( because this is how the job should be done, because this is how the human should live if they desire freedom, peace, love and joy), and of realising they’ve erred badly in their life, etc etc…

and so this ego of theirs will lash out with all the vindictiveness, resentment, and hostility it can muster. This ego has suddenly become exposed by your example of truth in action, and it ain’t happy one bit. The person, driven by their ego, must attack you in order to protect itself from its own destruction, and to continue duping that person with the illusion it has smothered them with.

This is how the ego works when it has hijacked the person’s soul. The ego completely dominates its host, and if truth comes along the out-of-control ego is now holding on for its life.

However, what becomes interesting, within the remit of being human, and with the absolute power of the human essence, is that this person whose ego has smashed them to bits and which is now smashing its alter-ego — you — to bits, can become saved, can be forgiven, and can forgive themselves. Their soul crimes can be stopped and the soul can rise to counterbalance the ego which hijacked that person’s mind and heart.

But somehow the person needs to be given a glimpse of his or her soul, and that won’t happen if this person is attacked for being a liar, a despot, a tyrant, a cruel bully etc etc. If they receive love and understanding, probably something they’ve rarely if ever received, then this will pierce the conscious mind and heart of that person, around which ordinarily the ego has installed a protective barrier, to keep its own life going.

I always find human life fascinating, but generally speaking the psychological and spiritual dimensions of our human world always work in the same way for all humans. The most powerful forces in the human world for me are forgiveness and then gratitude.

Because they open up the gateways of our heart, which to a great degree has been shut by societal conditioning.

It is forgiveness — of others, and most especially of oneself — which then morphs into gratitude, that transforms a human being. Out of this gratitude, which is only possible from a prior position of full forgiveness, one then increasingly experiences the heartfelt joys of love, freedom, inner peace, and happiness, and a connection with all that lives and exists on our planet and way up there in the sky.

I feel true spiritual living is exemplified when the spiritual person is able to help the self-tortured, ego-captured person escape their enslavement to their ego. As you will realise, blaming people blocks us from doing this, and it’s why I often say that spiritual living has no room for blame — of oneself or of others. 

Forgiveness has sent blame packing, and tremendous things start happening to us, not least the absolute joy of an open, expanded heart.

Philip Keay

Philip is a rebel teacher, soul adventurer, author and photographer. He promotes lifelong learning, conscious living and wellness through his unique task-based approach to learning.

We Must Learn to Think for Ourselves!


From Alienation to Love