Letter #30: Education is the Problem and the Solution

Pai, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand

Nature has many lessons for us! Pai valley, northern Thailand

Dear Friend

So this week I have for you a somewhat reduced length of Letter…

[Edit: I have now finished the Letter, and perhaps it’s not much shorter than the norm!]

But lest you think you have a holiday from reading my long tomes, no, for instead I have another source of reading for you - my treasured ebook on how we can use education to change our human world right around.

That said, it will be an ‘easier’ read because, well… you’ll see what I mean when you open it up.

And I think you’re going to like it a lot. According to me, it’s a seminal message of our times.

There is a link at the bottom of this Letter, but you can also get your complimentary copy by hitting this button…

In the last several weeks (well, almost the whole year!) I’ve been taking one of the last steps to get my whole new education ecosystem into a state of readiness to begin the ‘action stations’ phase of operations. Action stations means two things:

  • actively working towards changing the way education is done in both schools and universities

  • offering regular workshops and foundational courses of learning for adults and adolescents - both online and in-person.

At some point, most likely next year, I will then be hosting month-long full-on retreats for parents, educators, leaders and world helpers to learn and master the Art of Leadership, and I mean real, true, empowering, inspiring leadership.

It’s my view that our human world is in such a transitional state of impending disaster that the only way out at this 11th hour is through millions of people putting their hands up to take responsibility for their own life and wellbeing, while simultaneously and proactively working towards the greater good.

That means becoming a leader of self. And that, primarily, means learning to master the learning and listening skills.

Leaders of self make the best leaders of others, because they never ask others to do what they themselves will not or cannot do. Leaders of self, with fully activated inner authority and human essence, attract others to their ways and their cause; this is in contrast to rulers who tell us what to do and compel us to do it using some kind of force.

Rulers have learned nothing of the ways of being human, being proactive, healthy, joyful, creative, productive and loving; leaders of self have learned that for themselves, and happily help empower others in kind.

Our human world is pitted against itself, now it’s our time to bring about the joys of living cooperatively: by doing it ourselves.

Are you living in a box or the universe?

More than ever we need to realise that it is ONLY individual human beings who can make a positive difference to our world, and this is so for one foundational reason: we humans love to take our lead from those who show us they are on the path towards a healthy, creative, enjoyable and meaningful life. We have a long history of mentors, heroes, role models, transformational teachers and wise persons for a good reason: we see they have ‘walked their talk’, are achieving great things that are life-affirmative, not self-serving, and we feel inspired to follow their lead and example.

And real leaders don’t want you to be like them, they want you to do what they have done and continue to do for themselves: to become the real you, and then to live out your life being the real unique you, not the clone that society conditioned us all into.

(I say ‘continue’ because once we start this journey we discover it’s a lifelong journey, just as breathing, eating and drinking water is.)

Such leaders want to encourage, empower and enable others to educate and empower themselves in such a way that makes use of their own uniquely-gifted set of talents, innate abilities, characteristics, and life experiences. Now your foundational purpose for being alive is for good health, much happiness and to live in harmony with all others and in alignment with the natural laws of our whole web of life, here on Mother Earth, Gaia, our Stupendously Stunningly Beautiful World.

Upon such a basis, we find being curious, attentive, creative, productive and reflective comes naturally to us, and now we can use all our promise and power as human beings to live with purpose, passion, connection and compassion. We find we would really love to help others achieve the same, and we naturally become mentors and motivators for them.

This stands in stark contrast to the way society conditioned, coerced and forced us to fit into its tiny box of conformity and uniformity, which it sneakily did when we were young children, before we were able to build defences and a personal immunity against this anti-human, anti-joy, anti-health, anti-fun anti-education which is pushed onto us for 12 years and 14,000 classroom hours of ‘learning’ in the schools.

In this box we are permanently stressed because it goes against our own individual nature, against human nature, and against nature herself.

When we step out of this tiny box that society moulded us into, we discover the whole universe, and WHAT a discovery, wow!

Now, we realise, we ARE the universe, and we are free to create and produce whatever we wish to. The learning process we go through to get out of this box and into the universe is our liberation from the societal chains of emotional enslavement, psychological suffering and spiritual emptiness, not to mention all the physical ailments and afflictions.

We become integrated intelligent interconnected individuals and in so doing we remove the barriers to inner peace, camaraderie, connection, joy, fun, love and freedom, and such feelings now become the norm in our life.

I call this learning process A Spiritual Revolution, which in effect is a revolution of education…

‘An Education Charter and Framework for the Healing of Humankind’ - a complimentary ebook

Good friend, from now on I shall be creating a video version of these Letters, which I will publish each week shortly after I send it to your email inbox. I will publish the videos to my YouTube channel, which in recent months has been rather quiet, but no longer… now it’s gonna be pushing out lots of noise!

I’m now ready to begin the widespread promotion of my venture and mission to bring foundational self-empowering, skills-focused, heart-centred education to parents, teachers, leaders, activists, healers, world helpers and all those who care about our world and recognise the miraculous nature of our very existence as a human being.

Heal yourself, heal humankind.

I am also very much looking forward to working with adolescents and young adults.

We must all become leaders of self. Then we can help children and our fellow adults educate and empower themselves in kind.

In this way a grassroots, organically-driven bottom-up movement becomes an unstoppable energy force, transforming our human world into the kind of world 99.99% of us all want.

I call it A Spiritual Revolution, and it’s my central mission to train and inspire individuals everywhere to get on board. In my classrooms I make learning and making change exciting, adventurous and rewarding, so that we can all do what Mahatma Gandhi urged of us:

‘Be the change you wish to see in the world.’

Now then…

All new subscribers to our venture (you are already a big part of this venture!) will forthwith get my Letter each week, and from now until the end of the year I have much catching up to do, to record and publish all back Letters onto my YouTube channel. You will now be able to hear the Letters as well.

They will also get a complimentary copy of my 30-page hard hitting but tremendously insightful ebook, An Education Charter and Framework for the Healing of Humankind. Now, it would be seriously remiss of me to not get this out to you all before new subscribers start getting a copy!

So just below you will see a link and a button, both of which will take you to a place where you can download my ebook to your computer or phone.

This book takes you on an exciting journey of inner discovery; you may also find it disconcerting at times, but without discomfort we do not make positive evolutionary change.

You are asked, along the way, to contemplate upon the root causes of our troubled human world, consider the problems and suffering that are rife all over the world, and what the solutions are. Dr Bruce Lipton often says,

‘Knowledge is power, lack of knowledge is lack of power’.

Well, my ebook brings an opportunity for you to gain core knowledge and understanding of why individual human beings, and the whole human family alike, are in such systemic trouble, and how we not only get out of this trouble, but also take on responsibility to upgrade our own life and health, shape our own fate and destiny, AND make a real difference to the rest of humankind.

My vision is simple: a rotten, anti-human, anti-love anti-education has got humankind into a real bind; a beautiful, holistic-oriented, skills-focused, heart-centred education is the solution.

‘Today’s society is yesterday’s classroom, today’s classroom is tomorrow’s society.’

Education is most certainly the central ‘battleground’ in our collective effort to let our own light shine brightly, and to get out of the darkness of anxiety, depression, loneliness, disconnection, frustration, anger and hatred induced in us by a society set up to destroy our human essence. And in so doing, we light up the way for others to come too.

Learn how this is so, and be inspired to make your own difference by:

  1. clicking on the link or button below, and downloading my ebook to your computer or device

  2. making an unbreakable appointment with yourself to sit down and read and do it in one setting (‘do’ because, as you may have guessed, there will be various tasks to keep you cognitively active throughout the book).

I think if you read the book straight through without doing the tasks you’d be finished in two hours. Doing the tasks will turn it into something longer, perhaps half a day, but in this way you raise your own awareness of what you already knew, but didn’t realise you knew. It also acts as an energy of inspiration because you are doing your own learning.

Since my ebook remains free for the time being, you are most welcome to share the link for downloading it with friends, family members, or colleagues who you think will be interested in reading it.

In fact, if you really do want to make a difference to our world, I challenge you to specifically think of 5-10 people you know and share the link with them, along with your own brief summary of why you are sending it to them.

Right now.

Or right after you’ve read the book.

Please read it before next week’s Letter; to make sure you act on your attention, follow step #2 above right now…

Click on this link here and you will see how to download your own pdf copy. You can also just read it online at this link.

Meanwhile, have a great week and I bid you adieu until next time.

All the best


Philip Keay

Philip is a rebel teacher, soul adventurer, author and photographer. He promotes lifelong learning, conscious living and wellness through his unique task-based approach to learning.


Letter #31: Celebrating Ordinary Human Beings


Letter #29: Using Karma Intelligently