Challenge 2024: ‘Unleash Your Spirit’ Letters

52 letters, one published each Monday. Week by week you build the strong foundations you need to take charge of your health and life.

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“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

All Letters are catalogued on this page. Sign up below, and never miss one.

Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #15: Love Inside Out

I’d like to turn our attention to matters of our heart and mind for a couple of weeks at least. For me there is no more important ability for us human beings than being happy and healthy. It is most definitely a skill, which needs knowledge, confidence and practice.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #14: Wellness Boosters and Illness Busters

Wellness must be OUR responsibility; others can help, and that’s brilliant, but ultimately your body heals your body, your mind heals your mind, your mind heals your body, and only your mind can activate your soul.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #13: A Unique Invitation for you!

This Letter is about LEARNING, and how I can guide you into becoming a master of the skill that lies at the core of everything we do, say, think, feel as human beings in this game of life we’ve been pitched into. Learning is a skill, an attitude, a mindset, a way of life…

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #12: Consequences

Karma governs us whether we like it or not, whether we believe in it or not. I describe it in the simple terms it merits: it is the flow of energy from here to there, from this moment to a future moment, from a past moment to a now moment; karma is cause and effect, sow and reap, action and reaction. And that’s it. That’s karma.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #11: Reflection is THE Learning Tool

Everything we do in life comes out of our thinking, whether the thoughts are subconsciously or consciously formed. Reflective thinking is conscious thinking, and by regularly practising it we no longer are enslaved to the contents of our subconscious mind.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #10: The Art of Doing Wellness

Whether it's dropping sugar, eating more fruits, taking a herb (eg ashwaganda or milk thistle) or a superfood (eg bee pollen or royal jelly), doing some kind of exercise or breathing activity, whatever it may be, do it for two weeks. Then you will have a good idea of its efficacy.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #9: Exercise in 4 Square Meters

Remember: life is energy and energy is movement, and therefore to me the key factor when considering any exercise program for ourselves is simply to make sure we move our body. But what exactly is ‘movement’?

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #8: Spirituality is Sweeter than Sugar

“I see colours brighter than ever, I smell flowers that I never knew were there, I hear animals that are too small for me to see and I feel energies and vibrations that show me the way. I have more confidence in myself than I ever have.”

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #6: Diet Discernment and Determination

In this Letter I want to share my absolute basics when it comes to food, nutrition, diet and your eating habits. I will say more about food frequently throughout the year in future Letters, as our diet is foundational to our life if we wish to live with health and wellbeing.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #5: Living the REAL DEAL

Once we understand the nature and root cause of the macro-problem, we can then practise becoming skilled in both solving all kinds of problems and preventing their reoccurrence.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #4: My Introduction to Natural Healing Part 3

We want to live a good human life with purpose, plenty of fun, joy, creativity, productivity, good relationships with all, and the glorious energy of LOVE flowing into and around our consciousness, and back out into the world. This is not too much to ask for, not at all.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #3: My Introduction to Natural Healing Part 2

There, on a table, I saw a small machine which immediately provoked curiosity in me. Looking at it as I sat down next to it, I saw it had a dial ranging from 0 to 100 and a needle resting at zero. Out of this machine came two wires, one with a sort of copper rod which I had to hold in my left hand, and at the end of the other wire was a sort of metal pen-shaped thing.

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Philip Keay Philip Keay

Letter #1: Unleash Your Spirit in 2024

This is it! Step #1 of the most exciting journey for the whole world for all of 2024 is upon you! It all starts now… Are you ready? Are you ready for Challenge 2024: Unleash Your Spirit? Ready for an amazing, educational and transformative 2024?

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