A Spiritual Revolution is a heart-expanding inner journey of self-inquiry and self-discovery to empower yourself with self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-confidence

Our human world urgently needs YOU to be thriving in your own health and wellness, and it needs YOU to be a light for others to do the same.

Humankind is in terrible self-inflicted trouble. We are destroying ourselves through our ignorance of self and of the whole web of life.

Only individual human beings can turn things around.

That’s you and me.

The way we do that is to heal ourselves. Everybody needs healing because our schooling damaged and disempowered us all. Only we can heal ourselves.

A Spiritual Revolution is a framework, a 5-step process, and a guide to achieving and maintaining optimal health and wellbeing in your body, mind and soul.

A Spiritual Revolution is each of us bringing about our psychological realignment and spiritual reconnection with the ways of nature, thereby expunging our schooled ignorance of who we are.

Now you live with health, harmony and happiness. But the real magic is that, in taking care of and valuing yourself, you are proactively contributing to the healing of humankind.

(Bookmark this page now so you don’t accidentally lose it. Because you really are needed.)

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
~ Rumi

“The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.”
~ Robert Pirsig

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
~ Gandhi

“Discover the joy of learning and you discover the joy of living, master the skill of learning and you master the skill of living.”
~ Philip Keay

Wat Tham Pha Plong in Chiang Dao

Buddhist wisdom at Tham Pha Plong Temple, Chiang Dao, Thailand

“Spiritual living means entering into a conscious agreement with Mother Earth, to protect, promote and enhance your life and hers, to the best of your ability. This agreement asks you to forevermore push the boundaries of your best, and to love and cherish yourself along the way.

It is a commitment to lifelong learning: learning to learn, and learning the art of living. A Spiritual Revolution sets you up for life. The menu within invites you to decondition, self-educate and empower yourself into health, harmony and happiness.

Have a fantastic adventure.”

These are the opening words from Menu For A Spiritual Revolution: Health Harmony & Happiness.

You can get your copy here, or sample some of the book here.


A Spiritual Revolution is about you proactively taking steps to explore and learn

  • who you really are

  • how your mind works

  • how our Planet Earth’s whole web of life works

and to use all your new understandings to transform your health, your life, and your relationships.

You are then set fair for a joyful journey of lifelong learning and heart-centred living. Now, you find, the driving force in your life is courage, confidence, compassion, camaraderie, with plenty of curiosity and creativity.

This is amazing in itself, but the real beauty of this inner revolution of your self is that you will feel the urge to cherish and care for all the people in your life, and all of life.

You become an ambassador for humanity and for our Planet Earth.

This website is the creation of Philip Keay—a transformational educator, soul adventurer and spiritual warrior—and his intention is to help guide and navigate you along your journey towards expressing yourself as the beautiful, talented, creative and tremendously powerful human being you were born to be.

Question: What do the terms inner authority and human essence mean to you?

lotus flowers in Varkala, India

The lotus flower arises out of mud… photo taken at Varkala Beach in India

Dear Reader

A very warm welcome to A Spiritual Revolution… and the rest of your life!

I am Philip, an Englishman who went to Thailand in 1991 for my big travel adventure in the great mystical, oriental, tropical Far East. I went on a one-way ticket to ensure I had maximum spending money to stay as long as I could… seemingly without a thought about how to get back home.

As it turns out, I never did!

During my travels I fell in love with the country and her people, and when my spending money ran out I managed to talk my way into a job teaching English to Thai adults in Bangkok so that I could extend my stay. I immediately discovered that teaching adults (and adolescents) was my vocation in life. It subsequently transpired that I had accidentally emigrated!

I would say that my conceiving and promoting of A Spiritual Revolution, as the healing journey for all human beings, is a synthesis of my Western upbringing, my African roots (from my mum), and my living in the Eastern, Buddhist nation of Thailand for most of my adult life.

Undoubtedly we all need healing to some degree, with many needing a lot of it. We (all of humankind) must face up to the most pressing home truth of modern human life: most people are struggling mentally and suffering emotionally, and it’s because we don’t know who we are, nor how life works. We fear death because we are ignorant of what life is.

It’s my mission to train and inspire adults and adolescents everywhere to dive into their inner world and discover, activate and cultivate their human essence and their inner authority.

This is the key to overcoming the mental burdens we all carry from an anti-human anti-fun school system which damages us emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. When the adults reconnect, empower and liberate themselves, they will no longer, albeit inadvertently, be getting in the way of the children.

Inner authority translates into self-worth: having the self-knowledge to be and express oneself, and having the courage and confidence to lead one’s own life according to one’s unique set of talents, traits and individual nature.

Relating to life with our inner authority enables us to overcome self-doubt and that harmful inner voice which tries to convince us we are not good enough. We stop comparing ourselves to others, and instead focus on our own growth, evolution and self-development. We are liberated from worrying what others think of us. I cannot emphasise how HUGE this is!

Being grounded in your inner authority harmonises your whole self with the whole web of life, thereby giving full rein to your human essence.

Your human essence is your very humanness, which houses the energies of love, peace, kinship, joy, fun, curiosity, creativity, empathy and freedom - all that we deeply yearn to experience for ourselves.

Our human essence is our personal connection with the source of all life and with each other. Whenever you feel a unity and oneness with others, this is your human essence in action. When you feel love for life, vitality and energy in body, and clarity and joy in mind, this is your human essence in action.

I have built this website to offer you a variety of resources to inspire you into making transformative enduring changes to your life so that you can:

  • live with holistic wellbeing: health, harmony and happiness

  • forge strong healthy relationships

  • actualise all the potential and talents that you were born with

  • and be a mentor and example for others to follow in kind.

Please join me in my mission to bring peace, love and understanding to our poor old struggling human family. Let’s do our own inner work and work together to loosen and remove the grip which despair, fear, loneliness, frustration, hopelessness and conflict have over our whole human world in these trying troubling times we all live in.

We are such beautiful creatures, with so much untapped potential and ability, and mountains of hidden love in our blocked hearts. We were given heaven on earth, so let’s accept it instead of rejecting it! Get with the 3Us:

Unblock your mind! Unlock your heart! Unleash your spirit!

A reclining Buddha in the caves of Prachuab Khiri Khan Province in Thailand

Navigating your way around this site

  • There are 5 stages for you to go through to take charge of your own life, health and destiny.

    Head over to the A Spiritual Revolution page and discover what you need to do.

  • Philip uses his unique brand of the skills-focussed, heart-centred Task-Based Learning approach to education to deliver a range of interactive workshops, masterclasses, learning courses and programs, both online and in person in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

    Educational retreats will be offered from 2025 onwards.

    Head over to the Academy page to discover how Philip is transforming the way education is done, by training adults in the learning, communication and holistic living skills.

  • He is me! Everything you see in this digital corner of the universe is my creation, and represents the foundations for my mission to revolutionise how education is done. Education is very much for adults, not just during childhood.

    On this page you will learn a bit about me, what kind of teacher I am through my students’ eyes, and I’ll share a timeline of my life’s work and mission. It seems every time I am in a comfortable place in life that I then leave that for new challenges and different pastures

    Undoubtedly I’ve trodden a ‘rebel’ path in life, always with two driving forces: a love of learning, and a love of fun.

    In 1991 I went travelling to Thailand, and in one fell swoop the universe ‘emigrated’ me and made me a teacher of adults, both of which I had no idea were going to happen! But it put learning and fun squarely into my life.

    I am now on this big mission because I can clearly see how the wrong kind of education has so harmed humankind, and I know that a heart-centred, skills-focused education will transform our human family.

  • Menu For A Spiritual Revolution: Health Harmony & Happiness is the book that took my blood sweat and tears from me for eight years to write, complete and publish!

    It is a book-reading and heart-expanding adventure taking you along a journey of exploring and understanding your mind, the human condition, and the spiritual nature of our human essence. Multiple tasks along the way enable you to practically apply this knowledge to enhance your life, move into your optimal health, and forge strong, healthy relationships.

    From that foundation nothing can stop you living out your purpose and passion, and enjoying a fulfilling, rewarding life.

    You can sample the book by clicking on these words, or buy your copy here.

  • Our unique home from home in the Chiang Mai countryside comes with the personal touch, and offers a soul-pleasing, private accommodation for couples or singles to enjoy a break away from the busy and rather madcap human world.

    Here, life travels in the slow lane.

    Take time out to plug into nature and recharge your batteries. Tune into the rhythms of Thai countryside, and experience an authentic piece of Thailand on your holiday. Take a breather and feel connected. Eat delicious Thai food, learn how to cook it with host Air, chill, read a book, feel good.

    Click here to learn more and view our photo gallery. We are on Airbnb and Booking Dot Com.

  • Find your way to the top of the page and choose from my blog writing, weekly Letters to transform your life, and my Witness page, which is where I’m recording our times as history in the making. I also have lots of videos on my YouTube channel which are mostly spiritual or educational in nature, along with a few travel ones.


The exquisite beauty of the lotus flower arises out of the mud: mud is useful!

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Spend time in the slow lane and practise the art of letting go

stream at Yang Tone Farmstay, Chiang Dao, Thailand

Go with the flow! Just keep on going, enjoying the scenery along the way

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Give yourself regular time and space to reflect upon and learn from your life

If you’d like to receive my weekly Letter with content on the subject matter of holistic health and wellbeing, while developing your learning skills, then sign up now!

You can read the whole back catalogue by hitting the Letters tab in the menu bar at the top of this page, or just click here. I will also send you a complimentary copy of my hard-hitting ebook An Education Charter and Framework for the Healing of Humankind. Learn about the root causes of, and solutions to, all your troubles in life!

You will also be the first to hear of all my new self-empowering self-educating products as and when they come to the market. This will include both online and in-person workshops, learning courses and programs, all delivered in my unique skills-focussed, hearted-centred, task-based learning approach to educating adults and adolescents.

If you are a home-educating parent, an educator, a leader, an entrepreneur, a world helper, an activist, a coordinator of a group or community, or a young adult just starting out in life, then A Spiritual Revolution is especially for you!

'Unleash Your Spirit' 

Transform your 2024 with Philip's Weekly Letter of Interactive Learning 
Published every Monday

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“How hurtful it can be to deny one's true self and live a life of lies just to appease others.”
~ June Ahern

“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”
~ Aberjhani