Challenge 2024: ‘Unleash Your Spirit’

Empower yourself and transform your life in a unique year-long learning adventure. Take it step by step, with a master educator to guide and inspire you all the way.

Join Philip in this interactive learning experience, like nothing you’ve come across before. The rewards will be life-changing as, week by week, you master the skills of lifelong learning, conscious living, and holistic health.

  1. stop hiding your potential and MANIFEST IT

  2. stop doubting yourself and BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

  3. stop holding yourself back and UNLEASH YOUR SELF

  4. and optimise your HEALTH HARMONY AND HAPPINESS

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

Here is the route and 5-step journey for your personal inner revolution:

unblock your mind >> unlock your heart >> unleash your spirit >> be the unique true you >> live in unity >> love life

Transformational change the way I teach it takes you through a 5-step journey. If you spend a year on these steps in my Challenge 2024, you will assuredly make steady and heady progress!

Step #1 Situation Analysis: consciously reflect upon where you are today in your life

Step #2 Needs Analysis: consciously make known to yourself your dreams, desires and hopes for your own life and for all of humankind (the two are interdependent)

Step #3 Reset your mindset: this is the essential foundational building block for your upcoming journey to get from Step #1 to Step #2 (so much of the self-improvement world ignores this crucial step)

Step #4 Learning journey: find a guide or mentor (for example Philip!) who can facilitate you on a true, self-empowering journey of learning for you to develop essential skills, self-knowledge and self-belief, without which we are doomed to perpetual struggle and suffering!

Step #5 Ongoing journey: reflect on step # 1-4 and repeat, because self-growth never stops, and this is why one of the crucial skills developed in Step #4 is the Mother of all Skills: learning.

Challenge 2024: Unleash Your Spirit will take you through all 5 steps during the year, and several times.
By year’s end you will have made undreamt of, and lasting, improvements to your life.

To participate in this Challenge 2024 you can sign up in the form below. You will receive an Unleash Your Spirit Letter of inspiring learning every Monday, 52 Letters coming to you during 2024!

A priceless journey to be on, at zero cost, and of inestimable value to your health and life!

'Unleash Your Spirit' 

Transform your 2024 with Philip's Weekly Letter of Interactive Learning 
Published every Monday

We respect your email privacy

“When you are ready to learn, a teacher will appear.”
~ Lao Tzu

Are you ready?!

Greetings Friend, and many happy returns for the New Year.

And, if you’re game for my challenge to improve all areas of your life and health, then it’s going to be a happy, transformative 2024 for you!

And I don’t mean New Year’s resolution style changes which are over by February 1st, no, we’re talking enduring changes to last you for the rest of your time, putting you in charge of your own life, health and destiny:

  1. develop your learning, communication and problem-solving skills

  2. conduct self-inquiry leading to self-discovery and self-knowledge (become the real unique true you)

  3. develop self-awareness, self-confidence and self-belief

  4. live consciously with holistic health and wellbeing in mind, body and soul, by cultivating right relationship with the world

All this constitutes the essential foundations for real life-affirming education, which should, emphatically, be taught to us during our schooling.

But, emphatically, it’s NOT.

The school systems miserably, criminally, generation after generation, fail humankind with a mind-limiting, heart-suppressing and soul-crushing anti-education.

It’s why our human world is in crisis and perpetual conflict. 2020 was the inevitable perfect storm, and a complete meltdown!

It’s why so many human beings struggle with emotional pain, mental stress, unhappiness, loneliness, and spiritual emptiness.

And it’s why many in the human world treat their body more like a trash can than the temple it was created to be.

It’s why self-doubt and inaction dominate our inner landscape, rather than self-belief and creative confident expression of ourselves.

Challenge 2024: Unleash Your Spirit reverses the effects of this terrible, formative, ‘education’, and is for all human beings who wish to better themselves, and who wish to help create and build a better world for all.

You will learn how to unlearn and relearn, by learning how to really learn!

Your innate reserves of curiosity, creativity, courage, confidence and compassion, hitherto suppressed by the school systems, will become joyfully activated, transforming your fortunes and experience of life.

Be sure about it: Challenge 2024 invites you to make self-growth, and personal and spiritual development, a permanent and integral feature of your life, from this very day onwards.

Here’s the plan…

You will receive 52 ‘Unleash Your Spirit’ Letters during the whole of 2024, each and every Monday. You then have one week to interact with the content, which will include at least one weekly task for you to apply what you are learning into your own life.

I anticipate you needing to set aside one or two hours of quality learning time for yourself each week.

So ponder on this:

Are you ready to commit to regular slots of time to work on your own ongoing self-growth and evolution, consistently turning up for yourself every week for the duration of 2024?

Are you ready to nurture and nourish yourself by acquiring and mastering the skillset, mindset, self-knowledge and self-confidence that has been missing from your life, thanks to the anti-human schooling?

And… what if it turns out that this weekly ‘work’ will, in fact, prove to be enjoyable, educational and inspiring?

And that you always find yourself looking forward to every Monday to get the next Letter?!

And that this whole adventure costs you nothing but your time?

The only thing you have to lose, is by NOT taking up the challenge!

Here’s how it’s going to work, and we both have our roles to play.

My commitment to you is twofold:

  1. to write and publish my Weekly Letter, Unleash Your Spirit, which will come to your email inbox every Monday throughout 2024

  2. to make these 52 Letters educational, enjoyable and inspiring, such that you are always looking forward to the next Letter.

Your commitment to yourself is threefold:

  1. sign up to receive my Weekly Letter, Unleash Your Spirit

  2. carefully read the short ebooklet that will come your way after signing up, making sure you do not skip this reading!

  3. spend one or two hours each and every week interacting with the content throughout 2024, and never skip the weekly task.

You will be engaging in a unique journey of reflective and experiential learning, which I’m sharing as a pioneering piece of participatory action research.

You and me are the research subjects, and the doers of the research! (I will explain more on this in the first couple of Letters.)

You will learn about, and from, my own life’s journey, and apply everything you learn into the context of your own life, so that you can deliver on your own dreams and desires. This is real people doing real learning together.

You will regularly reflect upon all your learning experiences. Reflection brings us our deepest levels of understanding and learning.

Experiential and reflective learning like this is dynamic, interactive, engaging and inspiring.

Each letter will be like an episode of learning, and each letter will build upon the previous one. It is seriously proper learning!

I will be:

  • sharing stories and insights from my own 3-decade journey of self-discovery, spiritual transformation and self-growth

  • sharing how I learned to live holistically by optimising my health, harmony and happiness, along with tonnes of practical health and wellness tips for the delight of your mind body and soul

  • asking you to apply what you learn into your own life through the weekly tasks.

While these Letters carry no cost, their content will be priceless and will bring you inestimable value. If you stick to your commitment, you will have made undreamt of progress by year’s end.

I’ll be putting my maximum endeavour, know-how, expertise and whole heart into making your learning adventure fun, inspiring and rewarding.

However, just to keep things completely above board: if you have a budget—small or big—for your self-growth and self-education, then you will be able to avail yourself of the various goodies I’ll be creating and offering, as and when they become ready for sale. If not, no worries at all, just enjoy doing the challenge!

I am on a mission to build a huge learning skills and self-knowledge academy for adults and youth, for the healing of humankind. Challenge 2024: Unleash Your Spirit is my big launch event and product, and it brings me great pleasure imagining you benefitting from it. That’s always been my objective with my classroom students. My joy in my work comes from my students’ joy in their learning.

The products I’m creating over the next couple of years will include ebooks, workbooks, masterclasses, funky mini learning courses, full and live learning courses, and all kinds of learning materials which will all, in some way, cultivate self-growth and add quality to your life and health.

This is my MISSION:

To popularise, promote and teach A Spiritual Revolution, my framework and charter for the healing of humankind, effected by individual human beings everywhere choosing a new pathway for their life, built upon mastering heart-centred learning, conscious living and holistic health for themselves.

So, Dear Friend, sign up now, stay committed to your own cause, and follow Philip during 2024 to lead yourself… and UNLEASH YOUR SPIRIT on the world!

'Unleash Your Spirit' 

Transform your 2024 with Philip's Weekly Letter of Interactive Learning 
Published every Monday

We respect your email privacy

Suggestion: use your primary email address to ensure you always catch my weekly letter.

Make sure it doesn’t go to your spam folder! But from now on: think Monday, think Unleash Your Spirit Letters!

Why put your faith in Philip?

Because I motivate and inspire you to do your own learning!

This means you put yourself in charge of you, reversing the school nonsense conditioned into all of us that makes us feel small, unworthy, not good enough, powerless, and all the rest of the self-doubt we are tormented by.

Because my educational approach empowers and inspires adults to uncover all their talents and creativity, develop multiple skills, and be knowledgeable about one’s self, and the web of life, and approach life with CURIOSITY.

Because everything I teach comes from my own observations and and reflections on life, and from my own research into the human condition and human behaviour. You get 30 years worth distilled into 52 weekly Letters!

Because I’ve learned and lived it all myself (tripping up many times along the way), and simply share this, to the very best of my ability to communicate it.

Because my #1 value I live by is synthesising integrity with insight, and sharing it.

If you are interested in reading about my life’s work, you can check out my bio page here.