A Spiritual Revolution

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Health and Wellness: Phil’s Detox Diet Diary #1

A delicious vegan meal at Sari Organik in Ubud, Bali

Tune into and keep track of my 5-week ‘detox’ journey!

What am I eating? What else am I doing as part of my protocol? How am I feeling? What foundations have I already put in place? How can YOU put much more health and wellness into YOUR OWN life? Why should you listen to me?

My journey involves a week of preparation and then 4 weeks of the real thing. My starting date for the 4 weeks is September 1st, 2023. Prep is already underway as I write, on Sunday 27th August.

I’ll take the next couple of days or so — while I’m in my prep week — to provide you with some important information and understandings, in case you would like to bring health and wellness into your own life.

All you need to do this is commitment, determination, and a desire to reach your optimal level of health so that you can enjoy life so much more. Oh, and a guide and navigator to get you on your way and settled in your journey, until such time as you are confident in your own driver’s seat.

That guide and navigator is me!

The way I do things, which I will be sharing with you in my diary entries, brings quick rewards, and these benefits will act as a great motivational force, inspiring you to keep up the journey until such time as you won’t give up on it.

Then the new, improved, healthier, happier, more productive, more creative and more attentive version of you is born. And I can tell you, our own transformation and self-empowerment is a super sweet thing to experience for sure!

I’d like to begin with some general background to illness and wellness in this first post. I will share my own specific background in a future post. Along the way on this journey I’m sure I’ll be dropping lots of little tips, strategies and insights into my writing, so pay good attention!

1. Doctors are only trained in illness and disease, not wellness. The mainstream, so-called ‘healthcare’ system treats symptoms. It does not teach us how to keep away from doctors, pharmacies, hospitals.

That’s our job.

2. Wellness, therefore, means taking a proactive approach to your life and health, where healing and prevention are the focus. Heal first, then focus on prevention. Healing, at the outset of your journey, could take quite some time depending on your life’s path so far, but benefits are felt almost immediately, and these rewards of greater energy and clarity will solidify and enhance your determination to succeed.

I consciously and proactively began my own healing journey on 31st October 2008. I know the date well! It was a huge event on the timeline of my life. I was 44, and my bullet-proof youth had been over for a few years, but only then did I finally take action. More on this in a future post.

3. While there are nutritionists, naturopaths, homeopaths, and a whole array of natural healing practitioners out there that we can get help from, ultimately speaking you or I can only achieve our own level of optimised wellness by learning what we have to do for ourselves. Look at these truths of human life:

  • We all have a unique physical constitution.

  • We all have our own unique astrological profile.

  • We all have a unique path of life we have trodden, with our own unique bank of experiences, filed away in our long-term memory.

  • We all have our own unique perspective on life, and our own unique attitude towards the world out there and towards ourselves (even if society does its level best to ‘teach’ us to suppress our uniqueness).

These are just some of the reasons that mean we have to take charge of our own health and wellness by our own actions and learning, for only we can truly know what is best for us.


Society and schooling have tried to stop us from knowing our true self, our own body, our own mind, and how everything works in a holistic manner.

So this journey I’m recording for you is to help you realise what you have to do in terms of setting up the essential, and solid, foundations which will enable you to be successful and avoid that New Year’s Resolutions phenomenon, whereby from February 1st you are back to your normal habits.

4. Summary: if you want to live a life of wellness, you have to learn what to do yourself, and then do it and sustain your efforts for the rest of your time on this planet.

Therefore the ideal person to consult for your own journey is somebody who can guide you into doing everything for yourself.

You need right information, insights, ideas, and inspiration from others who have done all this for themselves already, to help you learn what to do, and to inspire you to do it.

It takes more work on your part than relying upon magic pills and health gurus who you can pay to do things for you, and tell you what to do.

Ultimately all magic pills and gurus, while seductive, will never get you to your optimal health and wellbeing. Not only that, but can you discern the gurus from the snake oil salesmen and charlatans who just want your money?!

YOUR wellness is YOUR job. Takes more time and effort at the outset, but what could possibly be better than taking charge of your own health, life and destiny?

Just think what you will be able to create, produce, and achieve when you are healthy, happy and living in harmony as a default in your daily life…

Back tomorrow with entry #2!

[In the photo is one of the tastiest meals I’ve ever had, at an organic restaurant in Ubud in Bali. I, and my taste buds, were in complete heaven, and it was only plant foods. Delicious beyond imagination, and I never wanted it to end!]