Our World is Subjective, not Objective
Do you know what the events of 2020 are now finally bringing out into the open? And I tell you, it's seismic!! But it's also fantastic news, for sure, which comes nearer the end of this article.
The uncovering of seismic proportions is this: the application of orthodox western scientific protocol and process is flawed, it is based on a macro-misconception and misunderstanding of our world.
I speak as a researcher, trained in it, and as a university educator who trained my educator students in the conducting of it. I've done 10,000s of hours of research into most areas of human endeavour in the last 30 years, which equates to multiple PhDs' worth of time!
In simple language, because that's always best, and does not exclude sections of the population, which is what academia likes to do:
western science is obsessed with, and based upon, analysing and understanding our world through an OBJECTIVE perspective/lens/filter. It wants to separate the observer from the observed. This runs directly counter to the law of nature and the intricately interconnected nature of the whole web of life on our planet, in which all life plays out as a SUBJECTIVE experience.
In other words, life by its nature is always subjective, but western science (and therefore western thinking) likes to mould life into its own objective world. It's actually an oxymoron: while professing objectivity it is claiming ownership!
Western science, and lifestyle, is therefore constantly running in dissonance to nature. It explains why there is so much stress, disharmony and conflict in our Human World.
Thus, when people in discussions request me to furnish 'burden of proof', or to give 'evidence' or supply 'peer reviewed double-bind studies' to 'prove' what I'm writing about, I cannot and will not.
This desire and request is based on the idea of the world being a fixed place, which can be understood objectively. Since life is the flow of energy, and the flow of energy if change, then life is change.
But in any case, how can you understand the world without you and your mind?!
Furthermore, this call for ‘evidence’ is a trick by academia and other external authority which likes to have possession of intelligence and understanding, and exclude us ordinary people from it.
But they are barking up the wrong tree. And telling us we are stupid, don't know, can't know, and just listen to the experts. Such arrogance, such ignorance.
What an irony. Many writers in the past have said this is the downfall of the powerful.
And so 2020 finally burst our world out into the open. I take that to be truth - and by ‘truth’ I mean our discernment of what is decided by natural law and nature herself - on the rise and ready to bury this collective ignorance foisted upon us for so long.
Instead of playing their impossible game , I sometimes point them the way of Dr Bruce Lipton or Dr David Bohm, eminent biologist (epigenetics) and physicist (quantum physics) respectively. These two giants within the cutting edge portion of the western science community (DB now no longer with us sadly), and others, are showing the Western Mind today what was known to the Indian and Chinese Minds 5000 years ago, as brought to us through Ayurveda (Sanskrit for ‘science of life’) and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Which, by the way dear friend, teach us ordinary people
how to PREVENT sickness
how to HEAL ourselves from most ailments if our bodies do succumb due to our uber-stressful lifestyles and poor dietary choices
how to proactively lead HEALTHY lives of joy, wellness and fulfilment
and to do so by our own learning and understanding.
In other words, Ayurveda and TCM empower us to take charge of our own life and health. And it’s not hard at all for any human being to learn and understand these powerhouse guides to being human and enJOYing being human.
And, dare I say it, it’s fun and enjoyable learning how to empower ourselves!
The whole ‘pandemic’ palaver and fear generated over this 2020 cold/virus thing was able to happen to our human world because of this mistaken understanding of how our bodies actually work, and the lack of understanding that they operate in tandem with our minds and our souls, and of how one can prevent ill-health and live in a state of wellness. Just take care of your immune system, and it will take care of you.
Fear, that killer of joy and the human experience, is the direct consequence of ignorance. Our ignorance is the consequence of spending 12 years in our school systems.
This ‘objective’ line of thinking has us dependent on the 'experts' and the external authorities, who themselves are not practising a life of wellness. It's the blind leading the blind, if following the western way. You look at authority and see how often it laughs, smiles, has fun, experiences joy. It’s either never or once a year.
Your sickness or your wellness is the constantly evolving consequence of your personal, subjective relationship with the environment around you.
And that environment is the one you live and work in, AND the one you consume from media. It is the main message from epigenetics today, and Ayurveda and TCM millennia ago: your health, life and destiny is not determined by your genes, it is determined by the impact of your thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions, and behaviour every day of your life, on your genes.
Yes, if you are sick, a cold or flu can be a nasty thing, and it can even kill. But it's not the virus doing the killing, it's the inability of the immune system to function properly, as it was worn down over much time thanks to a diet and lifestyle which is predicated on a foundational misunderstanding and ignorance of how the web of life operates.
Check this out: you were born with your personal, unique set of genes, and this cannot be undone; but, you could live to 60, 70, or 90… it depends on the cumulative choices you make as you navigate your way along the river of your life.
It is your very choices and decisions which determine both the quality and quantity of life you get!
Reread that, let it sink in consciously, it’s perhaps the most powerful knowledge you could ever act upon!!
The absolutely brilliant news, for anybody, is that when they consciously cotton onto this understanding, they can take begin taking charge of their own health and life.
It’s a subjective world, and what you do, how you perceive it, and how you personally relate to is your personal truth. There is no other truth. Tell it as you see it, for that is YOUR truth, and it puts you in charge of YOUR life.
Objectivity is a red herring.
If you seek guidance, and this always makes things easier, then you can buy my book and learn everything at your own pace, in your own time, in your own space. I wrote it in language that suits every single human being who would like a healthier, happier, more harmonious kind of life. It leads you along a tremendously exciting path of self-inquiry, self-discovery and self-knowledge, out of which you experience increasing levels of self-confidence, self-esteem, self-growth, and your ability to self-heal. You are doing the driving, I am merely navigating until such time as you are ready to ditch me!
Hit these words to take you to the page on my website which describes my book, and my eight-year journey in writing it. Any page on my website, just hit the button in the top right hand corner to buy a copy - or two, get one for a friend too!
Ineffable love, joy, peace, and a sense of freedom and adventure start intruding into your life and relationships. And increasingly so, as you have now entered Lifelong Learning and Conscious Living mode. Hooray!!!