A Spiritual Revolution

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Letter #16: LOVE is the only Answer

Nature grows from its seeds. So do we…

Dear Friend

The agenda for today’s Letter:

  1. learn about LOVE and put it centre stage into your life

  2. learn about your own inner seed and how you can nurture it

  3. learn why you should/must become a lifelong learner

  4. JOIN MY INTERACTIVE MASTERCLASS… this coming Saturday; and I’m not shouting, I’m just passionately wanting you to experience how real learning works! You can learn about this at the end of the Letter.

You can either let this opportunity pass you by, or act spontaneously and grab the proverbial bull by its horns. My advice? Just do it.

If you want to learn more about it now, then you can click on these words.

Okay, let’s get started.

You are not alone, you are connected

Today’s Letter is all about me.

Which actually means it’s all about you.

Because we are both ordinary human beings, and, as well, we are both EXTRAordinary human beings, even though we’ve been programmed to think the very opposite and to downplay anything good about our own self.

Yes, we are our own individual self, but so too are we as one.

We are unique, yet we are unified. I call us (per our birthright) intelligent interconnected individuals…

If we live in tune with nature (which we don’t) we are neither independent nor dependent; we are interdependent, interconnected. If somebody you love is hurting, you will hurt and suffer on their behalf; you don’t want them to hurt because you love them: total evidence of our interconnectivity.

It’s called compassion, empathy, love, cosmic consciousness.

That is, the consciousness (or conscious awareness) within you that never ages, in contrast to your body, is the same as it is in me.

It’s just that we can think of this consciousness as a seed. Now, if we plant a seed in the garden, but it’s in the shade, gets no sunlight, we don’t water it, we don’t look after it, we don’t nurture it, then it will struggle to sprout, grow and flower. Maybe it never will, it will just lie dormant until favourable environmental conditions come along.

But if you nurture it well, it will serve you well. And being a seed, you can start any time and it will germinate…

You are your own seed

Are you nurturing yourself properly? Are you germinating as an extraordinary and ordinary human being should?

I bet you’re not.

See, we were taught in our schools to NOT nurture ourselves. I only really began to nurture myself when I accidentally emigrated to Thailand, but that means I’ve been on the self-nurturing journey for three decades now. It’s the most mindblowing adventure a human being can get on. I can’t recommend anything better for you to do in your life. Impossible, there is nothing better.

It happened for me because I found an environment in Thailand, and in the classroom, that had so much sunlight and water for me to feed my seed.

When I left England in September 1991 I had no idea that the environment I was going to experience in Thailand would make me desperate, at all costs, to stay in it.

My whole mission is to persuade you and all other humans into nurturing your own seed. Others can help you get started, but it’s your seed inside you, so you have to nurture it yourself.

Are you doing this?

No? Then what are you waiting for?

Yes? Can you do better? Yes. Then what are you waiting for?


LOVE really is the only answer to all problems and suffering

As a super keen observer of the human world, it’s quite incredible, at one level, how much suffering there is. Which tells me that, despite our deepest yearning for love and kinship, there is a serious lack of love in our human world.

In fact, I say that humankind has totally fallen out of love with itself, and is in perpetual civil war…

And humankind, if we think about it, is really just the aggregate of all individual human beings. Therefore, it can be deduced, the large majority of individuals do not love themselves, and I don’t mean being self-absorbed or narcissistic, I mean to care about and to take care of your body, your mind, and your own seed that is your consciousness.

Only when we care about and love ourselves can we truly project outwards this very LOVE energy force towards others and our world. By caring about ourselves, we activate, induce and cultivate the LOVE energy force within our cosmic consciousness, and such an energy does not want to sit still… it wants to FLOW out of you, everywhere!

This is very good news for the world, and all who know you.

We can all see that our human world is in an almost total mess, seriously struggling with wars, terrorism, conflicts, violence, cruelty, brutality, pandemics, floods, droughts, earthquakes, strange weather, and a whole host of other challenges that are battering our hearts and minds.

But at the individual human being level, in our own life, is where the true suffering lies. We are all human beings with a beating heart and a LOVE that is in there, but seemingly hidden from us. We easily can see the problems of others, but what of our own selves?

We flee our own pain. We numb it. We take any action except to confront it.

But until we DO confront it, no solution will ever arrive. It’s simply suppressing the volcanic pressures, postponing the terrible eruption that will happen one terrible day. For sure.

How do I know there is so much individual suffering?

Because I talk, I listen, I ask questions of people, and they know I’m deeply listening, they sense that I care, so they willingly express themselves to me, tell me their stories, the stories of their friends, the stories of their life, happy to find a pair of ears connected to a mind and heart that wants to listen and shows it’s listening.

Many a stranger has spoken to me like this.

Not only were we not taught to do this during our 14,000 hours of classroom time as children, we were blocked from doing it.

We are a social animal and this is devastating to our psychological and emotional wellbeing.

However, I’ve been doing this listening since I became an adult (I can recall listening to the problems of friends of friends in the local pub, and feeling able to help them). I’ve always been a listener, an observer, a reader, a researcher, a learner and I reflect upon everything that I witness - in others, in the world out there, and within my own mind and heart and consciousness.

Since accidentally emigrating—which I did because I ‘fell into’ teaching adults how to communicate, and listen, and learn, and express themselves, and to love doing all this—I have ‘taught’ (enabled and facilitated learning is the accurate description, but it’s a bit clumsy) probably over 4000 adults and adolescents from over 35 countries, I’ve travelled to 22 countries and met 1000s more adults and children, and always I talk to them, ask them about their own life, their learning, their schooling, their experiences. They love to tell me. People are lonely, unhappy, feel misunderstood, feel under-valued, feel a lack of self-worth, feel small, and above all feel they cannot be their true self.

People just want to be healthy and happy, accepted and understood. But it’s so elusive for many.

When somebody comes along and listens to them, it is balm to the soul.

Society, and our nurturing system we have developed, called ‘school’, has near enough destroyed us all. We were taught to totally ignore our own seed.

It’s time to love yourself (by becoming a lifelong learner)

How can you love yourself?

What do you think?

Based on what I’ve written so far, what do you think?

Who are you anyway? Who ARE you? Who are YOU?

I mean, you can’t love yourself if you don’t know who you are.

You are cosmic consciousness inside a physical body. If you ignore this consciousness (as we were brought up to do) then you are incomplete, not whole, stressed, lacking harmony, and so health and happiness are hidden.

If you are to nurture your seed of consciousness, overcome the burdens society pushed onto you, you need to learn how to do this nurturing. Never forget, we were actively suppressed from learning how to nurture our own seed.

What is this seed anyway? What is this ‘cosmic consciousness’?

It’s your human essence. It’s your ability to feel love for the whole world and all of life, to feel joy, inner peace, calm, contentment, gratitude, kinship, camaraderie, vitality, clarity and all this kind of ‘feeling’ inside your being.

With an active human essence, such thoughts and feelings of hatred, anger, worry, anxiety, resentment, loneliness, depression are themselves made inactive.

It’s an inside out phenomenon. As we talked about in last week’s Letter.

Your human essence is your inner authority.

But our human world is obsessed with the external world, and, for mainstream society, point blank refuses to investigate the inner world within our skin.

But that’s where YOU are, that’s where your ability to LOVE is. That’s where your humanness resides. In your human essence. In your heart, in your soul, in your cosmic consciousness.

But this harsh human world that loves itself not, has closed its heart.

Each of us has to learn for ourselves how to open that heart. And even when we open it a chink, we have to keep on opening it, and we have to realise this harsh world will do its best to close it back up again, but we have to learn to never stop feeding and tending to our seed.

It’s a lifelong task.

The only way to do it, that I can say from my 30-year journey of nurturing my own seed, is to be a lifelong learner.

And don’t for one second think I mean the ‘learning’ you experienced at school. That was just one subskill of learning, called memorising. There are loads of subskills, and real true learning has FOUR stages to it:

being attentive, listening reading or observing, expressing yourself, and reflecting upon the first three stages.

True learning can only be known and experienced when it’s motivating. If it’s not motivating it’s not learning. It has to inspire you, make you feel good, make you feel an inner joy that things are moving and stirring within you.

True learning opens up your seed, and you can feel it, and this is why I say to all my teacher students:

“When you discover the joy of learning you discover the joy of living; when you master the skill of learning you master the skill of living.”

When learning is Fun, Rewarding, Engaging, Empowering, Dynamic, Organic and Moral it puts FREEDOM into your life, and your seed is bursting open. You decide to become a lifelong learner, because why would you turn your back on such joy and good vibes????

That’s my mission, my venture, my objective, and has been since I began teaching, but now I’m reaching out into the whole world because the internet logistically enables me to do this.

And because our human family is in desperate need of all the help it can get. I can help, so I must.

And because I’ve LEARNED SO MUCH MYSELF that I feel impelled to share it.

If you have bad energy in you you will share it. If you have good energy in you you will share it. Therefore, choose wisely your sources of energy.

The very best thing about the learning experience I bring to you is that when you learn how to learn, and when you master all the skills that learning will bring to you—listening, observing, being self-aware, expressing yourself without fear of criticism, articulating your understandings, being creative, taking the lead, sharing yourself, reflecting, asking questions, challenging your own subconscious (and previously hidden) beliefs, understanding etc etc—you will become a mentor and motivator for others, children and adults, to learn from in kind.

In this way, ONLY in this way, will we heal ourselves and therefore contribute very nicely indeed towards the healing of the whole of humankind.

We have to learn to love ourselves first, and then the world around us. We have to learn how to learn, becomes masters of the learning skill, become lifelong learners.

You will feel inspired, and the confidence, courage, compassion and creativity you need will flow through your blood.

You will empower yourself, transform your life, feed your seed, nourish and nurture yourself and you will thrive and flourish.

And you will continue doing this just as you breathe, eat and sleep.

It’s my new business:

Training and inspiring adults to learn and become skillful communicators and listeners, and to pay it forward in kind, especially to the children and youth.

You will find health, harmony and happiness coming increasingly into your life, vitality coursing through your veins, clarity infusing the neurons in your mind; you will find yourself enjoying healthier stronger relationships. This energy naturally spreads out from you. The whole world benefits from your own rewards.

Only two of you opened up my link (the red button) last week, tsk tsk…!!

Yes, Aweber is the email company I use to send these Letters out to you, and it tells me a couple of important stats each week.

I’ve always been happy because it tells me that about 50% of my subscribers open my Letters every week. I’m told this is well above industry standard. So I thank you personally for making this happen!

But few of you open up the links. I know people are busy, I know that we think we’ll click on something later, but with so many things to think about in our busy lives, we forget, and the opportunity is gone. Many times I remember something I wanted to look further into, but can’t recall where it was!

Anyway… you can make up for it this week and click on the upcoming red button, you can’t miss it…

Get on my Masterclass and feed YOUR seed, and do it NOW!

So last week I brought news of my Masterclass #1 called:

Introduction to Conscious Learning for Heart-Centred Living.

It’s an interactive workshop lasting about two and a half hours. You will discover a strategic way to read and listen, you will express yourself, and you will learn about Ayurveda. There will be a Q and A session at the end.

The stats tell me only two people opened up the link to this masterclass, despite a big visible bright red button!

No worries, life is what it is, but the thing is, I want you to get on this Masterclass! My job is to make more learning happen for more human beings in our world, so that our world becomes healthier and happier.

So, I’m now going to strongly suggest you click on the bright red button below, NOW, before going anywhere else!

At least you can read what it’s all about and then choose not to join the class, but of course, I would very much like you to be part of this interactive workshop (masterclass). Yes, it’s my new business, but my business is directly linked to the increased wellbeing of human beings.

And it won’t happen unless you proactively get started on the path to being a lifelong learner. There is no healing, no evolution without learning, real true FREEDOM style learning.

I’m going to change two things about the masterclass from last week.

I’m going to reduce it from 2500 baht (about £55) to 2000 baht, which is about £45. I’m also going to open it up to any number of people, rather than limiting it to 12 as I was doing last week.

Three days ago I was introduced to nearly 200 spiritual leaders on a Zoom call who I will be doing three online training sessions for in May to July. I realise I can easily handle up to 24 or more in one go without it detracting from a quality learning experience for you.

(I will tell you more about this tremendously exciting news in the next couple of weeks.)

But here and now my concern is YOU. Click the button now and read through the page. It will happen this coming Saturday at 9am UK time, which is 3pm Thailand time, and a little bit later in Australia.

Just do it. Whether your seed is dormant, somewhat sprouting, or already beginning to flower, becoming a lifelong learner puts YOU in charge of YOUR own life, health and destiny.

What more can a man or woman possible want out of life?

Over to you.