Letter #24: THE Most Important Question

Don’t hope or pray for change some time, make it happen yourself NOW!
(Photo taken at a monastery in Chiang Dao, Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand)

A message to all human beings a quarter the way through the 21st century, and right at the outset of the 3rd millennium

Taking stock of yourself, your life, and the whole human world

Dear Friend

Do you really want to continue living the way you are?

Do you really want to continue holding out hope that life—your life, the lives of your loved ones, the life of humankind, and the life of our planet—will somehow become better, without doing anything yourself to make it better?

Do you really think, even at this moment in time in 2024, that the system—that nebulous external ‘authority’ out there somewhere—is designed to protect you and provide succour for you?

We have the education system, the legal system, the food system, the medical system, the information system, the political system, the academic and scientific systems, and look where all these systems have led us to. All of them are corrupted to the core, and far from enhancing our lives in an intelligent way, they are destroying us out of our ignorance and inaction.

Look at our world, look at any portion of it you care to choose to look at. What do you see?

It’s rubble, all the systems are sick and it’s why we have a sick human world, where the vast majority of human beings are living with unhappy minds, sick bodies, and empty souls.

We are feeding ourselves with toxic food, toxic air, toxic water, toxic schooling, toxic media. We are absolutely stressed, perpetually. This leads to toxic emotions and feelings, and it’s feelings which are the bedrock of being human. Such toxic feelings include anxiety, unhappiness, loneliness, hatred, repeated anger, resentment, hopelessness and a host of other similar gut-wrenching feelings that gnaw away at our stomach, seat of our second brain.

We are self-destroying. We are the swarm of locusts on a rampage. We are the lemmings hotfooting it to the cliffs. We are the rabbits caught in the headlights.

Depression, thoughts of suicide and really dark feelings are predominant in our world right now, but part of the problem is not admitting this to ourselves. We say we are ‘fine’, ‘okay’, but we are not. Not unless or until we have done our own inner work to improve our own life. This is non-negotiable: inaction and suffering, take action and stop suffering.

2020 was the human volcano, the watershed moment when the build-up of pressure from our long-practised ignorance, the bottling-up of a multitude of unresolved problems, and the rejection of our innate intelligence, all became too much for us to bear any longer, and the great human meltdown took place.

Quite incredibly, we masked ourselves up, locked ourselves down, turned our backs on each other, left our elderly brethren to die alone, injected ouselves with unknown poisons, and fell into what can only be described as a period of insanity. Such an extreme reaction suggests an extreme set of circumstances leading up to 2020.

(Not everybody, of course, but everybody subscribing to mainstream society and its systems, which was probably something like 80-90% of all human beings. I personally did none of that, and that is not to boast or claim any kind of special status for myself; only to reassure you, dear friend, that I am coming from a place, indeed, of holistic intelligence, self-respect, health and wellness, and all the rest of it as a consquence of carrying out my own inner work and self-inquiry, which I call ‘a spiritual revolution’, since the mid-1990s. I had done 1000s of hours of research into the whole human condition and human potential, and I could see a terrible monstrous crime being committed in real time.)

We blocked our access to vital amounts of oxygen, we turned ourselves into anti-social animals, we forced our fears and worries onto others, violating those who would not conform and comply to government diktat and who would not ‘trust the science’ (we can trust scientific method, yes, but it’s not possible to trust the science, this is an oxymoron), we accepted poisons into our body, and all this with the preposterous idea that these ‘measures’ were going to keep us healthy and stop us from dying from this unseen, invisible enemy that instantly spread around the whole world in a week.

But we were ALREADY unhealthy - in body, mind and soul.

The cataclysmic events of 2020 were not the cause of anything, they were the effects. It was the inevitable explosion arising from a long period of maximum stress to the organism, the organism of all humankind, your own organsim, and that of the planet. We long ago perverted our own intelligence.

This is the lesson each human being who remains alive needs to learn for themselves, and very quickly so.

It means there is ONE PERTINENT QUESTION above all other discussions any of us should be having in our life today. Until or unless we address this question and then implement solutions, life will get worse not better. And worse than our current times is quite an awful thought! The pertinent question?

What caused 2020 to happen?

It’s really simple: everything in our life operates on a ‘cause and effect’ basis. If you don’t like the effect—think of symptoms, feelings, happenings, situations, health, life: the things that you are experiencing today—then investigate and look into what the cause of this effect is. Lying right next door to the cause is your solution.

So when you know the true answer to this #1 most pertinent question, solutions become known. The next step is implementing those solutions. Now you are transforming your life.


“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

“Everybody wants change, but they don’t want TO change.”
~ Max Igan

It is 100% clear in our troubled times of turbulent transition: if you want a better life for yourself, and for the world, you have to make it happen. Nobody else is going to improve your life. That you hope or pray it will be so does not make it so, it merely postpones any possible, sustained happiness and good health you might achieve for yourself.

Which is supposed to be our natural state of being.

And if you keep on postponing—I’ll start tomorrow, next week at the latest, well, next year perhaps—keep on hoping, never take any action, one day all your time will have passed and you’ll be on your death bed, filled with regrets that you never embraced all the opportunities available to, ostensibly, a free human being.

And then it’s just too late to make any changes to your life because your life is done, you have had your time.

But, the good news is that it’s still not too late to make those changes NOW, today, immediately.

But so many people are simply not making changes, finding all manner of excuses to not engage in making change. Both Gandhi and Max Igan (an Australian activist and world helper) are absolutely correct.

So, we might ask ourselves, and rightly so, why do we seem to be so reluctant and resistant to making lasting and positive changes to our life?

Why do we not do what we intelligently understand we have to do? What is blocking us from improving our own life? Why does change seem scary to the point where we avoid it?

Well my friend, here is the unpalatable truth, the bitter pill for you to swallow (and for all the billions of your fellow human beings), the elephant in your living room, the great unspoken truth: we don’t know who we are and we don’t know how life works.

We are ignorant and lack essential human skills. It is very difficult if not impossible to make change without the right skills, know-how and mindset.

We have turned our back on our innate intelligence, our unique range of talents, our inner curiosity, our beauty, and the joyful ability to love unconditionally. We have fallen out of love with ourselves. We live with narrowed minds, closed hearts and absent souls.

What caused 2020 to happen?

Now you know.

Ignorance in the human family.

If you know who you are, if you understand your true self, you will be vibrant, healthy, happy, creative, productive, loving, compassionate, curious, connected, and you will care about your life and all of life. You will be able to optimise your life to take care of yourself and in this state of being you will WANT to serve the greater good that is the wellbeing of the whole web of life on our planet.

It happened at school. The ignorance is conditioned into us during our schooling.

You were, during 12 years and 14,000 hours of classroom time, systematically disconnected, demoralised, disempowered and dehumanised. You were conditioned into ignorance of how life works, who you are as a unique, yet interconnected individual. You had your innate curiosity and confidence sucked out of you, you had your intelligence suppressed. You had no practice in the learning, listening, communication and reflecting thinking skills, indeed, the school system actively blocks us from developing these essential human skills.

We are a social animal which needs to constantly navigate change (for change is life itself), and yet our schooling suppressed us from learning and developing our learning and communication skills the entire time. That’s why we live as adults lacking in self-confidence, self-esteem and self-belief. It’s why we are often crippled by self-doubt, self-consciousness and self-sabotage.

Worst of all, we had no idea from our schooling—the formative nurturing process of our young humans—how to live a healthy and balanced life, and how to build and maintain strong healthy relationships with our fellow humans, so that conflict, division, distrust and war are a distant memory.

We were just told, get loadsa money, a big house, two cars, holidays, material possessions and we will be happy.

It’s turned out to be one of the biggest cons of all time.

Nothing wrong with pleasures and possessions and money and so on, but when this is our entire driving force in life, then there IS something very wrong with it. Health and happiness come, not from acquiring wealth, status, political power, prestige, but from being creative, productive, reflective and working for the wellbeing of all humankind as well as our own wellbeing. Joy comes from seeing life flower and flourish, from helping others to smile, thrive and feel valued.

It’s not what we get that matters, it’s what we do.

But we are hamstrung, disempowered, lacking in skills and knowledge and confidence…


“Knowledge is power and lack of knowledge is lack of power”
~ Dr Bruce Lipton

Bruce is a brilliant scientist and a foremost voice in epigenetics, and at the vanguard of helping humankind to learn about the gigantic misunderstanding we all live under.

But how do we get knowledge? How do we ensure we don’t lack knowledge?

Especially, how do we get important or essential knowledge that enables and empowers us to lead a healthy, happy and fulfilling life, a life without so much hatred, fear, conflict, resentment and all the rest of those nasties?

It’s super simple in theory: you learn it. We have to learn knowledge. That does not mean memorising it.

Learning is much more than memorising. Once you have the knowledge, then what?

Do you understand it? Does it make sense to you? Do you know it’s true and not somebody manipulating or brainwashing you? Are you applying this knowledge into your own life?

You need the skill of learning in order to gather knowledge, understand it, verify it, think about it, apply it.

If you are ignorant of essential knowledge you cannot function as you were meant to function.

Or, to flip that, if you are physically struggling for health, mentally stressed, emotionally suffering, then you are ignorant of essential knowledge.

So, if the root cause of all problems is ignorance, the solution is no longer being ignorant.

You need right knowledge, you need right relationship, you need learning and communication skills, and you need self-confidence and self-belief.

You need to learn who you are and how life works.

You need A SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION - the revolution of you by you for you.

A spiritual revolution is a journey of inner exploration and self-inquiry that only you can undertake for yourself. You need to make changes, and you need to override that disempowered demoralised inner programmed voice that tries to stop you. Perhaps it’s a got a good point: it’s trying to protect you. But our current times have put paid to that.

So, if we were all disempowered, disconnected, demoralised and dehumanised, we had the power, connection, morality and humanity suppressed out of us.

The solution is to empower yourself, get connected, live a moral life, and reclaim your very human essence. Then change becomes exciting and transformation comes to you, and now you are truly on your way to the rest of your life with optimal health, harmony and happiness, and you will get to your death bed with no real regrets. You will happily enough leave these realms, led away by the janitor from heaven who has arrived for your collection.


Never forget the overall resource that is my website. Always remember that all these Letters are housed in one location there. There is tonnes of food for thought in the Witness section. There is also my YouTube channel, which lately has been ‘rested’! However, I resume making videos again very soon.

But the biggie, for me, and for you if you feel inspired by the thought of it, is when I bring my unique brand of education to the whole world. Right now, and I mentioned it to you a Letter or two back, I’m in the middle of conducting three two-hour training sessions for about 250 leaders in a spiritually-minded organisation, and it’s brilliant practice for me ahead of offering live learning courses to the world. I should think these leaders are in most countries of the world, so it’s truly global, and very exciting and challenging for me to work with improving their skills to help them empower all the group members they work with.

You will always be the first to know when my courses begin. The one huge advantage of learning in this way is all the communication skills practice my students get when they learn in my classes; another of many many advantages is you get external accountability from me!.

Most of the work in the class is not done by me, but by the students. My work is in the planning and in creating a learning environment that makes your heart feel good and your mind challenged. It is borne from my years of experience in offering motivating, inspiring and empowering skills-based learning to all my adult students. True learning is such a joy, and will remove all our schooled ignorance, and is our very best protection we can put into our life.

A lifelong learner is a happy being.

All the best


Philip Keay

Philip is a rebel teacher, soul adventurer, author and photographer. He promotes lifelong learning, conscious living and wellness through his unique task-based approach to learning.


Letter #25: From Disempowered to Empowered


Letter #23: Beware Spiritual Guff!