Introduction to Conscious Learning
for Heart-Centred Living

Experience firsthand a dynamic collaborative style of learning which empowers adults towards their own emotional, psychological and spiritual liberation

Brought to you by Ajarn Philip Keay 
Master’s in English Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics 
University Teacher Trainer and Transformational Educator 
Learning and Communication Skills Specialist 
Holistic Living Practitioner 
Soul Adventurer 

In a world saturated with information, and experts everywhere telling us all how to live every facet of our lives and how to suck eggs, the time is right for ordinary human beings to discover and cultivate their own inner authority and individual sovereignty.

Learn how to learn, communicate and do self-inquiry, and you become your own guru, forging your own path in life based on your unique talents, experience, purpose and passion.

Food for your contemplation 

“When you discover the joy of learning you discover the joy of living.
When you master the skill of learning you master the skill of living.”

 "How you grow and evolve is a consequence of your ability level in the learning skill."

 “The human being who is skilled in learning, listening and expressing themselves, who tackles life with self-confidence, self-respect and self-worth, and who lives with conscious awareness is a happy, harmonious and healthy human being.”

~ words by Philip Keay


“When you are ready to learn, a teacher will appear.”

~ Lao Tzu, Ancient China

Masterclass Info in Brief

This LIVE masterclass is on Saturday 27 April 2024, and starts at 9am UK time,
3pm Thailand time. 

It costs £45.

For those living in the Americas, please bear in mind it's probably too early for you.
But if not, do join!

Full information can be found at the bottom of this page.

A second 'Enrol now' red button is down there too.

IMPORTANT: When you receive your payment confirmation, could you please email me to let me know you've received it.

NB My official business name is Tea Tree House, so don’t be surprised to see that when you come to pay!

Buddhist wisdom and teachings, from a monastery in Chiang Dao, northern Thailand. Conscious learning skills empower us to live this way!

Why enrol on this masterclass?

The purpose of this masterclass is to introduce participants to a firsthand experience of Task-Based Learning as the foremost means for empowering and inspiring human beings to adopt a heart-centred way of living.

Embracing the ways of heart-centred living removes our society-imposed emotional and spiritual blockages, reconnects us to our roots and human essence, and clears the way for us to enjoy a healthy, harmonious and happy life.

Task-Based Learning enables us all to master the learning and communication skills, meaning we become self-confident and skilled in navigating and initiating change, shaping our environment, and developing strong healthy relationships.

How will you benefit by taking part in this masterclass?

Four key objectives and outcomes for participants are to raise awareness of:

  1. how to listen attentively for a deeper meaning and understanding - by doing it

  2. how to read critically for a deeper meaning and understanding - by doing it

  3. how the ancient Indian life science of Ayurveda can put you in charge of your own health, life and destiny - by learning about it

  4. how Task-Based Learning makes learning engaging, motivating and rewarding - by experiencing it in action

What is Task-Based Learning, and why is TBL so effective? 

Task-Based Learning brings us the complete learning experience, and inspires us to become lifelong learners. This very learning process unblocks our mind, unlocks our heart, and unleashes our soul-spirit energy force. It is heart-centred learning in action.

Task-Based Learning is a cutting edge teaching methodology used by transformational teachers in the field of second language learning. It is rarely seen in other educational contexts, least of all in mainstream schools. The school memorisation-based education system suppresses us, the Task-Based Learning experience liberates us.

In TBL the teacher’s focus is not on teaching and transmitting knowledge, it is on enabling and empowering students to learn, do, reflect upon, and understand things for themselves, while bringing about a transformational effect on their inner motivation and outlook on life. Crucially such education develops the wellbeing of the human being as much as their skills and knowledge.

The teacher is a guide, a facilitator, a learner-enabler, a motivator, a compassionate leader and mentor; the students, encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, feel inspired to do their very best at all times. They love the learning experience.

To become confident and articulate communicators in a second language, students have to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. This has the potential to be an anxiety-filled experience as many mistakes will be made.

In TBL, therefore, the teacher’s primary objective is to create a learning environment which supports learners emotionally, but which challenges them cognitively: heart and mind working as a team, heart is feeling good, mind is working good!

Now ‘mistakes’ are ‘learning episodes’.

In such a learning environment human beings feel valued and nourished and so they thrive and flourish. As you can imagine, self-confidence and self-esteem soar.

They then take their more confident and skilled self back out into the world at large with an entirely new mindset and can-do outlook.

It is heart-centred learning in action because the essence of all that is so wonderful about being a human is revealed to us when our mind and heart are wide open, complementing each other’s role… without anxiety or fear.

Students do most of the work by taking on a range of tasks and learning activities, usually by collaborating in pairs and small groups. In this way a whole range of communication skills and learning sub-skills are practised and mastered.

In TBL the teacher is the learner too, forever reflecting and evolving. The teacher does not claim authority over others, he or she is focused on cultivating the students’ learner autonomy and their own inner authority.

We are all change-makers together. Max Igan, an Australian spiritual activist once said, "People want change but they don't want TO change." That's true of the subconscious mind, but not when you experience Philip's unique brand of TBL; now you find change exciting and rewarding. You will learn how to:

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” 
~ Mahatma Gandhi


This masterclass in the context of our times

Humankind is being buffeted and bashed around during these intense times of turbulent transition. Conflict, division, intolerance, hatred, terrorism and war are commonplace.

Individual human beings suffer from emotional pain, mental anguish, physical ailments and spiritual emptiness. Until we do work on ourselves (self-inquiry >> self-growth), learning how to educate and empower ourselves, we are unwell: we suffer in our physical and psychological health, we suffer in our relationships, we lack self-worth, and we can’t find the love energy force which is hidden in our suppressed human essence.

Anxiety, loneliness, unhappiness, depression, anger, resentment, despair and a pervading sense of being powerless to fix things, is the sad norm in today’s world.

The root cause of all our troubles is an anti-life school system which antagonises our nature. It steals the fun and joy of our childhood from us, and sets us for a lifetime of conflict and struggle:

  • it blocks us from learning how to learn, listen and express ourselves

  • it fails to teach us how our body and mind work, and how the whole web of life works

  • it suppresses our innate curiosity and creativity, and our unique talents and character

  • it knocks our self-confidence and self-esteem

It’s no surprise we struggle in our health and in our relationships, and the human meltdown of 2020 was inevitable.

We have been truly screwed and disempowered.

We are up shit creek without a paddle.

How to be part of the solution

"I never let my schooling interfere with my education." 
~ Mark Twain in the 1800s

However, there is very good news! All individuals can learn their way out of this mess, and that’s the only possible solution for our healing - individually and collectively. The age of the ‘experts’ is over, the age of ‘external authority knows best’ is over. This harmful anti-health approach to education is over. We simply cannot afford to carry on this way. 

One generation of adults must break out of this vicious cycle. They have to learn how to make today's classroom a motivating, heartwarming place. 

That’s our job.

(And bear in mind 'classroom' is anywhere that learning takes place.)

The most important thing to understand about conscious learning and heart-centred living is that when we embrace it for ourselves we become mentors and motivators for all the children of the world to do the same. We are also great examples for our fellow adults.

You win. The children win. Adults win. Humankind wins. Our precious Planet Earth wins.

We really do break the cycle of anti-education that keeps our human family down.

What are you waiting for?! Take the first proactive step toward learning how to be the change you wish to see in yourself and in the world by stepping into this masterclass now.

Take charge of your health and life now. Then help others do the same.

This is Philip’s mission, to radically overhaul the moribund anti-education school system that disempowers and psychologically disconnects all of us, by training and inspiring adults and youth to educate and empower themselves. Learner autonomy leads to individual sovereignty leads to compassionate, connected, creative and productive human beings. Positive transformative change comes from the bottom up, coercion and compulsion come from the top down.

Break this anti-heart, anti-love school system with Philip.


What does heart-centred learning mean in practical reality? 

We all want the same thing: LOVE!

We want to be understood, we want to be accepted for who we are, and we want to be loved. Well, get this: when we choose to learn how to understand others and ourself, and when we accept others and ourself, and when we love others and ourself… then we will be understood, loved and accepted for who we are.

Love is an inside job.

If you want it you have to take the first step. Nobody else can do it for you.

When you put yourself on the path of unlearning and relearning, by learning how to really learn, with mind and heart working in tandem as a team, you will experience a multitude of benefits, some of which follow. 

Philip's 7 Heavens of Heart-Centred Learning and Living

  1. Your society-suppressed heart-based human essence is activated, and with it you cultivate your inner authority. All that has previously been hidden from you, all your brilliance waiting to shine, is now switched on and ready for action!

  2. It is your human essence which carries your propensity and innate desire for love, fun, joy, inner peace, camaraderie, kinship, connection, compassion, creativity, curiosity, happiness and all that is beautiful about being human.

  3. By exercising our inner authority, which we derive from the very centre of our non-physical spiritual heart, we become responsible for and manage our own health, life and destiny. We optimise our health and wellbeing, and we enjoy strong healthy relationships.

  4. We become compassionate listeners and we feel no self-consciousness or anxiety in expressing our true feelings, and 'wearing our heart on our sleeve'

  5. We feel real true infinite LOVE inside our heart region, an inexpressible energy force that makes us feel connected within ourselves, with others and with the whole web of life on our magical planet.

  6. We put credence in ourself, in our own talents and in our intuition. We grow in understanding, truth and wisdom; we become whole, we are internally motivated, and we feel intrinsically good about ourself; and we are motivated, we feel passion and compassion, and we find our purpose in life.

  7. Since nearly all problems arise from a lack of spiritual heart, from a lack of love, from a lack of harmony, by learning to live with our heart and mind we find that 90% of our old or recurring problems melt away, and we have the skills, self-esteem, and good health to overcome the challenges that do come our way.

And so much more!


Masterclass #1: what you can expect 

This LIVE masterclass takes place on Saturday 27 April 2024, starting at 9am UK time, 3pm Thai time. You can check what time this is with you by going to

It will run for approximately two and a half hours, but please allow for up to three hours. The class of learning itself will be about two hours, and then we do a Q and A session.

We will be using the Zoom platform to come together for our masterclass. This is simple to use.

You will need a computer to ensure we can all see each other during the masterclass.

The price is £45.

There will be a guided reading skills activity, a guided listening skills activity, much discussion and input from all participants, and a reflection task at the end. 

The theme and topic for our masterclass is AYURVEDA because this ancient Indian science of life is the #1 system for guiding each of us to health and wellbeing in our body, mind and soul, all acting in unison as an infused whole.

When you click on the 'Enrol now' button and make a payment you will receive a confirmation of your purchase and an email confirming your enrollment. It will include the full details, including the all-important link to the live Zoom session where we will meet for our masterclass. 

Please anticipate taking a full and active role in this Task-Based learning Masterclass; you should find yourself feeling engaged and energised in heart and mind!

IMPORTANT: When you receive your payment confirmation, could you please email me to let me know you've received it.

NB My official business name is Tea Tree House, so don’t be surprised to see that when you come to pay!

If you would like to read and hear what over 20 of my past teacher students have to say about their learning experience with me, please to go to my bio page on my website.

(Photos are of me on location at Mawlamyine University in Burma training new teachers how to teach adults.)