A Spiritual Revolution

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A Spiritual Revolution is Our Solution

Ascend to your true beautiful self! Picture taken in Ghorepani in the Annapurnas of Nepal

But first we need to know the problem. The problem is ‘The System’.

The System devours us all, including those who protect and promote it. The System perfectly symbolises a swarm of locusts: its greed and feeding frenzy kills all its members. Complete stupidity is its downfall.

Many of us psychologically die well before our body packs up. Many have our spiritual life knocked out of us from birth onwards, before it can even gain a foothold.

It's a very sad situation, all the more so because we humans are born with our human essence, which is overflowing with love, beauty, compassion, camaraderie, curiosity, joy and peace, but which has been suppressed.

Humankind has outsourced its instincts and innate intelligence to a rule book.

We, the living men and women of the living soil, have disempowered and stupefied ourselves, disconnected ourselves from our essence, and handed the keys to our freedom and love, our unity and community, to a dead entity.

Keeping quiet and doing one's best to completely ignore the insanity of this System we live under - a most understandable approach to life - might work if you are born lucky in just the right generation. That means only those born between about 1935 and 1950. And that's it.

So, half a generation then.

See, post-WW2 The System was temporarily pushed to the side as everybody breathed a sigh of relief that this huge long self-murder event of civil war had finished, and were infused with hope and optimism and a sense of getting together to rebuild. Such feelings will always tell the system to go do a runner.

But in just one or two generations, and with increased technology, The System has reasserted itself in a truly brutal way.

The trouble with the turning-a-blind-eye method is that The System will not leave anybody alone. Some are found later than others, but found they will be. In fact, it happened on a mass scale in 2020.

'I'm alight Jack' cannot be true if your brothers and sisters elsewhere are being maimed or murdered. It's a misplaced belief, a completely wrong understanding based on the erroneous idea that we are all separate from each other.

We are not, we are interconnected: ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ is a truism of life.

It’s this terrible misunderstanding that enables The System's dragnet to continuously catch and devour ever more victims to satiate its desire for complete self-destruction.

No single human being is to blame, and this very act of blame is what keeps us down

How can we have love, peace and camaraderie in our hearts, how can we be connected with our essence, if we are blaming others, hating others, being cruel to them, seeking to run them them, or feeling resentful and bitter? This is an energy force filling our own being, never mind those we direct such negative thoughts and feelings towards.

And when fear (of death) takes over that's the end of even a tiny say from our heart.

Thing is, if we are spiritually and psychologically dead, is there any point in being physically alive?

Well, possibly 'yes' for some, and that's where our addictions come in. All addicts are intelligent human beings desperately trying to forge some kind of an enjoyable life for themselves in the face of this monstrous beast that multiple past generations have created for us all. Our addictions seem to help us flee the nightmare, numb our pain, and give us some kind of pleasure in our life.

Of course, in time we find there is a heavy price to pay, but perhaps a heavier price is paid by non-addicts! We need a proper solution to all of this.

Well, after that rather negative expose, here's the tremendously good news

Our essence and heart are still within us! We may be psychologically and spiritually up the garden path, but at any time we desire to 'rebirth' ourselves, we can do it.

I call this rebirthing process 'A Spiritual Revolution'.

Its objective is simple: we undertake a learning journey of self-inquiry to discover for ourselves how our mind works and to take charge of it, ending its dominance over our life.

To learn how your mind works requires you to first open it up. When it is open, your heart will stutter, splutter and spark itself into life, and you'll be on your way for many a joyful day!

This evil System is not out there, it's inside all of us. It's a programmed parasite that feeds on our human essence from within. It was ‘installed’ in you during your schooling.

Just learn how your body and mind work, and you can expunge this parasite from every single one of your 50 trillion cells.

And then experience and enjoy the wonderful energetics of joy, love, freedom, peace, camaraderie and gratitude flooding into your whole being.

Life is transformed; but do be sure about it, this is the only path available to humankind if it wants to avoid the tyranny that The System is dragging us all into. It is up to each of us as individual human beings to resuscitate ourselves, thereby changing the course of humankind.

Nobody else can do it for you. But you can do it. Any human being can.

We are all-powerful beings, what you do WILL change the world. Change yourself, change the world. Just try it out, see how people react to you with a smile on your face, or with a scowl. Commit a random act of kindness towards a stranger next time you are out and about, and see how you both feel.

It may seem difficult, but so was walking when you first tried. You are human, you can do anything if you choose to.

Drop fear of physical death by realising that YOU - your consciousness and awareness - will never die. Give space to, and cultivate, your consciousness and awareness, and rebirth yourself by getting that parasite out of your mind and spirit!


Keep an eye open on my work, because from the very start of 2024 I am bringing A Spiritual Revolution: The Guide and Journey to the whole world. You, dear reader, hold the opportunity in your hands be a true pioneer, a true warrior, a true self-liberated hero for yourself and the universe. Children and grandchildren everywhere will thank you. YOU will thank YOU. The universe will thank you.

And if you live in Chiang Mai in Thailand, you get the exclusive opportunity to be one of the absolutely original ‘Pre-Pioneers’! I will be conducting workshops late in October, and offering A Spiritual Revolution: The Foundation Course to a class of nine participants over a period of eight weeks during prime Chiang Mai winter time in prime bucolic nature at our Tea Tree House in San Patong.